Lyudmyla Romanyuk, Yuriy Chernov. Personality Values and Motivations in Cross-Cultural Context: Assessment by Pvq-Test and Handwriting Psychology

(2017) Science and education, 11, 172-178. Odessa.


Lyudmyla Romanyuk,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor, head of the Department of Psychology,
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 26, Horodotska Str., Lviv, Ukraine,
research-professor at Faculty of Psychology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
60, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
Yuriy Chernov,
Doctor of Mathematics, research-professor at Swiss Institute for Handwriting Psychology, i
nvited professor at Institute of Applied Psychology at Zurich University of Applied Sciences,
96, Pfingstweidstrasse, Zurich, Switzerland



The present study deals with an integrated approach to the assessing of basic human motivations. It combines the handwriting analysis as a projective method with the questionnaire-based PVQ (Portrait Value Questionnaire of Schwartz). The major advantage of the handwriting analysis is that it allows objective assessing the personality without the influence of the typical for questionnaires social desirability. In this study, we used its formalised model implemented in the computer program HSDetect (Chernov 2014; Чернов, 2011; Чернов 2012). The PVQ is a well-known and good validated instrument (Schwartz, 2012) that includes ten scales of human values. Therefore, the aim was to combine the advantages of both. All subjects submitted the PVQ-test and provided the samples of their handwriting. Experts quantitatively evaluated the handwriting signs of the samples and then HSDetect provided the evaluation of personality traits and finally the PVQ scales.
 Results have shown that for five PVQ scales, namely Benevolence, Power, Security, Tradition und Universalism the results of the test and the handwriting analysis are statistically significant (for the confidence level 0.95). It means that the reliability of the evaluation of these personality values is especially high. Three other scales, namely Achievement, Hedonism and Stimulation show agreement with the confidence level of 0.80. Only for two scales (Conformity and Self-Direction) the results disagree with each other. The study provides, firstly, important basis for the further formal and reliable investigation of human motivations, and, secondly, demonstrates the powerfulness of the new formalised approach – integration of projective and the questionnaire-based instruments. 


values, values assessment, measurement of values, PVQ-Test, handwriting psychology.




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Olha Sannikova. Individual-Typical Variations of Narcissism.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 179-186. Odessa.


Olha Sannikova,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Head of the Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



In the period of global and large-scale socio-cultural changes, the desire for “free individualism”, for undesirable social manifestations referring to the extreme (subclinical) variants of the “norm”, to the growth of narcissistic tendencies increases. The urgency of the study is determined by the need to develop a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the issue of narcissism, its conceptualization as a psychological phenomenon, the need to study individualtypical variations of its features (components) and the features of their manifestations. The paper aims to present the results of investigating individual psychological features of non-clinical narcissism in persons who differ in emotionality. For the study of narcissism, “Test of Narcissism Assessment” was used. Emotionality was measured by “Psychodiagnostic Four-Modality Emotionality Questionnaire”. The presence of negative significant correlations between the emotional modality of Joy and the majority of indicators of narcissism was found, while the modalities “Anger”, “Fear”, “Sadness” correlate with the parameters of narcissism mostly positively. The individual peculiarity of the narcissistic traits within the limits of the mental norm, the variability of their individual combinations (qualitative and quantitative combination of indicators, characteristics of narcissism) are determined by the degree of dominance of one or another emotional modality.


dark triad, non-clinical narcissism, emotionality, profiles of narcissism, individual-typical variations.




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Larysa Zasiekina, Victoria Maystruk. Unconditional Self-Acceptance and Psychological Well-Being.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 187-192. Odessa.


Larysa Zasiekina,
Doctor of Psychological Science, Full Professor, head of the
Department of General and Social Psychology and Social Studies,
Victoria Maystruk,
postgraduate student,
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University,
12, Volia Avenue, Lutsk, Ukraine



The category of self-acceptance is usually considered as an appropriate instrument for enhancing mental health and well-being. From this perspective unconditional self-acceptance is often considered as an alternative for improving low self-esteem which is always regarded as dysfunctional global evaluating one’s worth. It would be preferable for individual well-being to accept oneself unconditionally. A novel approach to self-acceptance study is based on the primary issues of rational-emotive behavior therapy (Ellis, 1969), rational frames theory (Hayes et al., 2001, Zasiekina, 2015), acceptance and commitment therapy (Zettle et al., 2003). The goal of the study is adaptation and revealing psychometric properties for Ukrainian version of a novel measure of unconditional self-acceptance (Chamberlain J.M., Haaga, 2001). The procedure of adaptation and standardization of the Unconditional Self-Acceptance Questionnaire contains two stages. The first one is represented by feedback translation of the items and testing two versions of the Questionnaire in the students of Foreign Language Philology Departments. The indices of strong correlation were observed which proves the adequacy of translation version. The second stage contains data of reliability and validity of the Questionnaire. In a nonclinical adult sample, statistically controlling for unconditional self-acceptance, the latter was connected with the psychological well-being, a sense of autonomy in thoughts and actions, establishing closing ties to others, the ability to manage complex environments to suit personal needs and values. The results of the study allow using a Ukrainian version of Unconditional Self-Acceptance Questionnaire as a reliable measure for diagnostics.


unconditional self-acceptance, self-acceptance, mental health, well-being, self-esteem.




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(2017) Science and education, 11, 1. Odessa.


Tetiana Koknova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Roman and Germanic Philology Department, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
1, Gogol square, Starobilsk, Ukraine










Willie van Peer, Anna Chesnokova. Literariness in Readers’ Experience. Further Developments in Empirical Research and Theory.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 5-17. Odessa.


Willie van Peer,
PhD, professor,
Ludwig Maximilian University,
2, Professor-Huber-Platz, Munich, Germany,
Anna Chesnokova,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), professor,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
18/2, Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



In the past, several studies have found empirical support for the psychological notion of foregrounding. In this article we will present the results of a series of reading experiments investigating descriptive and evaluative reader reactions to poems, both in their original form (containing rather heavy foregrounding, both deviation and parallelism) and versions from which all foregrounding has been removed. In this sense the research presents a replication of earlier experiments as well as a comparison with some more recent ones that failed to find empirical evidence for the notion of foregrounding. It will also cast light on Bortolussi and Dixon’s (2003) ‘rereading paradigm’. The results will be combined with a reconsideration of the concept of literariness, which will be confronted with the variety within a reader population, as well as with the diversity within a text corpus. The latter will be confronted with Van Peer’s (1991) effort to develop a descriptive definition of literature, incorporating the heterogeneous nature of the corpus of texts that are regarded as literary. Revisiting these aspects of texts and their reception may illuminate persistent problems in the theory of literariness.


 literariness, empirical research, reading experiment, rereading paradigm, foregrounding.




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