Iryna Lytovchenko Development of higher education-industry partnership as factor of corporate education efficiency in the USA

(2016) Science and education, 10, 98-102. Odessa.

Iryna Lytovchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of English for Engineering,
National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”,
37, Peremohy Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine




The author aims to examine the specific features of development of partnership between higher education and in￾dustry in the United States of America, define its objectives, forms and mechanisms of implementation. The partnership emerged as a means of narrowing the gap between education and the labor market in the context of rapid development of science and technology, changes in the employment sphere and the need to provide the competitiveness of companies and the national economy. The active support of the federal government for over a hundred years helped create an institution of higher education–industry partnership manifested in a variety of forms and realised through a variety of mechanisms, which contributes to the modernisation of the corporate education in the US, knowledge creation and development, promotion of technologies, development of new products and services. 


higher education–industry partnership, forms of higher education–industry partnership, higher educa￾tion institutions, industry, corporate education in the US.




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Tetiana Dereka . Current State of Physical Education Specialists’ Continuous Professional Training

(2016) Science and education, 10, 5-11. Odessa.

Tetiana Dereka,
(PhD) Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, associate professor,
Head of the Department of Physical Education and Pedagogy of Sports,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
18/2 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article describes the current state of physical education specialists’ continuous professional training. The structure of continuous professional training in the area of physical education and its components have been determined. The structure of basic physical education involves Olympic reserve colleges, specialised classes in school-lyceums, specialised classes at comprehensive schools, sports schools, and faculties of physical education at universities. Students majoring in physical education and sports after graduating from higher educational institutions have a right to work at preschool educational institutions, comprehensive schools, vocational schools, universities and the armed forces of Ukraine. In order to study the current state of physical education specialists’ continuous professional training the survey involving students majoring in physical education and sports has been conducted. It has been found that the main reason for choosing the profession of a physical education teacher is the desire to look sporty, be physically active and resemble a famous athlete. The majority of the respondents believe that their profession can be changed throughout life, so they can get a related specialty or additional specialisation. Besides, the respondents’ attitude towards self-education and self-development has been studied. It has been revealed that self-education is interesting for those students who want to learn the new, modern and interesting things in the professional field; the next factor is career growth and life goals achievement, together with personal and professional development. It has been determined that most of students do not spend enough time for independent work, self-education and self-development. The analysis of the current state of physical education specialists’ professional training allows to conclude that the vast majority of them do not want to be occupied in the field of physical education, they and not interested in professional self-development and selfimprovement. 


continuous education, professional training, professional tops, self-development, specialist, physical education.




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