Samokysh I. I., Bosenko A. I. , Dyshel H. O. Optimization of teaching physical education at higher educational institutions on the basis of students’ functional capacity monitoring

(2016) Science and education, 8, 151-157. Odessa.

Ivan Samokysh,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, Department of Physical Education,
Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications named after A. S. Popov,
1, Kovalska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Anatolii Bosenko,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), private professor,
Head of the Department of Biology and Health Сare,
Halyna Dyshel
senior lecturer, Department of Biology and Health Care,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



One of the most efficient methods of evaluating children and youth’s adaptive capacity is controlled activity testing. The aim of the paper is to study the safety and the ways of using the testing with load power change over one cycle when monitoring students’ functional capacity at physical education classes. The study involved the following tasks: 1) to examine the functional capacity of students aged 17-19 years using the indicators of their physical working capacity, aerobic capacity, the state of the mechanisms of cardiac rhythm regulation and estimate their correspondence to the standards; 2) to study gender peculiarities of the functional capacity and response of regulatory systems to the test. The following research methods were used: questionnaire, anthropometry, pedagogical testing of physical fitness, cycle ergometer test, electrocardiography, tonometry, variation pulsometry, statistical methods. 150 students aged 17-19 years studying at the first and the second course at the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky and Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications named after A. S. Popov, namely 86 girls and 64 boys belonging to the group with no medical constraints for doing physical exercises, took part in the study. The variation pulsometry data obtained at muscular rest demonstrates optimum level of regulatory mechanisms activity. The procedure of cardiac rhythm mathematical analysis has made it possible to distinguish the following regulation types: sympathicotonic, normotonic and vagotonic. The research has shown that the majority of students have normotonic regulation type. The results obtained after the test load with reverse show significant changes in the functional state of regulatory mechanisms. According to most indicators of variation pulsometry at the highest load (reverse moment) and in the first minutes of recovery after the functional testing, the most preferable reaction of regulatory mechanisms of cardiac rhythm in boys and girls was observed. Also, some gender peculiarities were discovered: in the reverse moment, the boys were characterized by the highest rate of strain of the regulatory mechanisms of cardiac rhythm. Thus, the functional capacity monitoring with the use of cycle ergometer load with power change over one cycle provides an opportunity of comprehensive assessment of the functional capacity of students’ body, which may be useful for optimization of teaching physical education at higher educational institutions.


physical education, teaching process, functional testing, functional capacity, monitoring.




1.Bayevskiy, R. M. (1979). Prognozirovanie sostoyaniy na grani normy i patologii [Predicting the states on the verge of norm and pathology]. Moscow: Meditsina [in Russian].
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Konstantin Bondarenko, Aleksandr Madzharov, Alla Bondarenko. Optimizing the Means of Training Handball Players Based on Functional Status of Skeletal Mus-cles.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 5-11. Odessa.

Konstantin Bondarenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport,
Aleksandr Madzharov,
senior lecturer, Department of Sports Disciplines,
Alla Bondarenko
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education Gomel State University named after F. Skorina, 1
04, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus



The paper describes the main peculiarities of planning the annual cycle for training qualified female handball players under conditions of intense training and competitions. The main aspects of organizing and planning the structure of training loads in the annual cycle based on the parameters of skeletal muscles’ immediate and long-term adaptation for doing special exercises have been outlined. Muscle groups’ behavioural responses that determine the effectiveness of competition exercises in the course of doing them with maximum load have been described. Heterochronism of appropriate accommodation of skeletal muscles to physical exercise have been determined; it has become the basis for the scheme of proportioning the training means in micro-cycles. The mode of doing special exercises for female handball players as well as time parameters of recovery of skeletal muscles tone, their elasticity and strength have been mentioned. Based on the generally accepted periodization, the structure of annual cycle of training female handball players has been offered; the latter is based on percentage ratio of training means in micro- and mesocycles, characteristics of qualitative and quantitative indicators, accommodation of skeletal muscles to physical action. The parameters of interrelations between the indicators of mechanical toning of skeletal muscles identified in the absence volitional strain (the state of rest) and the parameters of physical performance (movement rate, effectiveness of cooperation with partners) have been outlined. The dependence of the effectiveness of muscular performance that affects the “possibility to accumulate elastic strain energy in the mechanism of mechanical power recuperation in the process of movement” on technical activity performance by female handball players (the accuracy of handling and effective goal shot) has been discovered. The annual cycle of training female handball players has been divided into periods depending on the task of a certain stage, the level of physical preparedness and temporal components of accommodation of body’s functional systems to physical exercise. The percentage ratio of performing the exercises aimed at general physical training and special exercises depending on their influence and heterochronism of accommodation have been offered. The research done and results obtained have made it possible to prove the hypothesis of the work and to observe that the data on viscoelastic behavior of skeletal muscles can be used as efficiency criteria for managing the process of training athletes. The revealed regularities of skeletal muscles’ accommodation to training loads and competitions have made it possible to increase the level of physical and functional capacity of female athletes’ body 


skeletal muscles, muscle tone, elasticity, stiffness, functional status, training stages.




