Larysa Petrychenko. Current State and Possibilities of Forming Healthy Lifestyle Among Students of Adolescent and Youth Age Under Conditions of Social Problems Aggravation in Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 17-22. Odessa.


Larysa Petrychenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor, first vice-rector,
Kharkiv Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy,
7, Rustaveli Lane, Kharkiv, Ukraine



The paper presents the author’s attitude to solving one of the present-day key problems – the formation of healthy lifestyle of students of adolescent and youth age. The aim of the paper is to substantiate the criterial and diagnostic basis, and to present the results of experimental study of the issue of forming healthy lifestyle among adolescents and youth studying at the teacher training college. The following methods were applied in the pedagogical study: observation of students’ behaviour, conversations, questionnaires using original inventories for students and pedagogical staff, questioning according to the author’s procedure. The pedagogical experiment involved 678 students obtaining education at teacher training college of Kharkiv Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy from the first to the fourth years of study, aged 15-19 years as well as 127 representatives of the teaching staff. According to the research outcomes, there is the need to intensify pedagogical staff’s efforts in terms of forming healthy lifestyle among students of adolescent and youth age. These efforts should be aimed at instilling certain behaviours by means of providing the students with the information concerning importance of health, attitude towards their own and other people’s health; at the formation of knowledge, abilities and skills, personal values, motives, interests related to health preservation and promotion; at the stimulation of students’ activities associated with preservation of their own health.


healthy lifestyle formation, adolescents and youth, pedagogical education, criteria for experimental study of the formation of students’ healthy lifestyles.




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Filip Czernicki, Andrii Halai, Serhii Hrechaniuk,Serhii Shatrava,Yevhen Sobol. Pedagogical Foundations of Providing High-Quality Street Law Lessons By Law Clinics: Ukrainian And Polish Experience.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 23-30. Odessa.


Filip Czernicki,
PhD, President of the Polish Legal Clinics Foundation,
Szpitalna 5/5, 00-031 Warsaw, Poland,
Andrii Halai,
Doctor of Law, associate professor,
Board member of the Association of Legal Clinics of Ukraine, professor,
Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Financial Law,
Serhii Hrechaniuk,
Doctor of Law, associate professor,
Head of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Financial Law,
Ternopil National Economic University,
11, Lvivska Str., Lviv, Ukraine,
Serhii Shatrava,
PhD (Candidate of Law), associate professor, professor,
Charkiv National University of Internal Affairs,
27, Landau avenue, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Yevhen Sobol,
Doctor of Law, associate professor,
Head of the Department of Legal Disciplines and Administrative Law,
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University,
1, Shevchenko Str., Kirovohrad, Ukraine



The relevance of the issue is caused by the fact that rising legal awareness provided by law clinics as one of the most efficient forms of future law specialists training involves conducting street law lessons, which, in turn, requires proper methodical, psychological and legal support. However, the issue of conducting street law lessons in terms of law clinics functioning in Ukraine still remains understudied. The paper aims to present pedagogical and organizational foundations of providing street law programs by law clinics on the basis of generalizing the main world approaches and the experience of law clinics in Ukraine and Poland. Both countries analyzed (Ukraine and Poland) have their own peculiarities of law clinics’ functioning and providing this kind of lessons. According to the data by 2005, only 20-30% of the law clinics provided legal education in Ukraine. The current-day data according to the List of Law Clinics in Ukraine shows that by the beginning of 2017, only 5 out of 48 ones do not provide legal education, which means that 90% of the Ukrainian law clinics conduct street law lessons. The Polish law clinics chain acknowledges the effect of acquiring professional skills by the students when organizing and conducting street law lessons. Currently street law lessons are provided by about 50% of the general number of law clinics in Poland. As a result of the research, the following principles of street law lessons have been distinguished: the principle of practical focus of the acquired knowledge, as well as close connection of the learning material with everyday needs; the principle of clearness of explanation; the principle of interactive character of the lessons; the principle of accounting for age peculiarities; the principle of equality; as well as the principle of legal culture formation. As a rule, after attending street law lessons school students’ legal awareness in different fields of law raises, because these classes include the discussion of everyday legal issues necessary for modern youth. Due to this, it is very important to prepare the law clinics representatives for potential questions and teach them how to discuss them with school students and clearly explain the difficult things.


law clinic, street law lessons, street law principles, interactive teaching technologies, learning materials, informal legal education, rising legal awareness.




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