Marianna Skoromna, Kateryna Polianska. Development of Pedagogical Excellence in Master-Degree Students Having Bachelor’s Degree in Different Specialties.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 129-135. Odessa.


Marianna Skoromna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), lenior lecturer,
Department of Primary Education Teaching Technologies,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Kateryna Polianska,
PhD, associate professor,
Department of Bowed Instruments,
Petro Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine,
1-3/11, Arkhitektora Horodetskoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper deals with the relevant issue of exploring the peculiarities of pedagogical excellence formation in Master-degree students having Bachelor’s degree in different specialties. In order to examine the peculiarities of pedagogical excellence manifestation and its main indicators there were developed two author’s techniques revealing and measuring twelve indicators of pedagogical excellence and three indicators of teacher’s main skills. The experiment involved 104 Master-degree students majoring in Primary Education who had Bachelor’s degree in different fields. The respondents were examined according to the developed techniques and methods. The initial assessment showed that the indicators of their pedagogical excellence were basically at low and average levels. Though the respondents having Bachelor’s degree in pedagogical specialty had average and above average levels of pedagogical excellence indicators. In order to develop the students’ pedagogical excellence there has been elaborated a unique workshop involving a set of trainings which was implemented into the educational process within a month in the afternoons. Besides, at the end of this course students were involved into teaching practice (internship). The respondents were divided into two groups: the students who had Bachelor’s degree in a pedagogical specialty, and those ones majoring in another field. Each group was divided into experimental and control subgroups (four groups in general). The experimental group was taught according to the developed training, and the control one studied according to the traditional system. In a month after taking the course the students undertook internship program. After that everyone was reexamined according to the developed methods and techniques. The research results have shown that in general the indicators of pedagogical excellence in both groups of students have increased, but one can observe the most significant positive results in the experimental group, namely in the Master-degree students who had Bachelor’s degree in pedagogical specialty. It means that the Master-degree students having Bachelor’s degree in non-pedagogical specialty are not ready to Master pedagogical excellence programs within the determined period of time, so that it should be prolonged.


pedagogical excellence, educational and professional activities, competency formation, Master-degree students, Bachelor’s degree.




1. Holik, O. B. (2010). Pedahohichna maisternist: orhanizatsiino-upravlinskyi aspekt: navchalnyi posibnyk [Pedagogical excellence: organizational and managerial aspect: study guide]. Donetsk: vyd-vo Noulidzh [in Ukrainian].
2. Kovalova, I. O. (2002). Obraz pedahoha: monohrafiia [Image of a teacher: monograph]. Kharkiv: PF «Antykva» [in Ukrainian].
3. Lavrinenko O. A. (2009). Istoriia pedahohichnoi maisternosti [History of pedagogical excellence]. SPD Bohdanova A. M. [in Ukrainian].
4. Fedorchuk, E. I., Koniakova, T. I., Fedorchuk, V. V., Zaremba, V. O. (2006). Osnovy pedahohichnoi maisternosti: navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk [Foundations of pedagogical excellence: textbook]. E. I. Fedorchuk (Ed.). Kamianets-Podilskyi: ABETKA [in Ukrainian]. 
5. Ziaziun, I. A., Kramushchenko, L. V., Kryvonos, I. F. (2008). Pedahohichna maisternist: pidruchnyk [Pedagogical excellence: textbook]. I. A. Ziaziun (Ed.). 3 rd ed. rev. Kyiv: SPD Bohdanova A. M. [in Ukrainian].
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Liliya Morska, Iryna Levchyk. Formation of Professional English Competence in Future Psychologists’ Speech.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 136-141. Odessa.


Liliya Morska,
PhD (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences), professor,
head of the Department of English Philology,
Iryna Levchyk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University,
2, Maksyma Kryvonosa Str., Ternopil, Ukraine



The article highlights the peculiarities of teaching professional English to future psychologists to use it when dealing with conflict situations. The developed methodology is aimed at modelling the teaching process taking into consideration the content of learning, its purposes, methods and control tools. The relevance of the issue studied is caused by the absence of an integrated methodology of teaching the foundations of professional activity and foreign language communication to future psychologists concerning their role of a conflict mediator. In focus of close interconnection of linguistic and occupational activities the psychological characteristics of generation and reproduction of mediator’s communication in the mediation process have been investigated, therefore the main types of mediators’ communicative behaviour according to the algorithm of their professional activity have been determined. They include auditory speaking behaviour (introductory skills), dialogue and polylogue speaking behaviour (clarifying skills), informative selective speaking behaviour (alternative speaking skills), verbal motivating speaking behaviour (persuasive skills), and spontaneous regulative speaking behaviour (contractual skills). In accordance with the designed model of the formation of professional English competence in future psychologists’ speech the subsequent system of exercises with accompanying methodological recommendations has been described. During the experimental trials the questioners and tests were used in experimental and control groups. The results of control test at the final stage of the experiment have shown positive dynamics of students-psychologists’ English professional competence in the experimental groups according to the established criteria.


