Alla Kolyshkina, Svitlana Kondratiuk, Mykhailo Liannoi. Organization of School and Family Interaction For Students’ Environmentally Appropriate Behavior Formation.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 24-34. Odessa.


Alla Kolyshkina,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Preschool and Primary Education,
Svitlana Kondratiuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
associate professor, Department of Preschool and Primary Education,
Mykhailo Liannoi,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko,
87, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine



The paper aims to substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of a specially designed methodical program called “Ecoworld” (“Ekosvit”), which is focused on the formation of environmentally appropriate behavior of primary school students by means of organizing interaction between the school and a family. To achieve the goal, the following diagnostic methods was used, with the help of which the individual components of the investigated quality were measured: questioning (“Ecological knowledge”, “Environmental motives”, “Ecological behavior”) using questions of closed and open types; conversations (The role of nature in my life, Nature and my family, My behavior in nature), which gave an opportunity to examine psychological characteristics of children, the level of their knowledge, interests, motives and actions by analyzing the received answers; observing actions and behavior of primary school students during the experiment and in real conditions (during lessons, walks, excursions, extracurricular activities); solving problem situations containing two sets of tasks (“Ability to make environmentally appropriate decisions”, “Behavior in nature”). The developed methodical complex “Ecoworld” covers the program of ecological club and methodical recommendations for the organization of its work; methodical recommendations for working with parents regarding the formation of environmentally appropriate behavior of elementary school students. Classes of the club are based on the principle of combining efforts of the school and a family, clearly defined duties of a teacher and parents. The experimental work was based on conversations, observation, problem tasks solution, didactic and environmental games, competitions, project activity. All forms of interaction between school and family were used in combination, were interconnected, complemented each other and were tested during a pedagogical experiment. It has been proved that the activation of interaction between parents and a teacher, the diversification of forms and methods of working with parents and students, and the involvement of parents in direct participation in the educational process for the formation of environmentally appropriate behavior of primary school students result in a qualitatively new level of organization of environmental education of schoolchildren.


environmentally appropriate behavior, interaction of school and family, “Ecoworld” program, elementary school students, parents of elementary school students.




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Mykhailo Baimuratov, Ivan Myshshak, Oksana Krynytska. Mechanism of Ensuring Quality of Higher Educational Institutions’ Work.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 35-42. Odessa.


Mykhailo Baimuratov,
Doctor of Law, professor, chief scientific advisor,
Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
the Honored Man of Science and Technology,
Ivan Myshshak,
Doctor of History, chief scientific advisor,
Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
4, Nestorivskyi Lane, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Oksana Krynytska,
PhD (Candidate of Economic Sciences),
Odessa National Academy of Food Technolodgies,
112, Kanatna Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article substantiates the peculiarities of the functioning of the mechanism of ensuring the quality of higher educational institutions’ work. At the present stage, the process of integration of the national system of higher education into the European and world educational space is actively taking place in Ukraine, the modernization of educational activities in the context of European requirements is being carried out. Consequently, the assurance of the quality of educational activities is now on the top of the agenda of higher educational institutions and is one of the criteria of the effectiveness of its management. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and technological direction of improving the quality of educational activities of higher educational institutions in the context of the formation of the corresponding mechanism. The objectives of the article are to develop scientific and methodological provisions on the functioning of the mechanism of managing the quality assurance system of educational activities of higher educational institutions and conducting an experimental research that will identify the directions of improving the quality of higher education in Ukraine. In carrying out the research, the expert methods, in particular the questionnaire method, were used. The conceptual scheme of the mechanism of ensuring the quality of educational activities of higher educational institutions is proposed and it is determined that the factors affecting the external and internal environment influence the effectiveness of its functioning. The technology of raising the quality of higher education with the participation of the National Agency, based on a powerful methodological basis in the form of a quadratic approach: human-centered, systemic, competence and synergetic, has been grounded. The state-public administration can become the newest mechanism of ensuring the quality of higher education. The measures of effective functioning of the mechanism of quality assurance of educational activities in higher educational institutions have been determined.


 higher education, educational process, competitiveness of education, quality of education, educational activities, mechanism.




1. Korotkov, Y. Kontseptsiia yakosti osvity [The concept of quality of education]. Retrieved from: http://оsvіtа.uа/sсhооl/mаnаgе/gеnеr аl/1342/ [in Ukrainian].
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Oleh Dolzhenkov, Oksana Sakaliuk. Cross-Cultural Management at Educational Institutions.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 43-48. Odessa.


