Anatolii Yanovskyi . Culture of Safe Use of the Information Environment by Future Teachers

(2016) Science and education, 10, 63-69. Odessa.

Anatolii Yanovskyi,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Pedagogical Innovations,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the features of the safe use of the information environment by future teachers. Basing on the litera￾ture review, the following information environment threats for future teachers have been distinguished: content (unlawful content; promoting drugs, violence, alcohol, terrorism, xenophobia, and gambling; spreading of false information, etc.), psy￾chological (Internet addiction, computer addiction; compulsive web surfing), moral and spiritual (the threat of the adoption of moral values containing anti-social character), physiological (functional disorders of the organs of vision, disorders of muscu￾loskeletal, cardiovascular, nervous, immune and other body systems); delinquency: the threat of unlawful acts against the information environment user. The kinds of culture, which help a person use the information environment with safety have been described. Personal Information Culture is a set of information outlook and the system of knowledge and skills, provid￾ing focused independent activities aimed at satisfying individual information requirements, using both traditional and innova￾tive information technologies. Digital Culture is a new branch of modern culture based on the use of electronic means of in￾formation and communication technologies in all spheres of human activities. Media culture includes culture of information transfer and culture of its perception; it may be a system of personal development levels able to read, analyze, evaluate media texts, deal with media arts, acquire new knowledge by means of media. The culture of safe use of the information environ￾ment by future teachers is considered as a set of rules of conduct in the information environment with the help of which a future teacher realises and develops it as a system of symbols and signs, direct and inverse information chains generated by means of information and communication technologies defending the vital interests of an individual, preventing adverse effect on his/her social, spiritual and moral well-being and a healthy physical and mental development.


culture, information safety, information environment, information culture, media culture, future teachers.




1. Busel, V. T. (Eds.). (2005). Velykyi tlumachnyi slov￾nyk suchasnoi ukrainskoi movy [Great Dictionary of Modern Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Irpin VTF «Perun» [in Ukrainian].
2. Holubiev, V. O. (2003). Rozsliduvannia kompi￾uternykh zlochyniv [Investigation of computer crimes]. Zaporizhia: «ZIDMU» [in Ukrainian].
3. Gendina, N. I. (2002). Formirovanie infor￾matsionnoy kultury lichnosti v bibliotekakh i obrazovate￾lnykh uchrezhdeniyakh [The formation of personal infor￾mation culture in libraries and educational institutions]. Moscow: Shkolnaia byblyoteka [in Russian].
4. Dultanova, A. N. (2007). Informatsionnaya kul￾tura lichnosti [Personal information culture]. Moscow: Libereya-Bibinform [in Russian].
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6. Kolomiiets, A. M., Lapshyna, I. M., Bilous, V. S. (2006). Osnovy informatsiinoi kultury maibutnoho vchy￾telia [Fundamentals of information culture of a future teacher]. Vinnytsia: VDPU [in Ukrainian].
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8. Kirillova, N. B. (2006). Mediakultura: ot moderna k postmodernu [Media culture: from modernism to postmod￾ernism]. Moscow: Akademicheskiy Proekt [in Russian].
9. Mezhuev, V. M. (2012). Ideya kultury. Ocherki po filosofii kultury [The idea of culture. Essays on the Philosophy of Culture]. Moscow: «Unyversytetskaia knyha» [in Russian].
10. Mol, A. (2008). Sotsiodinamika kulturyi [Sociody￾namics of culture]. Moscow: Izdatelstvo LKI [in Russian].
11. Ostroverkhova, N. M. (2012). Metodolohiia formu￾vannia tekhnolohichnoi kultury kerivnyka zahalnoosvitnoho navchalnoho zakladu [The methodology of forming of techno￾logical culture of the head of an educational institution]. Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka [in Ukrainian].
12. Yanovskyi, A. O. (2014). Ryzyky z yakymy stykaiutsia maibutni vchyteli pid chas vykorystannia infor￾matsiinoho seredovyshcha [The risks faced by future teach￾ers in the use of information environment]. Naukovyi visnyk – Scientific Journal (Vols.5-6). (pp.71-77) [in Ukrainian].
13. Zavietnyi, S.O., Pazynich, S.M., Ponomarov, O. S., Tishchenko, L. M. (2015). Kultura pedahoha [Culture of a teacher]. Kharkiv: «Miskdruk» [in Ukrainian].
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Olha Halitsan . Prerequisites for the Formation of Future Teachers’ Facilitative Attitude in the Educational Environment of Uni-versities

(2016) Science and education, 10, 69-75. Odessa.

