(2023) Science and education, 2, 61-65. Odessa.

Olena Rumiantseva,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences),
Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes,
Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
24/26, Frantsuzkyi blvd, Odesa, Ukraine,
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1133-7867



The topicality of the paper is determined by the need to study successfully implemented experience of enhancing quality standards in HEIs of the EU countries, Great Britain and the USA universities with the aim of implementing the best practices in Ukraine. Objective: to ascertain modern models of improving the HE quality standards through the reorientation of the university teachers’ research from the professional to pedagogical field, as well as studying the possibility of training SoTL teachersresearchers in the framework the PhD programs in Ukraine. Methods: study of existing publications and empirical data of foreign universities; analysis and synthesis of information related to the investigated problem to clarify the advantages and disadvantages of the SoTL project; forming conclusions and recommendations. Results: there was determined (1) the possibility of reorientation of a certain percentage of university teachers’ research in SoTL sphere in order to improve the HEIs quality standards; (2) the possibility of training a teacher-researcher (PhD in Education) under the PhD program in Ukraine; the positive and some negative aspects of the implementation of the SoTL practices in Ukraine’s HEIs were clarified. Conclusion: the prerequisites for the SoTL implementation in Ukrainian universities have been clarified as one of the directions of HE internal quality assurance to strengthen the University staff potential, improve the quality of teaching and learning and identify existing problems; there was established the necessity in support of fundamental research in the field of HE pedagogy and implementation of the PhD in Education program.


quality standards in HE, teaching and learning, teacher-researcher, PhD in Education program, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, SoTL.



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(2023) Science and education, 2, 54-60. Odessa.

Snizhana Osypchuk,
Graduate Student,
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University,
27, Khmelnytske shoes str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8995-418X



This article presents an overview of the problem of evaluating the quality of education in a comprehensive educational institution in the retrospective of pedagogical research. The issue of the quality of education is a priority in the development of society, since the further successful life of mankind in all spheres depends on the “end product” of educational institutions – a competitive graduate. And it is the retrospective study of this issue that will help determine the essence of the main concepts, problems and their solutions. The concept of “quality”, “quality of education”, “evaluation” is considered as the process of obtaining estimates, conclusions, recommendations regarding the state and prospects of the development of an educational institution based on predetermined criteria. The quality of education is considered in the inseparable unity of the quality of educational activity and the quality of the result. Accordingly, the article proves that in order to ensure a high level of education quality in educational institutions, it is necessary to evaluate educational activity and its results, requirements for evaluation criteria are formulated. However, the issue of evaluating the quality of education and educational activity requires continued scientific research, as general secondary education institutions are not ready to carry out evaluations: lack of tools for the evaluation process, unwillingness of participants in the educational process to evaluate the activities of the institution, incompetence of experts, biased evaluation.


quality, quality of education, quality of educational activity, evaluation, internal system of ensuring the quality of education.



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(2023) Science and education, 2, 48-53. Odessa.

Inna Moliaka,
Graduate Student at the Department of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences,
Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University,
24, Kyivska str., Hlukhiv, Sumy region, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5498-6907



The development of higher education in Ukraine depends on addressing key issues in the preparation of highly qualified teachers. The integration of educational processes into the European space and the dominance of progressive teaching models in foreign publications emphasize the importance of communication in a foreign language. The competency-based approach to shaping the conscious personality of a teacher is enshrined in international and Ukrainian normative documents. Communication begins with proper phonetic expression of speech. This article attempts to describe the concept of English phonetic competence of future primary school teachers and determine the content of its components. Increasing societal demands for knowledge and skills of graduates from higher education institutions and the need for the preparation of highly qualified professionals capable of effective professional activities have led to the development of new approaches, forms, and methods of methodological training for future primary school teachers as part of their professional pedagogical education. Contradictions between the traditional approach to teaching English phonetics and the need for a new integrated approach based on comparative analysis of English and Ukrainian phonetics have necessitated a revision of the content and structure of English phonetic competence. The concepts of “competence”, “foreign language communicative competence” and “English phonetic competence” are analyzed, and the content of key components of English phonetic competence (linguistic, methodological, reflective, and pragmatic) is determined.


competence, phonetic competence, foreign language communicative competence, English phonetic competence of future primary school teachers.