professionally oriented English, modelling of the teaching process, psychologist-mediator, types of communicative behaviour, algorithm of professional activity, speaking skills.




1. Astafurova, Т. N. (1997). Strategii komunikativnogo povedeniya v profesionalno znachimyh situatsiyakh mezhkulturnogo obshcheniya: lingvisticheskiie i didakticheskiie aspekty [Strategies of the communicative behavior in professionally significant situations of international communication: linguistic and didactic aspects]. Doctor’s thesis. Moscow: Moscow State Linguistic University [in Russian].
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3. Hulakova, I. I. (2004). Kommunikativnye strategii i taktiki rechevogo povedeniya v konfliktnoy situatsii obshcheniya [Communicative strategies and tactics of speaking behavior in conflict situation]. Candidate’s thesis. Orel: Orel State University [in Russian].
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6. Levchyk, I. Yu. (2014). Formuvannia profesiino oriientovanoi anhlomovnoi kompetentnosti u govorinni maibutnikh psykhologiv [Formation of professionally oriented English competence in future psychologists’ speech]. Candidate’s thesis. Odessa: South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky [in Ukrainian]
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11. Pevneva, I. V. (2008). Kommunikativnyie strategii i taktiki v konfliktnykh situatsiyakh obshsheniya onikhodno-bytovogo i professionalnogo pedagogicheskogo diskursov russkoy i amerikanskoy lingvokultur [Communicative strategies and tactics of communication in conflict situations of everyday and professional pedagogical discourses in Russian and American lingual cultures]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kemerovo: Kemerovo State University [in Russian].
12. Repkina, L. I. (2011). Obucheniie professionalno oriientirovanomu chteniyu tekstov psikhologopedagogicheskoy napravlennosti na osnove funktsionalnogo podkhoda [Teaching professionally oriented reading texts of psychological-pedagogic character on the basis of functional approach]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Moscow: Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov [in Russian].
13. Sitarov, V. A. (2002). Didaktika. uchebnoie posobiie dlya studentov vyshykh pedagogicheskikh zavedeniy [Didactics. manual for students of higher pedagogical institutions]. Moscow: Academia [in Russian].
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Sergii Pavlenko, Volodymyr Sevruk, Yevhen Kobko. Training Police Officers in The Conditions of Reforming The System of Education of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Accordance with European Standards.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 142-150. Odessa.


Sergii Pavlenko
PhD (Candidate of Law), leading researcher,
Department of Organization of Research Work,
Volodymyr Sevruk,
PhD (Candidate of Law), leading researcher,
Department of Organization of Research Work,
Yevhen Kobko,
PhD (Candidate of Law), associate professor,
Department of Administrative Law and Process,
National Academy of Internal Affairs,
1, Solomianska Square, Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper deals with relevant issues of the transformation of Ukrainian law enforcement institutions of higher education according to modern European models and concepts of training police officers. In determining the purpose of police education, the most controversial issue is whether to provide police officers with high-grade education or to train functional specialists in specific areas of police activity. The system of police training in Schengen countries is different and noticeable for the lack of a single unified approach because of a wide range of teaching concepts. Foreign experience and advanced practice in law-enforcement education can become an ideological platform in the course of Ukrainian reforms. However, excessive attempts to transfer the experience of foreign systems of training police officers to Ukrainian reality are not justified, because national characteristics, educational traditions and positive results in this area are usually ignored. Therefore, the standards established in the legal systems of other countries should be combined with verified domestic developments in education. The police training based on curriculum of legal education and the degrees of Bachelor and Master is the accomplishment of domestic law enforcement system of Ukraine. Therefore, in the process of developing the Concept aimed at improving the legal (judicial) education for jurist’s professional training according to EU standards, special attention should be paid to law schools with specific learning environments taking into account that one of the main tasks of the police is to protect human rights and freedoms, as well as interests of society and the state.


 training, law enforcement institutions, reformation, police, education.




