Anastasiia Sannikova. Performer’s Onstage Experiences: Psychological Sketch.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 129-134. Odessa.

Anastasiia Sannikova, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), lecturer, Department of Solo Singing, 

Odessa National A. V.Nezhdanova Academy of Music,

63, Novoselskoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine





The paper presents the results of reviewing scholars and distinguished performers’ points of view concerning onstage

experiences as one of the kinds of psychological barriers that singers, musicians, actors, etc. face in their creative work. It has been found that musician or actor’s performance anxiety is considered, as a rule, in terms of its destructive influence on emotional and artistic level of performing a musical work, which is one the significant features of performing onstage. Performance discomfort may cause performer’s barriers. In this work, performer’s barriers are understood as negative somatic, emotional, intellectual and behavioural demonstrations expressed in inhibition, resistance, limitations as well as subjectively insurmountable barriers that block performer’s activity, interfere with achieving success, and can be overcome due to targeted psychological work. This phenomenon demonstrates the difference between the aims and results of the performance objectively; as a subjective phenomenon, performer’s barriers are reflected in onstage emotional experiences of different kinds; as a psychological phenomenon, they exist only in performer’s onstage activity. The specificity of mental states (including performer’s barriers) experienced by actors, singers, musicians onstage is determined by various factors, which can be divided into external and internal ones. External factors imply that performer’s barriers were caused by the very performance onstage and some external circumstances (rehearsal, concert, stage play, exam, contest, etc.). Internal factors characterise barriers caused by demonstrations of individually psychological personal qualities: emotional states, dissatisfaction, disappointment, apathy, aggression, inner agitation, anxiety, fear and mental conflicts, etc. The assessment of “independent” external circumstances, “objective” factors of performer’s barriers as well as the extent to which they are experienced depend on performer’s personal view of the situation onstage.


onstage experiences, performer’s barrier, discomfort, destructiveness, performer’s personality, optimal readiness for a concert, onstage comfort.




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Tetiana Svatenkova. Importance of the Comprehensive Training Work of a Practical Psychologist with Temporary Child Group at Recreational Organizations.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 135-140. Odessa.

Tetiana Svatenkova,

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior lecturer,

Department of General and Practical Psychology,

Nizhyn Gogol State University,

2,Hrafska Str., Nizhyn, Ukraine




 In terms of the dynamics of the current economic and social processes, the pressure on school students is constantly increasing, so they need a good rest. The issue of recreation and proper rest of children is effectively solved by children’s camps. But in summer, it is important to not only meet the challenges of rehabilitation and recreation for children, but also the organization of psychological assistance to them in solving urgent problems of adaptation to a temporary group at a camp, improving communication skills, increasing self-esteem and self-actualization. Therefore, the organization of the psychologist’s work at a children’s recreation camp is becoming more and more important. A significant aspect of the systematic and purposeful constructive interaction of a psychologist with a group of children at a children’s camp is psychological training. Two psychological training programs have been developed taking into account age peculiarities, social features of the development and main occupation of children. The practical work was performed during a month and involved 77 children aged from 6 to 17 years. The method of sociomertic questioning (on the third day after the arrival of children and on the twelfth day of staying at a camp) was used in order to assess the efficiency of the carried out training. The work in a group of 7-9-year-old children was focused on the adaptation in a new team, overcoming stress and fear, teaching skills of self-control and emotions expression. The work with 10-13-year-old children was aimed at improving their communication skills, adequate self-expression, etc. 14-17-year-old adolescents’ training was focused on the mastering of leadership qualities, self-realization and self-determination. The experiment results have shown that 46 children have positive changes, which confirms the efficiency of the carried out psychological training. Most of the surveyed successfully adapted in their groups at the camp and improved their self-esteem. Thus, the experiment has proved the importance of a practical psychologists’ work at children’s camps.


temporary children’s group, group dynamics, self-knowledge, self-realization, self-determination, self-control, communicative competence, self-regulation, constructive cooperation.




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Svitlana Symonenko, Eduard Lebedynskyi. Creative Potential of School Students’ Personality: its Studying and Development at “Moloda Hvardiia” Child Recreational Centre.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 140-147. Odessa.

