Olena Byndas. Strategy for Foreign Language Blended Learning Implementation Into fhe Educational Process.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 95-99. Odessa.


Olena Byndas,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Roman and Germanic Philology,
Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
1, Gogol square, Starobilsk, Ukraine



The relevance of the research is explained by the current tendency of implementing foreign language blended learning into the educational process at European universities. The paper deals with the main goals of blended learning and strategies of its implementation, which should be taken into account in order to improve the foreign language teaching in Ukraine. The strategy of implementing foreign language blended learning into the educational process of any higher educational establishment should consist of the following stages: the definition of goals, the selection of a particular model, the implementation of technical, personnel, methodological and regulatory support. Blended learning should be used as a dominant instructional mode in higher education for foreign languages teaching. The study of the European educational experience can help apply the blended learning techniques efficiently, and promote research exchanges in the educational process of higher educational establishments in Ukraine. Blended learning is a powerful technology to be implemented into the modern foreign language learning model of Ukrainian education in order to approach to the level of European educational system.


blended learning, distance education, development, cooperation, implementation, university, pedagogical college, European universities, Ukrainian universities.




1. Barkasi, V., & Filippyeva, T. (2015). PsychoPedagogical Approach to Blended learning as a Mode in ELT. Retrieved from: journals.uran.ua/index.php/2072- 4772/article/download/44653/40844.[in English].
2. Buhaichuk, K. (2016). Zmishane navchannya : teoretychny analiz ta strategia vprovadzhennya v osvitni protses [Blended Education : Theoretical Analysis and Strategy of Implementation in the Educational Process of Higher Educational Establishments. The Journal of Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 54, 4, 18 [in Ukrainian].
3. Curriculum Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Linz. Studiengang für das Lehramt an Neuen Mittelschulen [Curriculum Private University of Education of the Diocese of Linz. Study Course for Learning in Secondary School]. (2016). Retrieved from: www.phdl.at/...sozialpaedagogik/.../curriculum/ [in German].
4. Garrison, D., & Kanuka, H. (2004). Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education. The Journal of The Internet and Higher Education, 7, 95-105 [in English].
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6. Kuharenko, M. (2016). Teoria i praktyka zmishanoho navchannya : monohrafiya [Theory and Practice of Blended Learning : monograph]. V. M. Kuharenko (Ed.). KHPI, Kharkiv [in Ukrainian].
7. Semenov, M., & Prizyuk, O. (2017). Poshuk slyahiv optymizatsiyi structury saitu LMS MOODLE u vypadku velykoyi kilkosti katehotiy ta dystantsiynyh kursiv [Search for LMS MOODLE Structure Optimization ways in Case of Large Quantity of Categories and Distance Courses]. Retrieved from: 2017.moodlemoot.in.ua/course/view.php?id=82 [in Ukrainian].

Liudmyla Havrilova, Nadiia Voronova. Online Training Course for Teaching Master-Degree Music Students.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 100-105. Odessa.


Liudmyla Havrilova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Primary Education,
Nadiia Voronova,
PhD, associate professor,
Department of Culture Studies, Aesthetics and History,
Donbas State Pedagogical University,
19, Hen. Batiuka Str., Sloviansk, Ukraine



The paper deals with the relevant issue of modern university education – implementing online training techniques in the process of teaching Master-degree students majoring in Music. There have been suggested an authors’ course of online training, namely occupation-related theoretical course of Music history “History of Music Art in Ukraine and a special course “Multimedia Teaching Techniques in Art education”. In order to check the efficiency of the technologies implemented into the educational process there has been conducted the final testing in terms of “History of Music Art in Ukraine” course in the experimental (who were taught using the above mentioned online course) and control groups (who were taught using traditional methods) of Master-degree students. Purposefully designed testing in History of Music covered different aspects of the students’ professional competence: its cognitive component (key and specific knowledge of the history of domestic music art development, specific laws of art, understanding music genres, etc.), maturity of analytical and listening skills (the ability to recognize a music work by the tone, determine its genre, etc.), maturity of axiological skills. It should be noted that some tasks were designed in the form of a music quiz to check the music perception skills and knowledge of Ukrainian music works by ear. The assessment was performed using 100- point scale according to the requirements set. The carried out examination of the respondents’ professional competence has proved the efficiency of using e-learning in terms of the online course “History of Music Art in Ukraine”.


online training, online course, history of music art in Ukraine, multimedia technologies in art education, Master-degree students majoring in music.




1. Bykov, V. Yu., Kukharenko, V. M., Syrotenko, N. H., Rybalko, O. V., Bohachkov, Yu. M. (2008). Tekhnolohii rozrobky dystantsiinoho kursu: navchalnyi posibnyk [The technologies of designing the distance course]. Kyiv: Milenium [in Ukrainian].
2. Kukharenko, V. M. (2015). Systemnyi pidkhid do zmishanoho navchannia [System approach to blended learning]. Informatsiini tekhnolohii v osviti – Information Technologies in Education, 24, 53-67. DOI:10.14308/ite000568 [in Ukrainian].
3. Rosenberg M. (2007). Beyond E-Learning: New Approaches to Managing and Delivering Organizational Knowledge. ASTD International Conference. June 3. Atlanta [in English].
4. Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M. & Zvacek, S. (2003). Teaching and learning at a distance: foundations of distance education, (2nd Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall [in English].
5. Toru Iiyoshi & M. S. Vijay Kumar (2009). Opening Up Education. The Collective Advancement of Education through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge. London, The MIT Press [in English].

