Anastasiia Kurova. Influence of Time Perspective on Main Components of Self-Efficacy.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 92-97. Odessa.


Anastasiia Kurova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
senior lecturer, Department of Sociology and Psychology,
National University “Odessa Law Academy”,
2, Akademichna Str., Odesa, Ukraine



In spite of the important role of self-efficacy in human life, the issue of theoretical and empirical research of this concept is still understudied nowadays. Personal focus on learning and fulfillment of ones’ inner resources and possibilities determines the self-efficacy of a personality. The development of self-efficacy is very important, that is why the people should believe in the effectiveness of their personalities. The paper aims to analyze the results of the empirical research of the influence of time perspectives on the main components of self-efficacy. The sample included 110 students of the Faculty of Psychology of National University “Odessa Law Academy”. The following research techniques were used in the study: Self-Efficacy Test modified by A. Boyaryntseva and R. Krychevskyi, The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, Aspirations Index by E.L. Deci, R. M. Ryan, Self-Assessment of Ontogenetic Reflection by M. P. Fetiskin. The temporal orientation of a personality is connected with the features of the components of selfefficacy. Thus, the respondents, focused on the present and past, demonstrate more courage in the appreciation of the probability to achieve “spiritual” success. They proved to be much more successful, focused and persistent in the achievement of material, social and personal benefits. On the contrary, the respondents focused on the future perceive the life as a process of gaining experience, a process of struggle for the new knowledge and the right to influence the final result of their own activity. Besides, the respondents, focused on the present and past, have shown the ability for reflection about their own past in order to analyze and understand the mistakes and to gain the experience.


personality, self-efficacy, interpersonal communication, level of the ontogenetic reflection, time perspective of a personality.




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Karyna Fomenko. Self-Regulation of Labor Activity: The Means of Psychodiagnostics and The Role in Motivation.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 98-104. Odessa.


Karyna Fomenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
associate professor, Department of Practical Psychology,
H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
29, Alchevskich Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



The paper characterizes the levels and the means of psychodiagnostics of labor activity regulation: an intrinsic self-regulation or motivation, which assumes the interest and enjoyment during the activity, and an extrinsic regulation (identification, introjected and external regulation), which requires the external regulation of labor activity. The standardization of “Self-regulation of Labor Activity Questionnaire” and its validity and reliability are shown. The components of labor activity motivation have been studied, namely: aspiration to perfection in internal self-regulation of professional activity, which includes the hubristic aspiration to perfection, the motives of activity and self-realization, identification, career orientation to professional competence, serving, intrinsic motivation, career intuition, cognitive motive; business interest, which contains career orientation to entrepreneurship, challenge, management, integration of life styles, an intrinsic motivation; aspiration to superiority in autonomy career orientations, which assumes the hubristic aspiration to superiority, autonomy, acceptance motive, cognitive motive, management; introjected regulation in a work stability orientations, which includes the combination of the stability of work and residence with introjected regulation; career motivation, which contains career stability, involvement and intuition; and external regulation of life, which includes external regulation and the motives of living.


self-regulation of labor activity, intrinsic self-regulation, identification, introjected and external regulation, hubristic motivation, career orientation, professional motives.




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Natalia Chepeleva, Svitlana Rudnytska. Normative Model of Personality Discourse Self-Designing.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 105-113. Odessa.


