Olena Anichkina, Olha Avdieieva, Olena Yevdochenko. Future Chemists’ Experimental Competence Formation.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 65-72. Odessa.


Olena Anichkina,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
senior lecturer, Department of Chemistry,
Olha Avdieieva,
post-graduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
Olena Yevdochenko,
teaching assistant, Department of Chemistry,
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University,
42, Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of Chemistry students’ experimental competence formation in professional training at higher educational institutions. In the empirical study, the levels of the experimental competence of future chemists (low, medium, sufficient, high) on the basis of selected components (motivational, cognitive, operational, activity) in accordance with selected criteria and corresponding indicators were determined. According to the initial assessment of the respondents’ competence it has been found that most of them have an average level of its maturity. In order to improve it, there has been conducted an experiment, which involved introducing the following stages of future chemists’ experimental competence formation in the process of training: focus on mastering the experimental competence; acquisition of theoretical chemical knowledge; mastering practical skills; gaining professional experience of the experimental competence application. The effectiveness of forming the experimental competence of future chemists according to the identified components has been proved by statistically significant positive changes. The reliability of the obtained results has been proved by means of Student’s t-test.


experimental competence, components, maturity levels, criteria, indicators, professional training of chemists, chemical experiment.




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Tеtіana Rudiuk. Formation of Lexical and Phraseological Competency of Senior School Students Based on Communicative-Activity Approach.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 73-79. Odessa.


Tеtіana Rudiuk,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Methodology of Teaching Ukrainian Language and Literature,
Nizhyn State University named after Mykola Hohol,
2, Hrafska Str., Nizhyn, Chernihiv region, Ukraine



The paper deals with a theoretical and experimental study of the formation of lexical and phraseological competency of senior school students on the basis of the communicative-activity approach. The application of the communicativeactivity approach when teaching lexical-phraseological richness of the native language to senior school students significantly increases the efficiency of the educational process and is an integral part of the formation a nationally conscious personality, capable of constructive social interaction. There have been distinguished the levels of the lexical and phraseological competence (creative, normative, reproductive, original) of senior school students formed as a result of the communicative-activity approach application: the desire for self-realization, interpersonal interaction, adjustment of the normative aspect of the language system through the prism of national or intercultural communication, self-reflection and the outline of promising jobs. The work on the development of the competency through the prism of the communicative-activity approach was carried out in stages: formation of motivation to master lexical and phraseological richness of native and foreign languages, planning and participation in communicative-activity interaction, self-reflection. It was found out that the artistic-literary experience, planning of the corresponding training and social interaction, situations of real and imaginary communication had positive impact on productivity of the students’ lexical and phraseological potential development. Based on the conducted pedagogical experiment, statistical positive changes could be observed in the levels of lexicalphraseological competence maturity. The reliability of the results of the experiment was confirmed by the successful implementation of the creative tasks by the students.


vocabulary, phraseology, communicative-activity approach, personality, construct, self-realization, self-reflection.




1. Andreyeva, G. M. (2001). Sotsyalnaia psykholohia: Uchebnik dlia vyshykh uchebnykh zavedieniy [Social Psychology, Textbook for Higher Educational Institutions]. Moscow [in Russian].
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Svitlana Zolotukhina, Olha Bashkir, Oksana Zhernovnykova. Stages of Training Future Mathematics Teachers in The Field of Pedagogical Improvisation.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 80-86. Odessa.


Svitlana Zolotukhina,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Head of the Department of General Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Higher Education,
Olha Bashkir,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Doctoral student at the Department of General Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Higher Education,
Oksana Zhernovnykova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
professor at the Department of Mathematics,
H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
2, Valentynivska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine,



Pedagogical improvisation helps a teacher to respond to new unexpected situations in a quick, flexible and adequate way. The aim of the research is to test the effectiveness of theoretically developed stages of training future mathematics teachers in the field of pedagogical improvisation (motivational-target, content-procedural, evaluativereflexive). The following criteria for future Mathematics teachers’ pedagogical interaction skills were distinguished: motivational, substantive, procedural-behavioral, reflexive, on the basis of which the examination of the investigated phenomenon was carried out. At the initial stage of the pedagogical experiment, the students were interviewed, and the results showed a low level of their pedagogical improvisation skills according to all indicators. Subsequently, each group was subdivided into experimental and control subgroups. In the experimental subgroup, the suggested stages were implemented, while in the control group lessons were conducted in a traditional way. The results of the pedagogical experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the suggested stages in the work on the formation of Mathematics students’ improvisation skills.


training, readiness, future teachers of mathematics, educational process, higher educational institutions, pedagogical improvisation.