Iryna Hrytsenko. University Students’ Self-Study Structure.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 106-112. Odessa.


Iryna Hrytsenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Romance and Germanic Languages and Translation,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
15, Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article highlights the components of individual work of students studying at higher educational institutions. The structure of individual work should be considered as a composition of special learning forms and should not be identified with the structure of teaching that can often be observed in didactics. Moreover, students’ self-study organization is much wider, as it includes along with classwork also a combination of homework, out-of-class-work and general work on different directions of future professionals’ training. Due to these factors students’ individual work in terms of studying at a higher educational institution is considered to be that the least studied but at the same time the most interesting from the prospective of the psychological analysis of educational activities.


self-educational activity, components of self-educational activity, individual work, structure of independent work, higher educational institution.




1. Antropov, V. A. (2000). Organizatsiya samostoyatelnoy raboty studentov [Organisation of students’ individual work]. Yekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural. gos. un-t putey soobshcheniya [in Russian].
2. Arkhangelskiy, S. I. (1980). Uchebnyy protsess v vysshey shkole, ego zakonomernye osnovy i metody: ucheb.-metod. posobie [Educational process in higher education institutions, its typical fundamentals and methods: study guide]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola [in Russian].
3. Vyatkin, L. G. (1993). Samostoyatelnost uchashchikhsya na urokakh russkogo yazyka: posobie k spetskursu [Students’ individualism at the Russian language classes: guidelines for the special course]. Saratov: Izd-vo Sarat. gos. un-t [in Russian].
4. Garunov, M. G. (1978). Samostoyatelnaya rabota studentov [Students’ individual work]. (M. G. Garunov, P. I. Pidkasistyy Eds.). Moscow: Znanie [in Russian].
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6. Yesipov, B. P. (1961). Samostoyatelnaya rabota uchashchikhsya na urokakh [Students’ individual work at classes]. Moscow: Pedagogika [in Russian].
7. Zinovev, S. I. (1975). Uchebnyy protsess v sovetskoy vysshey shkole [Educational process in Soviet higher education institutions]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola [in Russian].
8. Ioganzen, B. G. (1973). Pedagogicheskaya deyatelnost i nauchnaya organizatsiya truda [Teaching activities and scientific organization of labour]. Tomsk: Tomsk. un-t [in Russian].
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10. Nizamov, R. A. (1975). Didakticheskie osnovy aktivizatsii uchebnoy deyatelnosti studentov [Didactic basics of the students’ educational activities activation]. Kazan: KGU [in Russian].
11. Pidkasistyy, P. I. (1980). Samostoyatelnaya poznavatelnaya deyatelnost shkolnikov v obuchenii: teoretiko-ekperimentalnoe issledovanie [Schoolchildren’s individual cognitive activities in education: semitheoretical research]. Moscow: Pedagogika [in Russian].
12. Savchenko, O. Ya. (1997). Dydaktyka pochatkovoi shkoly: pіdruchnyk (dlia stud. ped. fak-tov) [Primary school didactics: textbook (for pedagogical faculty students)]. Kyiv: Abris [in Ukrainian].
13. Savchenko, O. Ya. (2007). Teoretychnі pіdkhody do vyznachennia yakostі shkіlnoi osvіty [Theoretical approaches to evaluation of the quality of school education]. Pedahohіka і psykholohiia – Pedagogy and psychology, 2, 26-33 [in Ukrainian].

Vasyl Rotar. Studying Levels of Future Civil Defense Specialists’ Professional Competence Components.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 112-118. Odessa.


Vasyl Rotar,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Engineering and Civil Defense Assets,
National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine,
Cherkasy Fire Safety Institute named after Chornobyl Heroes,
8, Onopriienko Str., Cherkasy, Ukraine



The paper deals with the necessity to apply a competence-based approach in the process of future civil defense specialists’ training. The aim of the research is to examine the levels of manifestation of future civil defense specialists’ professional competence components. The following professional competence components have been specified: communicative, informational and socio-legal. The following levels of the above mentioned competences maturity have been distinguished: low, medium, sufficient, and high. The levels of the respondents’ competences maturity have been examined by means of Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The results of the conducted research prove the necessity for improving the levels of communicative, informational and socio-legal components of the future civil defense specialists’ professional competence.


higher education, competence-based approach, professional competence, professional competence components, civil defense specialists.