Olha Halitsan,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, 26,
Staroportofrankivska, Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of the formation of future teachers’ facilitative attitude in the educational environ￾ment of a modern higher educational institution. It has been found that there is no certain final determination of the term of facilitation. In modern Ukrainian and Russian scientific literature the following terminological variants are used: facilitative communication, facilitative competence, social facilitation. The concept of facilitation is considered as a specific kind of communication between the subjects of the educational environment, which improves the communica￾tion in mutual activities in the sphere of education. The essence of the concept of facilitation in education is synonymi￾cally close to the concepts of pedagogical support, which means it helps to simplify the educational process. The main task of a teacher-facilitator is nondominant intervention in the development and formation of a school student’s person￾ality, formation of positive traits, creation of conditions for initiation and making conscious decisions. Pedagogical facilitation is considered as a specific kind of pedagogical activity of a teacher, which aims at helping a child to realise himself/herself as a self-value, supporting his/her desire for self-development and self-improvement, contribute to his/her personal growth, revealing educational capabilities and skills, instilling axiological attitude towards other peo￾ple, nature, national culture on the basis of humanistic dialogic communication. The prospects for the further research are focused on studying facilitative attitude as the element of the system of a teacher’s professional competence. 


facilitation, facilitative attitude, future teacher, educational environment.




1. Avdieieva, I. M. (2011). Fasylitatsiia osobystisnoho rozvytku khronichno neuspishnykh molodshykh shkoliariv [Facilitation of personal develop￾ment of unsuccessful junior school students]. Praktychna psykholohiia ta sotsialna robota – Practical psychology and social work, 2, 1-7 [in Ukrainian].
2. Ball, H. O. (2003). Suchasnyi humanizm i osvita: navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk [Modern humanism and education: study guide]. Rivne [in Ukrainian].
3. Bekh, I. D. (2009). Teoretyko-prykladnyi sens kompetentnisnoho pidkhodu u pedahohitsi [Theoretical and applied essence of the competence approach in educa￾tion]. Vykhovannia i kultura – Educationn and culture, 1- 2 (17-18), 5-7 [in Ukrainian].
4. Vrublevskaya, E. G. (1999). Pedagogicheskie usloviya razvitiya u pedagoga sposobnosti k fasilitiruyushchemu obshcheniyu v protsesse ego professionalnoy deyatelnosti (na materiale uchrezhdeniy dopolnitelnogo obrazovaniya detey) [Pedagogical condi￾tions of the formation of a pedagogue’s capability for facilitating teaching in the process of his/her professional activities (through the example of extracurricular educa￾tion)]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Khabarovsk [in Russian].
5. Halitsan O. A. (2010). Formuvannia pedahohichnoi fasylitatsii maibutnikh uchyteliv u protsesi navchannia u vyshchomu navchalnomu zakladi [Forming pedagogical facilitation of future teachers in the process of studying at a higher educational institution]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Odesa [in Ukrainian].
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7. Trach, R., Ball,H. (Eds.). (2001). Humanistychna psykholohiia: antolohiia u 3-kh t.: navchalnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv [Human￾istic psychology: in three volumes: textbook for university students]. Kyiv: Universytetske vydavnytstvo «Pulsary» [in Ukrainian].
8. Dimova, O. V. (2002). Pedagogicheskie usloviya razvitiya sposobnosti k fasilitiruyushchemu vzaimodeystviyu u budushchikh uchiteley [Pedagogical conditions for the development of future teachers’ facili￾tative interaction]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Khabarovsk [in Russian].
9. Dimukhametov, R. S. (2005). Obnovlenie nauchnykh osnov pedagogiki povysheniya kvalifikatsii: Printsip fasilitatsii: Monogr. [Upgrading advanced training: the principle of facilitation: monograph]. Almaty: MOiN RK, RIPKSO, Tsentr ped. issled. RIPKSO [in Russian].
10. Zhizhina, I. V. (2000). Psikhologicheskie osobennosti razvitiya fasilitatsii pedagoga [Psychological peculiarities of the development of pedagogue’s facilita￾tion]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Yekaterinburg [in Russian].
11. Kazanzhy, M. Y. (2007). Psykholohichni osoblyvosti osib z riznym typom fasyliatyvnosti [Psycholog￾ical peculiarities of individuals with different facilitative type]. Extended abstract of candidates thesis. Odesa [in Ukrainian].
12. Kondrashykhina, O. O. (2004). Formuvannia zdatnosti do fasylitatsiinykh vplyviv u maibutnikh praktychnykh psykholohiv [Forming capability for facilita￾tive impacts in future practicing psychologists]. Extended abstract of candidates thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
13. Lushin, P. V. (2013). Ekologicheskaya pomoshch lichnosti v perekhodnyy period: ekofasilitatsiya: monografiya [Ecological aid for a personality in the age of transition: ecofacilitation: monograph ]. Kiev [in Russian].
14. Osypova, T. Yu. (2016). Pedahohichne nastavnytstvo v aspekti polisubiektnoho pidkhodu [Peda￾gogical mentoring in the aspect of polysubject approach]. Naukovyi visnyk Pivdennoukrainskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu im. K. D. Ushynskoho – Scientific bulletin of South Ukrainian National Pedagogi￾cal University named after K. D. Ushynsky, 1, 61-66 [in Ukrainian].
15. Rodzhers, K. Mezhlichnostnye otnosheniya v fasilitatsii ucheniya [Interpersonal relations in educa￾tional facilitation]. V. Vorobiev (trans.). Retrieved from: [in Russian].
16. Sorochan, T. M. (2005). Pidhotovka kerivnykiv shkil do upravlinskoi diialnosti: teoriia ta praktyka: monohrafiia [Preparing school principals for manage￾ment activity: theory and practice: monograph]. Luhansk: Znannia [in Ukrainian].
17. Sumina, V. E. (2006). Razvitie umeniy fasilitatsii obshcheniya u studentov v protsesse ovladeniya inoyazychnoy rechyu [Development of the skills of edu￾cational facilitation in students in the process of mastering a foreign language]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Rostov-na-Donu [in Russian].
18. Shakhmatova, O. N. (2006). Pedagogicheskaya fasilitatsiya: osobennosti formirovaniya i razvitiya [Peda￾gogical facilitation: peculiarities of the formation and development]. Nauchnye issledovaniya v obrazovanii – Scientific studies in educstion, 3, 118-125 [in Russian].

