Nataliia Oskina . Professional training of a bachelor of oriental studies at a pedagogical university

(2016) Science and education, 10, 34-38. Odessa.

Nataliia Oskina,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Western and Eastern Languages and Methods of their Teaching,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
34, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The paper deals with the concept of “professional training of a bachelor of Oriental studies at a pedagogical uni￾versity”. This training is seen as a process of formation of professional-pedagogical competence of bachelors of Orien￾tal studies. In turn, the designated competence is seen in the ability of individuals to resolve complex specialised tasks and practical problems in teaching a certain oriental discipline successfully, taking into account the various socio￾culturally conditioned patterns of behavior, activities and development of the societies of the Asian-African space area in the context of global cultural interaction.


professional training, Oriental studies, Orientalist, bachelor, professional-pedagogical competence.




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Sergey Guzun, Olga Guzun . Analysis of Performance of Medical College Students with Vegetative Dysfunction in Subject “Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine” on Top of Vitamin Therapy

(2016) Science and education, 10, 39-45. Odessa.

Sergey Guzun,
Head of the Department of Surgical Disciplines,
high level certificate teacher of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Science,
Olga Guzun,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences),
high level certificate physician, Ophthalmology teacher,
Odesa Regional Primary Medical College,
4, Pushkinska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Under modern conditions a number of factors of the environment, intensification and reconsideration of teaching methods, sedentary lifestyle, computerisation cause the increase of the number of diseases and functional disorders of organs and systems in students. The efficient professional training is impossible without their active involvement into the educational process, which requires mobilisation of will, psychophysical and spiritual forces. The article is aimed atanalyzing the performance of medical college students with vegetative dysfunction in subject “Anesthesiology and emergency medicine” in the course of taking dietary supplement “Nutrof®Total”. The experiment involved 2 groups of female medical college students (36 girls) aged from 18 to 20 years with asthenopic and asthenic complaints. The fe￾male students of the experimental group (17 girls) took the abovementioned dietary supplement during 4 months. Both groups of the surveyed were thoroughly examined (ophthalmologic, vegetative system examination, as well as the anal￾ysis of their study performance). It has been found that in the experimental group the students’ state of the vegetative system has become much better (60,1% of the surveyed). As a result of the improvement of the vegetative nervous system, general well-being and the decrease of the number of complaints their study performance has increased about 31,6%, as a result of the increase of their activity – about 15,7%, the improvement of their attentiveness and diligence – about 22,1%, the acquisition of knowledge – about 18,9%. The comparative analysis of study performance in both groups of students has shown that it is worse in the surveyed of the control group, who didn’t take any drugs. The im￾provement of study performance contributes to the development of students’ creative potential, forms their positive motivation, active professional and life attitude, which helps to improve the educational process efficiency.


 medical college students, subject “Anesthesiology and emergency medicine”, improvement of study performance, improvement of attention, vegetovascular dystonia, vitamin therapy.




1. Kazakov, V. N., Volosovets, A. P., Talalaenko, A. N., et. al. (2004). Vnedrenie informatsionnykh tekhnologiy obucheniya kak sredstvo optimizatsii kachestva podgotovki spetsialistov v meditsinskom VUZe [Implementation of information teaching technologies as a means for improving the quality of training students at medical higher educational institution]. Aktualnі pytannia pedahohіky vyshchoi shkoly: Zb. nauk. Prats – Topical issues of Pedagogy of higher education: collection of scientific works, (pp. 3-6). Donetsk [in Russian].
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Petro Dzhurynskyi, Sofia Burdiuzha . Pedagogical Aspects of Preparing Future Physical Culture Teachers for Physical Recreation Activities

(2016) Science and education, 10, 45-51. Odessa.

