(2016) Science and education, 8, 142-150. Odessa.
Aleksandr Priymakov,
Doctor of Biology, professor,
Yezhi Eider,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Dean of Physical Culture and Health Promotion Faculty,
Szczecin University,
40-B, Pyastuv Avenue, Szczecin, Poland,
Aleksandr Kolenkov,
PhD (Candidate of Science in Physical Education and Sport),
associate professor,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
3-11, Turhenivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
The publications dealing with organization and implementation of biological monitoring of physical state of individuals engaged in physical culture and sport are characterized by the insufficient substantiation of the criteria for evaluation of functional capacities of athletes and incomplete differentiation of the system for evaluation of their preparedness level at different stages of training process depending on their age, gender, skill level, weight category, individual peculiarities, sports result. The above mentioned factors decrease objectivity and accuracy of these research works. The paper is aimed at substantiating the criteria and elaborating differential evaluation of functional fitness (FF) of highly skilled wrestlers at precompetitive stage of training. The study involved 12-54 athletes aged 20-28 years, members of the national teams of Ukraine in Greco-Roman and free-style wrestling, and judo. Functional fitness and special work capacity of wrestlers during current, operative and stage control within annual preparation cycle were estimated on the basis of the methods of electrocardiography, variation pulsography, pulsometry, gas analysis, physical work capacity testing. Evaluation of the research results makes it possible to consider that the following criteria provide the high level of special working capacity and are principal in high-qualification wrestlers’ physical fitness: economical operation of physiological systems at rest and in the process of muscular anaerobic-aerobic work, high responsiveness of cardiovascular system to physical exercise, working efficiency of the anaerobic system of energy supply, recovery process rate, the state of regulatory mechanisms of cardiac function, the level of metabolic processes and cardiac muscle excitability, the stability of high rate of throws in a specialized test. The developed simulation models make it possible to solve the problems of management and control over wrestlers’ functional fitness and special work capacity at the stage of best possible implementation of their individual capabilities.
wrestlers, functional fitness, weight categories, skill level, models.
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