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(2023) Science and education, 2, 40-47. Odessa.

Viktor Mykhailov,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Senior Research of the Sector of Fire Safety and Technologies,
Research Center of Fire Protection
of the Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection,
21, Vyshhorodska str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5629-1500

Oleksandr Nikulin,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chief Research,
Research Center of Fire Protection
of the Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection,
21, Vyshhorodska str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9126-0681

Nataliіa Kravchenko,
Research Associate at the Regulatory and Technical Support Department,
Research Center of Fire Protection
of the Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection,
21, Vyshhorodska str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9481-3034

Taras Savchenko,
Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection,
21, Vyshhorodska str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-9250-8011

Roman Koval,
Lviv State University of Life Safety,
35, Kleparivska str., Lviv, Ukraine,
Leading Specialist at the Personnel Department,
Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection,
21, Vyshhorodska str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8970-2831



The article convincingly proves that with the development of civilization, the role and influence of the state in ensuring the protection of the population from emergencies increases, and educational measures are taken to reduce the impact of their negative consequences in a certain historical period of time. The historical continuity of the functioning of the local air defense systems, civil defense and civil protection in Ukraine, related to the development of the professional competence of specialists in civil security issues is considered. Analysis of the methods and means of protecting the population from emergencies reveal the conditions and possibilities for the formation and development of the system of professional development. It was established that the development of the professional development systems of civil security specialists was not uniform and simple, but was a process full of real changes, covering different periods. The presented historical and pedagogical periodization of the formation and development of the professional development system of civil security specialists in Ukraine reflects the author's vision of this process in the context of a scientific and objective interpretation of important historical events in the sphere of civil security. The research uses a comparative method of analysis of archival documents, educational and methodological materials, as well as the methodological principle of the unity of the historical and logical, abstract and concrete.


professional development, civil security specialist, civil protection, periodization.



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(2023) Science and education, 2, 27-33. Odessa.

Tetiana Zakharina,
PhD (Candidate in Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor,
Chernihiv Polytechnic National University,
95, Shevchenko str., Chernihiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0357-7457



The article examines the peculiarities of the organization of the social policy of the state on issues of reintegration of military personnel and veterans. The analysis of the leading scientific studies in the field of sociology and psychology was carried out, and the key needs of military personnel as a separate social category were determined. The main problems on the path of reintegration of military personnel into civilian life and the importance of effective reintegration for the well-being of society are revealed. The main recommendations for planning the social policy of the state in the direction of the reintegration of servicemen and veterans have been formed. The results of an empirical study conducted by surveying military personnel who are on rotation or undergoing treatment at the time of the survey are presented. The results of the survey determine the key characteristics of this social group, reveal the level of self-assessment by military personnel of their own social status, quality of life, readiness for civilian life and the need for social support from the state. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the life system and current problems of servicemen and veterans and to develop, based on them, scientifically based recommendations for improving social policy and planning social work for the reintegration of the specified category of citizens. The main tasks are as follows: to carry out a theoretical-methodological analysis of scientific literature and the legal framework that regulates social policy and determines the directions of social work on the reintegration of military personnel; to study the key characteristics and actual needs of the studied group that determine the features of the social reintegration of servicemen; to offer science-based recommendations for improving social policy and social support measures aimed at ensuring the reintegration of this social group and increasing the level of their adaptability in modern society. Theoretical, empirical and statistical research methods were used to achieve the set goal and solve the problems. The conclusions confirm that the vast majority of servicemen have difficulties with the process of adaptation to civilian life, as they consider leaving the service as a decrease in their own social status. It is noted that servicemen need social support from the state on the way to reintegration into social processes, but they assess the state’s social policy in this direction as insufficiently effective. The novelty of the research consists in the generalization and objective analysis of theoretical material, which includes sources from the field of social and psychological science, and legislative acts regulating the social security of military personnel and the results of empirical research.


military personnel, veterans, reintegration, civilian life, social policy, social work, need, social support.



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