1. Vysochin, Yu. V., & Denisenko, Yu. P. (2010). Phiziologicheskie osnovy spetsialoy podgotovki futbolistov [Physiological basis of footballers’ special training]. Uspekhi sovremennogo estestvoznaniya – The success of modern science, 9, 39-40 [in Russian].
2. Tulenkov, S. Yu. (1996). Teoretikometodicheskie aspekty upravleniya podgotovkoy vysokokvalifitsirovannykh futbolistov [Theoretical and methodological aspects of the management of training highly skilled footballers]. Extended abstract of doctor`s thesis. Moscow [in Russian].
3. Shamardin, A. I. (2000). Optimizatsiya funktsionalnoy podgotovlennosti futbolistov [Optimization of functional vigour of football players]. Volgograd [in Russian].
4. Bondarenko, K. K., & Malinovskiy, A. S. (2005). Effektivnost upravlyauschikh sistem organizma khokkeistov pri adaptatsii k myshechnoy deyatelnosti [Effectiveness of management system of hockey-players’ body in the process of adaptation to muscular activity]. Izvestiya Gomelskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni Frantsiska Skoriny – Journal of Gomel State University named after Francis Skorina, 4, 102-107 [in Russian].

Konstantin Bondarenko, Mariya Palashenko, Irina Nazarenko, Olga Zaharchenko. Structure of Training Activity of Swimmers Based on the Functional Status of Skeletal Mus-cles.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 12-82. Odessa.

Konstantin Bondarenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport,
Mariya Palashenko,
Master of Pedagogy, teacher of Physical Education and Sport,
Irina Nazarenko,
senior lecturer in Physical Education and Sport,
Olga Zaharchenko,
teacher of Physical Education and Sport,
Gomel Fr. Skaryna State University,
104, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus



The article deals with the peculiarities of the behavioral reactions of swimmers’ skeletal muscles depending on the character of the physical load while doing the repeated actions and upon lapse of recovery time. With the help of the maximum load of the main muscle groups responsible for the biodynamics of stroking, there have been determined the criteria of the rational amount of repetitions both in a series of exercises and the amount of series repetition in a workout session. Besides, the time periods contributing to the recovery of the skeletal muscles functioning after the completed physical load have been revealed. By means of the method of damped oscillations (myometrium) the parameters of the state of skeletal muscle tone at rest and in the process of the repeated doing of exercises have been identified. The revealed range of skeletal muscles’ elasticity and stiffness made it possible to determine the timing parameters of muscle loading and recovery, responsible for the effectiveness of doing special exercises by swimmers. In addition, the influence of the development of physical fitness level on the effectiveness of doing specific exercises has been defined. The indices of changes in the level of physical fitness and special preparedness when applying exercises appropriate for the functional state of skeletal muscles within the annual training cycle have been determined. In the process of carrying out the ascertaining experiment the common factors in the organization and planning of the training means both in a single session, micro- and mesocycles have been found. The revealed regularities made it possible to plan the training cycle taking into account biomechanical characteristics of the neuromuscular system functioning. Within the framework of the common periodization it was proposed to divide the annual training cycle into stages, depending on the problems faced by athletes, level of physical fitness and time components of the perception of physical load by body functional systems. The carried out experiment has confirmed the hypothesis that the application of the structure of the training load basing on the adequate perception of physical exercises by skeletal muscles improves the physical fitness, functional state and working capacity of sportsmen.


skeletal muscle, flexibility, power potential, efficiency.




1. Bondarenko, K. K., Shilko, S. V. & Chernous, D. A. (2007). Metod opredeleniya in vivo vyazkouprugikh kharakteristik skeletnih myshts [Method of determining viscoelastic characteristics of skeletal muscles]. Rossiiski zhurnal biomehaniki - Russian Journal of Biomechanics, 1, 45-54 [in Russian].
2. Bondarenko, K. K., Lisaevich, E.P., Shilko, S.V. (2009). Izmenenie kinematiki grebka v plavanii pod vozdeistviem utomleniya skeletnih mishts [Changes in the kinematics of stroke in swimming under the influence of fatigue in skeletal muscle]. Rossiiski zhurnal biomehaniki - Russian Journal of Biomechanics, 2, 24-33 [in Russian].
3. Visochin, Yu.V. & Denisenko, Yu.P. (2010). Phiziologicheskie osnovy spetsialoi podgotovki futbolistov [Physiological basis of special training of football players]. Uspekhi sovremennogo estestvoznaniya - The successes of modern science, 9, 39-40 [in Russian].
4. Shilko, S. V., Chernous, D. A., & Bondarenko, K. K. (2016). Generalized model of a skeletal muscle. Mechanics of composite materials, 6, 789-800 [in English]. 5. Golas, A. & Krol, H. (2014). Biomehanicheskii analiz zhima lezha [Biomechanical analysis of Flat Bench Pressing]. Otdelnie problem biomehaniki sporta I reabilitatsii - Selected problem of biomechanics of sport and Rehabilitation, 2, 32-42 [in Polish]. 