1. Hmurman, V. E. (1979). Rukovodstvo k resheniiu zadach po teorii veroiatnostei i matematicheskoi statistike [Guide to solving problems in probability theory and mathematical statistics]. Moscow: vyssh. shkola [in Ukrainian].
2. Drach, I. (2013). Kompetentnist fakhivcia yak praktyka i chynnyk modernizatsii suchasnoi osvity [Professional competence as a theoretical issue]. Kyiv: nova pedahohichna dumka [in Ukrainian].
3. Drach, I. (2013). Kompetentnist fakhivcia yak praktyka i chynnyk modernizatsii suchasnoi osvity [Education and practice as a basis and a factor of modernization of modern education]. Kyiv: znannia [in Ukrainian].
4. Kuchai, O. (2009). Kompetentnist – rezultatyvno-diialnisna kharakterystyka osvity [Competence as an resultingy-active characteristics of education]. Profesiina osvita: tsinnisni oriientyry suchasnosti – Professional education: present value orientations. I. A. Ziaziun (Ed). Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI” [in Ukrainian].
5. Pasynchuk, K. (2013). Sutnist poniatiia “fakhova kompetentnist” maibutniho pratsivnyka sluzhby tsyvilnogo zakhystu [Essence of professional competence concept of civil defense worker]. Uman: zbirnyk naukovykh prats Umanskogo derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu [in Ukrainian].
6. Savchenko, L. (2005). Vyvchennia tsinnisnykh oriientatsii suchasnoi studentskoi molodi [Studying of value orientations of young modern students]. Kyiv: ridna shkola [in Ukrainian].
7. Sliusarenko, O. (2009). Kvalifikatsiina kryterial’nist’ kompetentnosti : poniatiino-metodolohichni aspekty [Qualifications criteria of competence: conceptual - methodological aspects]. Kyiv: filosofiia osvity [in Ukrainian].
8. Subetto, A. I. (2006). Ontologia i epistomologiiz kompetentnosnoho podkhoda, klassifikatsyia i kvalimetriia kompetentsyi [Ontology and epistemology of the competence approach, classification and qualification of competence]. Moscow: Isledovat. tsentr problem kachestva podhotovki spetsialistov [in Russian].
9. Tkachenko, T. V. (2009). Formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh fakhivtsiv bezpeky zhyttiediialnosti zasobamy informatsiino-komunikatyvnykh tekhnolohii [Formation of professional competence of future specialists of life safety by means of informationcommunicative technology]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Vinnytsia [in Ukrainian].
10. Khrypunova, A. L. (2009). Formuvannia ekolohichnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh inzhyneriv – fakhivtsiv tsyvilnogo zakhystu [Formation of ecological competence of engineers - civil protection experts]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian].

Larysa Dunaieva, Vitalii Zakharchenko, Natalia Zakharchenko. World Experience in Improving Quality of Education: Directions, Means, Norms.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 119-128. Odessa.


Larysa Dunaieva,
Doctor of Political Sciences, professor, head of
Research institute of Informational and Social Technologies,
Odessa National I. I. Mechnikov University,
2, Dvorianska Str., Odessa, Ukraine,
Vitalii Zakharchenko,
Doctor of Economics, professor,
Department of Management of International Economic and Innovative Activities,
Odessa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko Avenue, Odessa, Ukraine,
Natalia Zakharchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Economic Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Economics and Market Relations Modeling,
Odessa National I. I. Mechnikov University,
2, Dvorianska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The article deals with the main directions of modernization of the educational system of the European community. Based on the generalization of the experience of improving the quality of education in Western countries, the directions of modernization of education in Ukraine, optimization of higher education and its integration with innovation-oriented production are determined. The purpose of the paper is to justify ways to improve the system of management of the process of modernization of education in Ukraine. The latter is based on the accumulated world experience and is functioning in the context of the realization of the Concept of the implementation of state policy in the sphere of general secondary education reform “New Ukrainian School” for the period up to 2029 and the innovations of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”. Higher education financing models, which have been developed in world practice, allow to identify some elements of a new mechanism for education financing in Ukraine. At present, the government and the public are discussing a number of changes to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” and the Tax Code regarding new financial management and the organization of the educational process in general. The reforming of education should be supported by funding. This means that funding should be directly related to the goals, and some incentives should be created to achieve them. The experience of introducing a multi-channel system of financing education with the involvement of non-state sources of funding and expanding the participation of representatives of large and medium-sized businesses in the material support of the system of education, using the system of address financing of students of schools and students of education institutions have shown their effectiveness and are well developed in such countries like Australia, France, Finland, Italy, USA, Japan, Canada. At present, Ukrainian education institutions are gradually stepping up their efforts to enter the world educational space and collaborate with the leading scientific and educational centers of the United States, the European Union. The process of integration of the Ukrainian economy into the world, the entry into the WTO requires taking measures to improve the quality and competitiveness of Ukrainian education in the international educational space, stimulate the growth of exports of educational services by the education system authorities. Successful experience of foreign countries in this area should be taken into account when reforming the national educational system.


education, system, space, Bologna process, professionalism, education, school, integration.




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