Mariana Marusinets . Reflexive Approaches in Modernisation of Future Psychologists’ Training

(2016) Science and education, 10, 82-87. Odessa.

Mariana Marusinets,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of training future psychologists at modern universities with a focus on the new ap￾proaches, concepts and theories. Among them, the reflexive one is of priority, as it contributes to the reorientation of targets for self-realisation and creative development of a professional’s personality. It is based on the idea of intercon￾nected reflexive activities of all members providing the direction of the educational process at the development of re￾flection in general, its mechanisms and components of personal-semantic sphere, and multi-subjective interaction in particular. Consequently, it becomes necessary to reconsider the specificity of future specialists-psychologists’ training according to the modern challenges related to the modernisation of education, because the traditional system of modern universities is mainly focused on cognitive educational paradigm, in which the activities of the students, the process of their self-education, self-development, self-regulation, self-improvement, which serves as the basis for the development of reflection and self-reflection, are stimulated insufficiently. It is the reflection that is one of the main components of a modern and innovative process of learning, as it acts as the most important ethical and moral phenomenon, due to which the consciousness appears to be an active tool of self-organisation of a personality; makes it possible to implement basic didactical principle, which is justified by domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical thought. Awareness of reflection as “psychological and pedagogical fundamentals”, “live” foundations of innovative teaching determined the  cultural integration of two technological phenomena:“Teaching to form knowledge” and “Teaching to think” – main￾streams of modern education. One of the necessary conditions for the creation of educational and reflective environment is the promotion of innovative activities of the psychologist, which, being a socio-pedagogical phenomenon, is an im￾portant feature of his/her activities and characterises the complex relationships of the common culture, creative potential and professional orientation of a future psychologist. 


reflection, reflective paradigm, reflective environment, modernisation of education, training of special￾ists majoring in psychology.




1. Asmolov, A. G. (1990). Psikhologiya lichnosti: uchebnik [Psychology of the personality: textbook]. Mos￾cow: Izd-vo MHU [in Russian].
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3. Ziaziun, I. A. (1996). Osvitni tekhnolohii u vymirakh pedahohichnoi refleksii [Educational technolo￾gy in pedagogical reflection measurements]. Svitlo – Shine, 1, 4-9 [in Ukranian].
4. Leontev, D. A. (1999). Psikhologiya smysla: pri￾roda, stroenie i dinamika smyslovoy realnosti [Sense psychology: nature, structure and dynamics of semantic reality]. Moscow: Smysl [in Russian].
5. Marusynet, M. M. (2014). Refleksiya yak zasib innovatsiynoyi diyalnosti vchytelya [Reflection as a means of innovative activities of a teacher]. Naukovyy chasopys NPU imeni M. P. Drahomanova. Seriya 12. Psykholohichni nauky: zbirnyk naukovykh prats – Scien￾tific bulletion of Dragomanov NPU. Series 12. Psycholo￾gy: collection of scientific works, 43, 241-246. Kyiv: NPU imeni M.P.Drahomanova [in Ukranian]
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9. Symonenko, S. M. & Chaban, O. M. (2013). Osoblyvosti vplyvu indyvidualno-psykholohichnykh vlastyvostey na tvorchu diyalnist osobytosti [Features of influence of individual psychological properties of the individual’s creative work]. Nauka i osvita – Science and education, 7, 270-277 [in Ukranian].
10. Shchedrovytskyy, H. P. (2005). Myshlenie. Po￾nymanie. Refleksiya [Thinking. Understanding. Reflec￾tion]. Moscow: Nasledye MMK [in Russian].