Oleh Dolzhenkov,
Doctor of Political Science, associate professor,
Head of the Department of Educational Management and Public Administration,
Oksana Sakaliuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Educational Management and Public Administration,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
71, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article substantiates the necessity and importance of cross-cultural management in educational institutions and the introduction of cross-cultural content in the training of principals. The polyethnic nature of the Ukrainian society predetermines the necessity of future experts’ development in the field of cross-cultural management and communications, and the need for the training of staff in this direction. The cross-cultural management concept is an area of administration science, whose subject is the management of relations emerging ‘at the border’ of national cultures, as well as the identification and use of behavioral patterns inherent in the national business culture in the organization management. The basic provisions of cross-cultural management have made it possible to determine its main goal, and the results of expert assessment helped to outline the tasks of cross-cultural management, which should be implemented by a principal in the process of managing a modern educational institution. The foundations of society cultural focus (values, attitudes, behavior) and its main aspects (acceptance of other people, attitude to the world, relations between people, activity, perception of space and time), which act as original factors (driving force, cause) of cultural management implementation and determine its content and nature, have been clarified. The solution of cross-cultural management tasks requires principals to possess cross-cultural knowledge. Besides, their solution will be contributed by their ability to show tolerance; awareness of the need to prevent conflicts in the educational environment; the ability to take into account the ethno-sociocultural traditions of the region in the planning of educational activities; overcome cultural and communicative barriers by means of a dialogue. The above-mentioned indicators have been assessed in master students majoring in “Educational Institution Management” using a set of diagnostic measures, and the results have shown that they predominantly have a basic level. The results obtained show the need to improve the modern process of training education managers (principals).


cross-cultural management, education managers, educational institutions, tasks of cross-cultural management.




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Nataliya Mykytenko, Nadiia Kish, Olesia Stoika. Technology of Teaching Foreign Language Academic Writing To Students of Non-Philological Specialities.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 49-55. Odessa.


Nataliya Mykytenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Foreign Languages for Sciences,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
1, Universytetska Str., Lviv, Ukraine,
Nadiia Kish,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
State University “Uzhhorod National University”,
14, Universytetska Str., Uzhhorod, Ukraine,
Olesia Stoika,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
State University “Uzhhorod National University”,
14, Universytetska Str., Uzhhorod, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of effective technologies of teaching academic writing to students of nonphilological specialities with regard to the realities of Ukrainian higher educational institutions. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the technology of teaching academic writing and to validate its effectiveness experimentally on the basis of Uzhhorod National University. The theoretical (content-analysis of the sources of subject study, arrangement and generalization of theoretical assumptions, substantiation and elaboration of the technology model) and empirical research methods (scientific observation, methodological experiment, methods of mathematical statistics) were used to achieve the research goal. It has been justified that creation of the product of foreign language academic writing requires the students of non-philological specialties to possess the following skills: to define intention and main idea of utterance, to see connection between expressed thoughts; to correctly use lexical units, namely terms in the professional filed; to correctly use grammatical structures that comply with a certain genre of academic written communication; to classify and evaluate the role of lexical, grammatical and stylistic tools of foreign language in effectiveness of message transfer; to understand influence of the chosen verbal means on effectiveness of speaking and addressee’s communicative intention. The model of teaching technology of academic writing has been presented. The effectiveness of suggested technology of teaching academic writing to students of non-philological specialities has been proved by two-staged methodological experiment.


teaching academic writing, academic written communication, product, students of non-philological specialities, skills, techniques, technology of teaching.




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5. Dudley-Evans, T., St John, M. J. (1998). Developments in English for Specific Purposes. A multydisciplinary approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Serhiі Omelchuk. Conceptual Correlation of “Working With A Text” and “Working On A Text” Linguistic Didactic Terms.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 56-64. Odessa.


Serhiі Omelchuk,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
vice-rector, Professor of Slavic philology,
Kherson State University,
27, Universytetska Str., Kherson, Ukraine



The article investigates the normative functioning of term phrases ‘working with a text’ and ‘working on a text’ in the linguistic didactic discourse. The carried out component analysis has made it possible to determine a semantic organization of both terms on the basis of a complex analysis of scientific sources and lexicographic works. It has been proved that these terms in the Ukrainian linguistic didactic science denote different methodical concepts. “Working with a text” in the meaning of a methodical technique involves the implementation of mental actions on a certain didactic material. It means comprehension and analysis of the text. “Working on a text” is a productive activity based on the creation (composition, writing, modeling, etc.) of a speech utterance. Such constructions are structurally incomplete, but they are complete semantically. In the absence of a lexically expressed deverbative, the semantic load falls on a semantically and structurally obligatory object with the meaning of the object of an action. Ukrainian linguistic didactic scientists, as well as language teachers, predominantly use various prepositions and substantive forms to indicate a methodical technique based on text analysis. The grammatical peculiarities of the foreign correspondences of the Ukrainian preposition and substantive form ‘with a text’ in English, German, Polish, Byelorussian and Russian languages have been clarified. In the English scientific linguistic didactic literature, the phrase “working with a text” is mainly used in the meaning of “text analysis”. At the same time, the phrase “working on a text” in the meaning of “work on the creation (writing) of the text” also occurs in the English language. The grammatical construction “Arbeit mit Texten” is common in the German scientific language. Modern Polish linguistic didactics fixes the term-phrase “praca z tekstem” in the sense of an analytical kind of activity on the basis of the text. The preposition and substantive word form with the preposition “with” is also observed in the modern Byelorussian language, as evidenced by the titles of scientific studies in the Byelorussian language methodology. Researchers do not distinguish between terms “work with a text” and “working on a text” in the Russian methodical science. They use these term phrases unsystematically.


 term phrase, preposition and substantive word form, semantic and syntactic relations.




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