Fedor Kazanzhy. Implementation of Body-Oriented Psychotherapy Methods in Physical Education Practice.

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 35-44. Odessa.


Fedor Kazanzhy,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), professor,
Department of Physical Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Interdisciplinary psychological and pedagogical researches reveal new perspectives in the development of these related sciences, enrich pedagogical practice with new methods. The critical analysis of theoretical and methodological literature is a necessary stage in the development of a new scientific concept (we used it as the main method). An important aspect taken into account in this work is the well-known scientific statement based on the fact that physical education methods do not ignore the personal side of a person, but claim that both in the ancient and modern world, the development of the body is undoubtedly connected with the upbringing of certain qualities. The aim of this article is to comprehend the existing psychological, psychotherapeutic schools in order to create a methodological basis for the development of physical education methods. As the work is theoretical and methodological, the main methods of the research are well-known theoretical ones that help to find out evident and latent patterns, separate the essential from the non-essential, thus determining the dynamics of general development. Such theoretical methods as analysis, extrapolation, comparison, generalization, systematization, interpretation of facts, etc., have been used. Thus, some bodyoriented psychotherapeutic approaches have been described and analyzed in terms of their expediency in physical education practice, and the criteria for assessing their conformity to the pedagogical tasks have been identified. The aims and ways of the development of a new interdisciplinary direction combining pedagogical, psychological, medical and rehabilitation theories and techniques have been outlined. As a result, a new method of physical education influencing both the body and the psyche can be proposed. The importance of the holism principle as the main methodological idea has been noted.


 physical education, body-oriented psychotherapy, development, psyche, holistic approach.




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Iryna Kalynychenko, Anna Zaikina, Anna Latina. Evaluation of School Students’ Cognitive Status and Psycho-Pedagogical Optimization of Their Cognitive Activity.

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 45-50. Odessa.


Iryna Kalynychenko,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor,
Anna Zaikina,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Anna Latina,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), associate professor,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko,
87, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of effective teaching of students of general secondary education institutions of different types and also its connection with the levels of the development of their cognitive skills (auditory and visual memory, attention, verbal-logical and visual-figurative thinking as well as the quality of mental processes). The relevance of the research is due to the need for diagnostics of the cognitive processes at the early stages of learning, development of the methods of student-centered education and stimulation of the students’ cognitive sphere development in the educational process. The purpose of this study is to analyze the psycho-physiological peculiarities of the students’ cognitive sphere in conditions of information load of different intensity and development of a complex of psychopedagogical means of their cognitive activity stimulation. Among the research methods used is the evaluation of the cognitive status (CS) of schoolchildren by mathematical means using the commonly accepted methods for assessing auditory operational and visual memory, attention, flexibility of thinking, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking and strength of the nervous system. The predominance of higher levels of the СS in students of a new type of school with in-depth study of subjects and a large amount of information loading has been discovered. The positive influence of special classes on the development of mental functions has been revealed. A comprehensive psycho-pedagogical approach to stimulation of students’ cognitive activity has been proposed in order to increase the effectiveness of their learning by means of game situations at lessons, various visual aids, the use of students’ life experiences and specific examples, avoiding monotony, exclusion of numerous reproductive tasks, taking into account individual peculiarities of each student, creation of a friendly environment and positive emotional atmosphere. The obtained results can be used by teachers, psychologists-practitioners while selecting students for special classes with in-depth study of particular subjects for predicting the effectiveness of learning. The proposed complex of cognitive activity stimulation can be taken as the basis by teachers of general secondary schools.


 cognitive status, cognitive activity, effectiveness of learning, mental functions.




1. Boryshevskyi, M. Y. (2011). Samorehuliatsiia otsinnoi diialnosti vchytelia yak vyd psykhichnoi aktyvnosti [Self-regulation of the evaluative activity of the teacher as a kind of psychic activity]. Kyiv: Dnipro [in Ukrainian].
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Valerii Plisko, Anna Skidan, Evgeniy Vrublеvskiy. Pedagogical Designing of Health-Improving Shaping Lessons With Women of Mature Age.

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 51-58. Odessa.


Valerii Plisko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Department of Pedagogy,
Psychology and Methods of Physical Education,
National University “Chernihiv Collegium” named after T. G. Shevchenko,
53, Polubotka Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine,
Anna Skidan,
Master of Pedagogy,
teacher of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture,
Fransysk Skarina Gomel State University
, 104, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus,
Evgeniy Vrublеvskiy,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor of the Department of Sports Disciplines,
Francisk Skorina Gomel State University,
104, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus
professor of the Department of Sport and Health Promotion,
University of Zielona Gora,
9, Licealna Str., Zielona Gora, Poland