Oleksandr Svatenkov . Organisational forms of work with children at recreational institutions

(2016) Science and education, 10, 87-92. Odessa.

Oleksandr Svatenkov,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work, Nizhyn Gogol State University,
2, Hrafska Str., Nizhyn, Ukraine



According to the Law of Ukraine “On recreation and rest of children”, children’s recreational institution is perma￾nently or temporarily operating facility, specially arranged or adapted, designed for rehabilitation, recreation, child development, that has defined the location, physical infrastructure, human resource software and technology for the provision of rehabilitation and recreation for children up to social service standards of health and recreation. All chil￾dren’s institutions are divided into two groups: healthcare institutions and recreational establishments for children. The effective way to solve teaching and educational problems at recreational institutions is creative team work. One of the important terms ensuring the successful solution of them is the proper organisation of the daily regime, which provides a rational division of activities during a day for children. The structure of the day includes three parts: morning, after  noon and evening activities. According to these blocks, main activities are grouped as follows: educational activities are carried out in the morning; sports – in the afternoon; and the evening block involves entertainment: creative activities and communication with peers and mentors. The main criterion for planning the camp session is the variability and changes of recreation activities forms for children. This approach will create a situation of success for each child, ac￾cording to his/her abilities and talents. The criteria of choice of the forms of work with children at recreational institu￾tions can be divided into objective and subjective ones. The objective ones involve weather and climate conditions, camp territory, number of children. The subjective ones are maintenance supplies (equipment, office materials, sports facilities) and pedagogical staff.


children’s recreational institution, organisational form, day regime, leisure time.




1. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro ozdorovlennia ta vidpo￾chynok ditei» [Law of Ukraine "On rehabilitation and recreation of children"]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
2. Kashuba, Ya. M. (2006). Formuvannia systemy dytiachoho ozdorovlennia i turyzmu [Formation of chil￾dren's health and tourism]. Extended abstract of candi￾date’s thesis. Lviv [in Ukrainian].
3. Shelestova, L., Chyrenko, N. (Ed.). (2010). Klasnomu kerivnyku: kolektyvni tvorchi spravy [The class teacher: the collective creative business]. Kyiv: Shkilnyi svit [in Ukrainian].
4. Milchevska, H. S. (2014). Formy i metody ro￾boty zi starshymy pidlitkamy v dytiachomu zakladi ozdo￾rovlennia ta vidpochynku [Forms and methods of work with older adolescents in a children’s institution of reha￾bilitation and recreation]. Molodyi vchenyi – The young scientist, 1 (03), 150-154 [in Ukrainian].
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6. Kapska, A. Y. (Ed.). (2011). Sotsialna pedahohi￾ka [Social pedagogy]. 5 th ed. rev. Kyiv: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].

Leonid Chernovatyi . Development of Children’s Valeological Culture in Teaching a Foreign Language

(2016) Science and education, 10, 92-98. Odessa.

Leonid Chernovatyi,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Theory and Practice of the Translation from the English Language,
Vasyl Karazin Kharkiv National University,
4, Svobody Square, Kharkiv, Ukraine




The paper provides a description of an original experimental research which proves the potential possibility of valeological culture development in the process of teaching foreign languages to schoolchildren. In contrast to the tradi￾tional models of research predominantly based on the explicit presentation of valeological knowledge and its expected subsequent acquisition, the author suggests an implicitly-oriented approach. To describe the content of the research, the  article outlines the general principles of the presented approach based on involuntary memorisation which is opposed to the voluntary one. The author substantiates the choice of proverb-type phraseological units (PTPU) as the material of the study arguing that the said units provide favourable conditions required for the involuntary memorisation efficiency, such as vivid emotional background, students’ active involvement and their interest which may contribute to the suc￾cessful development and retaining of the corresponding valeological notions and beliefs. The paper contains some ex￾amples out of the selected 300 PTPU in eight notional categories (ranging from the ‘healthy way of life’ and ‘money can’t buy you health’ to ‘don’t worry, be happy’) that may play an essential role in the valeological culture development while teaching English to schoolchildren. The author presents his arguments in favour of translation, being a hermeneu￾tic activity, to be used as the main tool to accomplish tasks related to the selected material. The paper provides the re￾sults of the original experiment which proved that the tasks offered to the subjects stimulated their creative and mental activities, as well as contributed to the formation of their positive attitude towards the learning process. According to the results obtained through the subjects’ questioning, the average indicator of their positive attitude amounted to 4.5 out of 5,0 maximum possible. 


professional training, Oriental studies, Orientalist, bachelor, professional-pedagogical competence.




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