5. Karpov, A. V. (2003). Refleksivnost kak psihicheskoe svoystvo i metodika ee diagnostiki [Reflexivity as a mental property and methods of its diagnostics]. Psihologicheskiy zhurnal – Psychological journal, 5, 45-57 [in Russian].
6. Santana, J., Vera-Garsia, F., McGill, S. (2007). A kinetic and electromiographic comparison of the standin cable press and bench press. Jornal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 4, 1271-1279 [in English]. 

Oleksii Holovchenko. Optimization of Students’ Individual Work when Studying the Subject “Physical Educa-tion”.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 19-24. Odessa.

Oleksii Holovchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sport),
associate professor, Department of Human Health and Physical Rehabilitation,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko,
87, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine



Scientific literature review shows that the issue of the development of independence as students’ personal quality and their individual work is constantly in the centre of native and foreign scientists’ attention. The reorganization of the educational process on the basis of developmental pedagogy is aimed at early detection and the fullest fulfillment of the potential (capabilities) of young people, taking into account their age and psychological characteristics. Today, it has been proven that free choice and independence in decision-making contributes to the active involvement of students into the process of physical self-improvement, to their more severe requirements for themselves. However, the conditions for the development of independence at physical culture classes are understudied. Consequently, the aim of the paper is to develop a method for optimizing the students’ individual work when studying the subject “Physical Education”. In order to achieve the aim of the research, the following research methods were used: method of formal self-record for estimating motion activity (Framingham method), A. Pirogova’s method of estimating physical state index. The study involved examination of 92 students of 1-4 years of study at the Institute of Pedagogy and Practical Psychology on the basis of Sumy State Peda￾gogical University named after A. S. Makarenko. During the study period, the students had to estimate the index of physi￾cal state and the level of motion activity. The developed method of optimizing students’ individual work when studying the subject “Physical Education” was based on individual approach to interest in the students’ own physical condition. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been proven (28.7%). The efficiency of performing individual work on the sub￾ject “Physical Education” has been evaluated: prior to the implementation of the proposed method, the efficiency of indi￾vidual work performance amounted to 34.6 ± 1.32%, while afterwards it increased by 28.7% (63.3 ± 1.46%). 


physical education, students, individual work, motion activity.




1. Medvid, A. & Kivernyk O. (2008) Vykhovannia vmin ta navychok samostiinoi roboty uchniv dlia zberezhen￾nia zdorovia yak vazhlyvoho komponenta zahalnoliudskoi kultury [Raising the skills of independent work of students to maintain health as an important component of human cul￾ture]. Fizychne vykhovannia, sport i kultura zdorovia u suchasnomu suspilstvi: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats – Physical education, sport and culture of health in modern society: Collection of scientific papers. (Vol. 2). (pp. 178-180). Lutsk: Volynska oblasna drukarnia [in Ukrainian].
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3. Ovcharenko, T., Tsupak, T., & Tsupak Yu. (2005). Problemy orhanizatsii samostiinoi roboty studentiv vuzu [Issues of organizing independent work of university stu￾dents]. Fizychne vykhovannia, sport i kultura zdorovia u suchasnomu suspilstvi: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats – Physical education, sport and culture of health in modern society: Collection of scientific papers. (Vol. 2), (pp. 172-175). Lutsk: Volynska oblasna drukarnia [in Ukrainian].
4. Sokoliuk, О. V. & Duda, O. V (2012). Motyvatsiia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv do zaniat fizychnoiu kulturoiu v umovakh informatsiinoho suspilstva [Motivating university students to physical training under the conditions of information society]. Naukovi zapysky. Seriia: Pedahohika – Proceedings. Series: Pedagogy, 4, 164–168 [in Ukrainian].
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Tetiana Dehtiarenko, Vladislav Kodzhebash. Influence of sexual genomic imprinting on child ontogenesis.

(2016) Science and education,8, 24-29. Odessa.

Tetiana Dehtiarenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor,
Vladyslav Kodzhebash,
PhD (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences),
Department of Biology and Health Care,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents the adapted form of the conceptual issues of the sexual imprinting phenomenology for students and pedagogues of psycho-pedagogical field. In the critical ontogeny periods individual’s emotional reactions may have bright and impetuous manifestations so during these age periods imprinting effects may be different – from posi￾tive to catastrophic ones. The role of paternal and maternal genes during ontogenesis and their effect on initiation of child’s psychophysical development deviations are determined.


genomic sexual imprinting, ontogenesis, deviations.




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