Svitlana Symonenko, 

Doctor of Psychology, professor, head of the Department of 

Developmental Psychology and Social Communications, 

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, 

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine


Eduard Lebedynskyi, 

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), 

Managing director, child centre “Moloda Hvardiia”,

172, Mykolaivska Doroha, Odesa, Ukraine




The article deals with the concept of the creative potential as a main characteristics of the ability for self-expression and self-fulfillment. The structure of the creative potential involves intellectual and creative, motivational and personal, emotional and volitional components of the creative potential of school student’s personality. The main source of the development of school student’s personality is his/her creative potential, and the main motive is the desire for self-actualization and self-fulfillment. Adolescence and youth are considered as sensitive periods for the development of the creative potential and its structural components. The comparative analysis of the research results has shown that the motives of self-determination, self-improvement, well-being, and motives of responsibility are predominant in the development of the motivational sphere of school students of all ages. The review of the research results has shown that in adolescence the development of the motivational component and creative abilities takes place. The high level of the motivation of self-determination and self-improvement is important for the development of respondents’ creative potential, which affects the mastering of the skills of knowledge acquisition and personal growth by adolescents and senior school students. Besides, the peculiarities of creative potential development in adolescents and senior school students having rest at recreational centre “Moloda Hvardiia” have been considered. Recreation period is understood as the time of life when a school student recreates (supports) his/her physical and psychic health. It is this period which is the most favourable for the development of the creative potential. The programme for the development of adolescents’ and senior school students’ creative potential at recreational institutions has been designed. It provides the psychological support of the above mentioned category of people: carrying out of preliminary diagnostics, taking part in trainings aimed at the development of structural components of the creative potential, individual and group work with a psychologist, consulting educators, running workshops, which are focused on the development of adolescents’ and senior school students’ extraordinary thinking and creativity.


creative potential, structural components, creative abilities, verbal creativity, visual creativity, motivation, adolescence, recreation period.




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Svitlana Sytnik. Features of Interpersonal Interaction of Children in Recreation Period.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 148-153. Odessa.

Svitlana Sytnik,

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, 

Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology, 

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The article examines the psychological characteristics of children’s interpersonal interaction from the childhood to the youth age. Building interpersonal relationships is the significant condition for the development of a personality in different age periods. The essential opportunities for this development are formed at the time of children’s staying at recreational institutions. It is the adolescence when interpersonal interaction has such a great influence on the formation of the personality. An adolescent learns the principles of collaboration, mutual help, risk for the sake of the other by means of interpersonal interaction. The communication of adolescents becomes deeper, more meaningful; such forms of interaction as friendship and love emerge. They master the gender roles, social standards and values with the help of it. In this period, interpersonal interaction has the following three forms: intimate and personal; spontaneous group; socially-focused. As a result of the empirical research, the peculiarities of adolescents’ interpersonal interaction by means of the technique “Q-sort testing technique” by W. Stephenson have been determined. This method made it possible to focus on the behavioural tendencies of an adolescent in a group: dependence –independence; sociability –unsociability; taking struggle – avoiding struggle. Consideration of these tendencies provides the opportunity for educators to improve the interpersonal interaction of adolescents in the recreational period, create the conditions for the correction of negative manifestations in it. The determination of the personal grounds of the interaction helps to provide personal approach in the educational work, aimed at the development of the adolescents’ communication sphere. Such tendencies as sociability, independence contribute to the interpersonal interaction. “Taking struggle – avoiding struggle” can either improve or worsen it, depending on a situation and people involved in it. Adolescents, successfully interacting with one another, are characterized as sociable, kind, emotionally stable, self-confident, independent, brave, etc. Unsuccessful adolescents can be described as shy, indecisive, dependent from a group, anxious.


interpersonal communication, personality traits, recreation, individual psychological characteristics, communication.




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Yuliia Sidenko. Objectification of Archetypal-Perinatal Symbols in Psychodrawings.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 154-161. Odessa.

Yuliia Sidenko,

post-graduate student,

Department of Depth Psychocorrection and Psychosocial Rehabilitation,

The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,

81, Shevchenko Boulevard, Cherkasy, Ukraine



The specificity of deep cognition in its orientation at functional features of the unconscious (which is expressed in an image) involves the necessity for applying visualised means (drawings in particular), which provides opportunities for objectification and studying the phenomenon of an archetype. The paper outlines the new ways of studying the cate-gory of an archetype in the psychodynamic paradigm, particularly in its applied aspects, which is reflected in theses by the member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine T. Yatsenko. Thus, the use of the visualised means in the process of active psychosocial cognition (APSC) offers a challenge of deep studying of perinatal factors and their manifestations in archetypal symbols. The most effective method of APSC is deep analysis of a set of topic-based drawings (30-35 topics), which facilitates objectification of system-based order of the psyche. The archetypal-perinatal symbols are considered to be significant in symbolisation process and in the extent, to which individual’s psyche is determined by the very perinatal factors. The author demonstrates the role of visualisation in objectification of the unconscious determinants of individual’s psyche and their archetypal nature when interpreting the symbols depicted in a drawing, and points out at the importance of deep psychological correction for a future psychologist as an important factor of preparation for future work. An archetype objectifies both general and subjectively personal information that reflects individual uniqueness of the psyche of APSC participant. It has been proven that visualised self-representatives act as mediators only in case they are “revived” in a conversation of a psychologist with a respondent. Archetypal symbols specify latently hidden oedipal motives of behaviour. Also, the author introduces and substantiates the necessity for changing the concept “Oedipus complex” into “oedipal dependence”. Archetypal-perinatal symbols include umbilical cord, turtle, shell, spiral, etc. The paper emphasises the importance of the perinatal period, which is represented in psychodrawings and artworks.


archetype, archetypal-perinatal symbols, oedipal dependence, instinct, the unconscious, psychodynamic paradigm, psychodrawing, the conscious, a symbol, the system of defense mechanisms.




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