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Nataliia Orlova. Efficiency of Mind Mapping For The Development of Speaking Skills in Students of Non-Linguistic Study Fields.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 151-161. Odessa.


Nataliia Orlova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,
81, Shevchenko Boulevard, Cherkasy, Ukraine



Teaching the art of profession-related communication to students of non-linguistic study fields allows instructors to explain their students how to keep up the conversation using facts, data, concepts etc. specific to the area of their future profession. It activates the acquisition processes as well as increases students’ motivation to study. The formation of oral monologue speaking skills in students of non-linguistic study fields is one of the tasks within the course of Foreign (English) Language for Specific Purposes. This process is associated with certain difficulties, which can inhibit learning and demotivate students to study. Among strategies and techniques aiding learning that can be used to improve performance and study outcomes during the course and can be implemented for the enhancement of speaking on occupation-related topics, the mind mapping technique is of specific relevance. It can serve as an interesting and useful tool serving to enhance quality of oral speaking skills in the students majoring in Psychology as the representatives of non-linguistic study fields. The article analyses the carried out research concerning the facilitating impact of mind mapping on the oral speech performance of Psychology students. The study hypothesis implies that the use of the mind-mapping technique in the process of preparing for and presenting the talk in the study sessions enhances students’ oral monologue speech performance. In order to check the hypothesis, we have conducted the experiment in Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy at the Department of Psychology. The study involved 46 first-year students, including 34 female and 12 male participants. The respondents were randomly assigned to the experimental mind-mapping group of 23 students (including 6 males) and the control group of 23 students (including 6 males as well). The students in the experimental group were involved into the experiment using the mind-mapping technique during their study, and the students in the control group continued their studying in the usual way. The hypothesis was confirmed. The mind map use stimulates activity of both brain hemispheres, thus making it easier for students to memorise thematic vocabulary, follow the logical sequence of the talk when speaking. The research findings have shown the effectiveness of implementing the mind-mapping technique into the university course of teaching English for Specific Purposes to develop, advance and master students’ professional communicative competence. Consistent use of mind maps will also promote the educational process efficiency and have positive effects on the general formation of competitive skilled specialists.


mind maps, mind-mapping technique, English for Specific Purposes, oral monologue speech, nonlinguistic study fields.




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Nataliia Sydorova, Veronika Dumanska, Yuliia Dotsenko. Ways of Improving The Efficiency of Teaching Descriptive Geometry.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 161-166. Odessa.


Nataliia Sydorova,
PhD (Candidate of Technical Sciences), associate professor,
Veronika Dumanska,
PhD (Candidate of Technical Sciences),
Yuliia Dotsenko,
PhD (Candidate of Technical Sciences),
Department of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics,
Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
4, Didrikhsona Str., Odessa, Ukraine,



The low level of students’ professional competence puts forward new requirements to the teaching methods. The conditions of content and quality of teaching Descriptive Geometry demand to improve the forms and methods of students’ individual work organization. Besides, Ukrainian engineering universities face a problem of lack of students’ technical drawing skills which is caused by the removal of this subject from school curricula. As a result, a university teacher has to spend a lot of time (allocated for teaching a certain discipline) teaching drawing to students. It is recommended to add Technical Drawing for senior school students who are going to enter engineering higher educational institutions at least as extracurricular activities to make them more prepared for university education in the field. The paper aims to present new methods of teaching Descriptive Geometry to university students majoring in Architecture, and check their efficiency for the development of the correspondent skills. In order to increase the quality of teaching “Descriptive Geometry” and “Engineering Drawing” to university students there have been created and produced special showcases. A showcase aimed at demonstrating the models’ shades is suggested for teaching the topic “Shades”, and a showcase “Mirror room” can be used to teach the topic “Reflection” to students. In order to check the efficiency of the method, the showcases were implemented into the educational process of Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. The students who took part in the survey were divided into control and experimental groups. The control group was taught according to traditional methods and the experimental one was taught using the showcases. The research outcomes demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed techniques and prove the research hypothesis which implies that the application of the showcases will help students majoring in “Architecture and Engineering” acquire the material and master necessary skills more efficiently and faster. It has been concluded that the developed techniques contribute to better comprehension of topics by students, which, in turn, encourages them to study with pleasure.


graphic training, technical drawing, teaching methods, efficiency and quality of training, descriptive geometry, textbooks, academic performance, showcase.




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