Natalia Chepeleva,
The full member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
Doctor of Psychology, professor, Deputy Director of
Research Work of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology,
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
2, Pankivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
Svitlana Rudnytska,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor,
head of Laboratory of Cognitive Psychology
of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology,
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
2, Pankivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The relevance of the issue is determined by social demands for identifying ways of a personality development, aimed at self-improving, self-designing, the person responsible for his/her deeds and the destiny of the whole society, the person able to act successfully under changing conditions of the modern information society. The paper aims to characterize a normative model of discursive self-designing of a personality as an active life-creativity subject. Research methods: modeling as a method of constructing and analyzing the normative model of personality discursive self-designing, systematization, generalization and interpretation in the analysis of the content of the selected selfdesigning process stages. The result of the designed and presented normative model of personality’s discourse selfdesigning is the person’s maturity as the author of his/her own life. The model includes the following components: 1. The formation of protodesign as a state of uncertainty, a premonition of the desired future. 2. Creation of the personality prototext, based on the formation of the idea of the desired way of life. 3. Choosing a desired socio-cultural model. 4. Building a design-guide, which can be formulated in the form of a symbol, slogan, general idea, which reflects future meanings, values, “purpose of life”, strategies and general reflected ways to achieve it. 5. Pre-event designing, in the process of which a revision and overflow of possible life practices take place. 6. Eventful designing, that is, filling the pre-event design with events. 7. Building a life design on the basis of life events predictable by a personality and the generation of the story of the desired life, which contributes to the implementation of the design-guide. 8. Modeling various variants (stories) of the life design and assessment of their viability based on the analysis of one’s own personal resources and socio-cultural conditions. 9. Creating a personality design that can be interpreted as a design of changing personality characteristics based on the “versions of himself/herself” chosen by a person (personality models) necessary for the implementation of the personality design. 10. Realization of personality and life designs. 11. Assessment of the success of personality and life designs realization, which involves transformation of the self-development tasks and the formulation of new ones and, accordingly, elaboration of both life and personality designs, or refusal of further selfdesigning, further personal development.


personality self-designing, personality design, narrative, normative model of self-designing, task on sense, discursive practices, personality maturity.




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Svitlana Hubina. Teaching Activities Self-Regulation By Means of Art Therapy.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 114-119. Odessa.


Svitlana Hubina,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Pedagogy and Professional Education,
Vinnitsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky,
32, Ostrozhskogo Str. Vinnitsa, Ukraine



The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of teaching activities self-regulation by means of art therapy. At the first stage of the study, future teachers (n=77) were suggested choose their own way of self-regulation among music, fine arts, as well as arts and crafts. The goal of the second stage was to determine the effectiveness of the influence on the psycho-emotional sphere of different ways of self-regulation. Therefore, the reaction of the respondents to their application was analyzed. Regression analysis was applied for processing the obtained results. The third stage involved determining the levels of pedagogical activity self-regulation by means of Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire by R. M. Ryan and D. R. Connell. In order to study the relationship of self-regulation of pedagogical activity with motivation, Motivation for Success and Fear of Failure Inventory by A. Rean was used. The results of the study indicate that self-regulation is an integrative property of an individual, which combines intellectual, motivational, volitional, and emotional spheres. One of the psychological means of self-regulation is art therapy, which is a type of psychotherapy and psychological correction, based on art and creativity. According to the research outcomes, there is a positive relationship between the indicators of external regulation, internal motivation and the motivation to succeed. This indicates that the interest in teaching activity self-regulation is conditioned by the motivation to succeed.


self-regulation, emotional sphere regulation, teaching activities, future teachers, levels of selfregulation, methods of self-regulation, art therapy, musical art, arts and crafts.




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Leonid Mohilevskyi, Volodymyr Sevruk, Serhii Pavlenko. Psycho-Pedagogical Training of Operating Unit Workers of National Police of Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 120-132. Odessa.


Leonid Mohilevskyi,
Doctor of Law, senior researcher, academic secretary,
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs,
27, Landau Avenue, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Volodymyr Sevruk,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), leading researcher,
Department of Organization of Research Work,
National Academy of Internal Affairs,
1, Solomianska Square, Kyiv, Ukraine
Serhii Pavlenko,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), leading researcher,
Department of Organization of Research Work,
National Academy of Internal Affairs,
1, Solomianska Square, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article describes the content and specifics of the psychological training of operational unit employees of the National Police of Ukraine due to the work in the operation and search field, which is associated with the extreme working conditions. Psychological training of National Police staff should be carried out at higher education institutions with specific educational conditions that carry out the training of cadets (students), adjuncts for further work as officers (sergeants) or the commanding staff in order to meet the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the National Police. Professional psychological training of operational unit workers of the National Police of Ukraine should be provided by means of special trainings according to the directions of operational units’ work. There are some suggestions of introducing a positive experience of psychological training of operational unit employees of developed democratic states, where such a training is carried out at a high level for law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. These are the requirements of moral qualities that an operational officer must possess in order to perform the tasks assigned to the operation and search activities effectively. The ways of improving the psychological support of operational units of the National Police of Ukraine are presented.


psychological training, law enforcement agencies, police training technologies, functional preparedness, cognitive functions.




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