1. Bashkir, O. I. (2006). Pedahohichna improvizatsiia yak naukovo-pedahohichna problema [Pedagogical improvisation as a scientific and pedagogical problem]. Rozvytok osobystisnoho potentsialu ta profesiinykh navychok maibutnoho fakhivtsia – Development of personal potential and professional skills of a future specialist, 36, 15-24. Luhansk: Luhanskyi derzhanyi instytut mystetstv i kultury [in Ukrainian].
2. Bashkir, O. I. (2007). Sutnist pedahohichnoi improvizatsii [The essence of pedagogical improvisation]. Humanizatsiia navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu : zbirnyk naukovykh prats – Humanization of the educational process: a collection of scientific works, XXXIV, 5-9. Sloviansk: Vydavnychyi tsentr SDPU [in Ukrainian].
3. Zhernovnykova, O. A., Shtefan, A., Fazan, V. V. (2017). Formuvannia hotovnosti maibutnikh uchyteliv matematyky do navchalnoho proektuvannia [Forming Future Mathematics Teachers’ Instructional Design Skills]. Science and education, 10, 74-81. Odesa: PNPU imeni K. D. Ushynskoho. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24195/2414-4665-2017-10-9 [in Ukrainian].
4. Kutsevol, O. M. Koreliatsiia proektu uroku ta improvizatsii v protsesi tvorchoi metodychnoi diialnosti vchytelia literatury [Correlation of the lesson project and improvisation in the process of creative methodical activity of the teacher of literature]. Retrieved from: http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/3581/1/04komdvl.pdf (data zvernennia: 01.12.2017) [in Ukrainian].
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Iryna Palshkova. Education Content Humanization in Terms of Primary School Teacher Training.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 87-91. Odessa.


Iryna Palshkova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Pedagogical Technologies in Primary Education,
Dean of the Faculty of Primary Education,
South Ukrainian National University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska, Odesa, Ukraine



The paper deals with the issue of primary school teacher training in the context of a modern humanistic educational paradigm. Humanization of education implies focus on a personality as the highest social value, and provides attitude towards him/her as a subject of knowledge. The process of professional formation in terms of higher education should be carried out through the determination of the axiological and sense attitude of a person towards education, as well as one’s abilities and professional qualities. The implementation of a multi-level training system (according to bachelor’s, master’s programmes) into the university educational process is considered to be an important result in this direction. As a result of the study, it has been found that the system of university education focused on the fundamentalization of scientific training of future specialists, is characterized by insufficient level of psychological and pedagogical training, which negatively affects the process of adapting students to the chosen pedagogical specialty. Technologies of training pedagogical staff in terms of education humanization should be based on the use of the following promising approaches: enriching psychological and pedagogical disciplines with substantial and appropriate educational material; using interpersonal relations in the process of teaching psychological and pedagogical subjects; applying a variable component in the training.


 training, future teachers of elementary school, humanistic education, pedagogical practice.




1. Grayson, D.K. (1991). Amerikanskii menedzhment na poroge XXI veka [American management at the dawn of the XXI century]. Moscow: Economics [in Russian].
2. Romanenko, M.I. (2001). Humanizatsiia osvity: kontseptualni problemy ta praktychnyi dosvid [Humanization of Education: Conceptual Problems and Practical Experience]. Dnipro: Promin [in Ukrainian].
3. Savchenko, L.O. (2007). Problema formuvannia profesiino-tsinnisnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh vchyteliv [The problem of formation of professional-value competence of future teachers]. Pedahohichni nauky: zbirnyk naukovykh prats – Pedagogical sciences: a collection of scientific works, ХХХХ1У, 295-298. Kherson [in Ukrainian].
4. Shiyanov, E. N. (1991). Gumanizatsiia obrazovaniia i professionalnaia podgotovka uchitelia [Humanization of education and vocational training of the teacher]. Moscow: Pedagogics [in Russian].
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Oleksandr Naumov, Serhii Kuznichenko, Iryna Markina. Balance of Labor Market in The Context of Domestic Education Development.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 92-98. Odessa.


 Oleksandr Naumov,
Doctor of Economics, professor,
Jiangsu Normal University,
101, Shanghai Road, Tongshan District, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China,
Serhii Kuznichenko,
Doctor of Law, professor,
Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
Nestorivskyi lane, Kyiv, Ukraine
Iryna Markina,
Doctor of Economics, professor,
Poltava State Agrarian Academy,
1/3 Skovorody Str., Poltava, Ukraine,



The article deals with the issue of the balance of the labor market in the context of the development of the education system in Ukraine. The labor market is always dynamically developing, and an important issue today is the employment of people and the professional orientation towards the future, which is based on the analysis of the needs of specialists. The main factor causing imbalances in the labor market is the cyclical nature of the development of the market economy, which, in turn, causes the corresponding fluctuations in aggregate supply and aggregate demand for labor. Overcoming the imbalance in the domestic labor market requires the creation and provision of a system for collecting and analyzing information on the professional qualifications of the workforce to develop forecasts of the development of the domestic education system. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical, methodological and practical principles of the development of the domestic system of education by ensuring the balance of the labor market. The necessity of designing and implementing a system of forecasting the professional structure of the labor market is grounded on the basis of quantitative and qualitative surveys of employers and experts in the field of employment. It is noted that one of the important areas of labor market balance in the context of the development of the domestic education system is to improve the marketing activities of educational institutions. The key indicator of the competitiveness of higher educational institutions in the domestic and world markets is the correspondence of educational programs and curricula of training specialists to the real requirements of time. The assessment of the quality of educational services of higher educational establishments of Ukraine is made and the most effective sources of finding job are determined. The main problems in the employment of the graduates of higher educational institutions are determined, in particular, the lack of vacancies in the specialties acquired, the lack of experience or the entire lack of practical experience in the specialty.


higher education, labor market, educational process, competitiveness of education, balance, employment.




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