The article is dedicated to the study of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of mature women’s motion state, which is one of the most important issues of the modern development of health-improving physical culture. The purpose of the research involves theoretical reasoning, elaboration and approbation of the pedagogical designing technique of health-improving exercises with women of mature age. The following research methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, ranking, interviewing (using questionnaires), anthropometric methods, complex of medical and biological methods, pedagogical testing, psychological testing, pedagogical observation, pedagogical designing, pedagogical experiment, statistical methods of material processing. At the first stage of the research, values and guidelines of motivation of women of mature age (21-55 years) were identified; their initial physical state, level of physical fitness, as well as functional and mental states. The criteria for an individuallydifferentiated approach to the designing of health-improving shaping training were defined, taking into account the biorhythms of the female body. At the second stage, the objectivity of the obtained initial diagnostic data made it possible to determine the main task plan of the health-improving process for mature women. At the third stage, a general scheme of organizing an individually-differentiated method of the formation of the health-improving shaping classes with women of mature age was developed. The nine-months macrocycle of health-improving shaping exercises (September-May) consisting of three stages: preparatory, main and stabilizing, was introduced. With the aim of implementing the health and aesthetic motives in the main (developing) stage of the macrocycle, two training programs were developed – power and aerobic ones. Distribution of workloads, their duration, intensity and amount were regulated individually, depending on the hormonal background of the female body during the ovarian-menstrual cycle. The effectiveness of the individually-differentiated methods of the health-improving classes formation was confirmed by positive dynamics of the physical, functional, mental states, and overall fitness of 21-55-year-old women.


health improvement, women, mature age, shaping, methodology, individualization, differentiation.




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Volodymyr Lizohub, Vitalii Pustovalov, Nataliia Chernenko. Is it Possible To Predict Academic Success With The Help of Main Nervous Processes Properties and Psychic Functions?

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 59-66. Odessa.


Volodymyr Lizohub,
Doctor of Biology, professor, Department of Anatomy,
Director of Physiology Research Center named after Mykhailo Bosyi,
Vitalii Pustovalov,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sport Games,
Nataliia Chernenko,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences),
Department of Anatomy,
The Bohdan Khelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,
24, Dashkevycha Str., Cherkasy, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of determining the role of individual-typological properties of the basic nervous processes in academic success and psychic (mental) functions of secondary school students. The following research methods were used in the study: scientific literature review, determination of individual-typological properties of CNS (central nervous system), short-term visual memory and volitional attention; expert assessment of the respondents’ academic success, variation statistics. It has been found that the students with the academic success above average are characterized by better indicators of individual-typological properties of the basic nervous processes and functions of memory and attention. Statistically significant differences of individual-typological properties of the basic nervous processes, attention and memory were detected in groups of the students with different levels of learning performance. The students with above average and average academic success levels were also characterized by high indicators of the typological properties of the basic nervous processes, the volume of short-term visual memory and efficiency of attention in comparison with their peers with a low level. The results of the statistical and correlation analysis have proved that individual-typological properties of the basic nervous processes make up psychophysiological basis of the psychic functions and the success of learning performance of school students. A multiple regression analysis of the complex of psychophysiological indicators of students and their comparison with academic performance helped to predict integral assessment of learning activities, taking into consideration the data about the level of individual-typological properties of CNS, memory and attention. According to the indicators of individual-typological properties, memory and attention it was offered to conduct pedagogical selection of students to classes and educational institutions with increased requirements for studying. Knowledge about the peculiarities of educational activity, taking into consideration the individual-typological properties of the central nervous system provides an opportunity for specialists to predict and correct the pedagogical processing order to increase its efficiency.


academic success, properties of memory and attention, typological properties, functional mobility, power of nervous processes.




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Wioletta Łubkowska, Michał Tarnowski, Jerzy Eider. “Small Meeting With Athletics” Recreational Event as an Innovative Tool Promoting Physical Activity and Active Leisure Time Amongst Preschoolers.

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 67-76. Odessa.


Wioletta Łubkowska,
PhD in Physical Culture,
Michał Tarnowski,
PhD in Physical Culture,
Jerzy Eider,
DSc in Physical Culture, professor,
Faculty of Physical Education and Health Promotion,
University of Szczecin,
12 Cukrowa Str., 71-004 Szczecin, Poland



Use of movement as a form of treatment finds increasing justification in various research and practice. Hence the search for more and more attractive forms and means of promoting physical activity and the idea of active leisure, which should contribute to improving the health of children and adolescents. The aim of this paper is to present preparations for the recreational event “A Small Meeting with Athletics” and show how institutional and human resources may be used in an innovative way. The project was given the form of athletic competitions – an event which is usually not available for the general public to participate. The main element of the project was a professional time measurement of a 30-meter run, on a measuring track, using Slandi’s measuring device and slow-motion recordings. 300 measurements were made. Subject group consisted of 46 pre-school children. The project was verified in practice during a closed and an open event. In both cases, it was met with a very positive reception of the participants – both children and their parents. Promoting repeated participation of children and adolescents in events that encourage them to be physically active, as well as the use of outdoor forms, brings – in the long run – profits such as healthier population whose members have established health-related habits and well-developed social competences. With the available institutional and human resources, it is possible to increase the attractiveness of traditional educational and recreational activities. Proper planning of the event is the key that helps prepare any educational project. It is therefore necessary to work with individuals with hands-on experience. The academic environment should support teachers who work at preacademic levels of education by searching for new solutions together and constantly adapting existing ones to current needs. The cooperation of teachers at various levels of education carries a great potential and, in the light of the diversity of their experiences and perceptions, it brings great benefits to both parties. It also results in useful solutions in the area of practical educational activities.


physical activity, pro-health behaviors, leisure, recreation service, organization of sports events, early childhood education, children.




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