Petro Dzhurynskyi,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Head of the Department of
Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sport Disciplines,
Sofia Burdiuzha,
master-degree student majoring in Physical Culture,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Physical recreation activities of a Physical Culture teacher involve implementation of physical recreation, sports, health￾saving, recreational and rehabilitation methods into the educational process, which contribute to strengthening, repairing and developing of school students’ health, increase of the level of physical fitness and are focused on the formation of physical recreation environment. The following components of training have been determined: motivational, content, technological, reflexive; physical recreation criteria: axiological, cognitive, organisational and activity, assessment and monitoring, physical and behavioural; levels of maturity: high, sufficient, basic, primary. The training process involves the following pedagogical conditions: formation of motivation to perform physical recreation activities; interdisciplinary bonds of physical recreational education and humanities, disciplines of social and economic sphere; implementation of interactive teaching methods into the educational process; involving students in physical recreation activities. The developed model of preparing future Physical Education teachers for physical recreation activities provided gradual implementation of the above mentioned pedagogical conditions. At the cognitive-formative stage students acquired knowledge about modern teaching methods and techniques concerning education of movements culture, health culture, personal and group hygiene, about the main concepts of physical culture and sports. At the reproductive and activity stage students mastered applied skills of physical recreation activities. The creative professional stage involved creative development of project, plans, sets of physical exercises, physical recreation teaching technologies. At the reflexive and assessment stage the acquired knowledge and developed skills of physical recrea￾tion activities by students during teaching practice, staying at recreational camps, during conduction extracurricular physical recreation events were put into action. As a result of the experiment the level of future Physical Education teachers' prepared￾ness for physical recreation activities has increased. At the final stage of the pedagogical experiment the obtained data were verified with the help of λ-criterion of Kolmohorov-Smyrnov. It has been found that the obtained results are statistically sig￾nificant; they confirm the purposefulness of the implementation of the developed experimental model and pedagogical condi￾tions of preparing future Physical Culture teachers for physical recreation activities into the educational process of a higher educational institution. 


physical recreation activities, physical recreation environment, physical recreation events, structure of training, educational process, experimental model, pedagogical conditions




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Olena Novska . Technique of Self-Planning of Future Music Teachers’ Professional Development

(2016) Science and education, 10, 52-58. Odessa.

Olena Novska,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences)
, senior lecturer, Department of Musical and Instrumental Training,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The studied issue is relevant in terms of the modern educational demands, which require creative competitive spe￾cialists in all spheres of education and in the area of music arts in particular. Self-planning is a technology which makes it possible to meet these requirements due to its creative and developing potential. The article is aimed at substantiating the efficient method of self-planning of future Music teachers’ professional development in the process of studying at a pedagogical university. Self-planning of professional development is considered as personal axiological integrated creative and research activities of master-degree students, which provide the creation of the desired image of profes￾sional Self and designing of individual path to its achievement, as well as actualisation of their attitude towards profes￾sional self-perfection, efficient performance and pedagogical reflection, realisation of the creative potential. Basing on certain scientific approaches, principles and pedagogical conditions the essence of method of self-planning of future Music teachers’ professional activities has been described. It has been developed considering the specificity of music education within master-degree course at a pedagogical university. It is based on students’ getting thought the following stages in the process of music education, conditioned by the gradual character of the phenomenon of self-planning of professional activities’ development: conceptual, modeling, image, monitoring. Each of these four stages resulted in students’ presentation of the prepared projects. The carried out research results showed the increase of the indicators of self-planning of future Music teachers’ professional activities in the experimental group, which was caused by the im￾plementation of the developed author’s programme into the educational process. 


self-planning, professional development, self-planning of professional development, methodical sup￾port of self-planning of professional development




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Inna Bohdanova . Essence of Preparing Future Social Workers for Work at Recreation Institutions

(2016) Science and education, 10, 58-63. Odessa.

Inna Bohdanova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Head of the Department of Social Pedagogy,
Psychology and Pedagogical Innovations,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The research relevance is explained by the requirements to future experts in the social sphere, who work at the recreation institutions. The understanding of the essence of modern training is provided by a set of methods aimed at restoration, replenishment and improvement of personal and social capabilities of future workers. The substantial com￾ponent of training is implemented by means of updating the academic disciplines with materials, in which a person is considered as a biopsychophysiological system capable of self-regulation and self-renewal. The ways of the optimisa￾tion of the adaptive capacities of pupils, students and teachers, taking into account their psychophysiological condition on the basis of the studies, conducted by the domestic scientist O. Kokun, have been discussed in the paper. The proce￾dural component of training is achieved by means of updating the content of socio-pedagogical practice with the aim of engaging students into the development and implementation of individual educational research tasks in recreational areas. The personal component of training is performed through the development and formation of such qualities as pedagogical intuition, readiness and energetic efficiency. Besides the academic achievements of students over the last three academic years have been reviewed with the aim of engaging them into recreational activities for self￾improvement. The following three levels of professional and mobilisation readiness have been considered: passive, normal and optimal. The results of the analysis have shown that most of students have totally passive and normal levels. The further studies involve searching for ways of improving future specialists training considering the development of their special knowledge, skills and personal qualities in terms of recreation. 


components of training: substantive, procedural, personal; recreational activities.




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