Yevgeniy Osipenko. Assessment of Efficiency of the Author’s Programme of Fitness and Health Recreation Classes with Primary School Pupils Attending Day-Care Centers

(2016) Science and education, 4, 162-169. Odessa.

Yevgeniy Osipenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture,
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina,
104, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus



The paper contains results of the researches dedicated to solving the problem of programme and methodical support of physical education of primary school pupils attending day-care centers. It covers theoretical justification and results of experimental approbation of the author’s programme, which has proven its efficiency in the course of longterm pedagogical experiment. The programme for fitness and health recreation classes during sports hour for primary school pupils attending day-care centres consists of theoretical and practical parts. The latter involves knowledge, abilities, skills, work methods, development of motor abilities and is being implemented throughout 172 hours of the academic school year. The results obtained have proven high effectiveness of its implementation. For instance, the pupils from the experimental group, compared with the control one, have achieved much better results in all the exercises of pedagogical proving test. Positive changes were demonstrated by 8-year-old children belonging to the experimental group in terms of six-minute run, shuttle run, standing long jump, bent suspension, raising the trunk form back-lying position and toe touch bending. Additionally, the formative pedagogical experiment has demonstrated the increase in the level of physical fitness of 9-year-old children belonging to the experimental group in terms of six-minute run, standing long jump, raising the trunk form back-lying position and shuttle run. During pedagogical experimentation, increase in the indicators of physical fitness of children aged 8 and 9 years old belonging to the control group amounted to 13.9% and 6.4%, while the members of the experimental groups demonstrated the increase of 60.2% і 24.7% respectively (p <0.05). Thus, the author’s programme for fitness and health recreation classes during sports hour for primary school pupils attending day-care centres is an effective means for increasing physical working capacity and the level of development of such physical qualities as aerobic endurance, strength and strength endurance, speed and power manifestations, and improving their health. Its effectiveness has been experimentally confirmed, thus, it can be recommended for purposeful use in the educational process of children aged 8 and 9 years old.   


physical development, level of physical fitness, physical working capacity, day-care center, primary school pupils, the program of fitness and health recreation classes, physical state.




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Nataliia Ostapchuk. Implementation of the Competence-Based Approach to Teaching Computer Science at Primary School

(2016) Science and education, 4, 170-175. Odessa.

Nataliia Ostapchuk,
(PhD) Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor,
Department of Information and Communication Technologies and
Methods of Teaching Computer Science,
Rivne State University of Humanities,
12, S. Bandera Str., Rivne, Ukraine



The article deals with the competence-based approach to teaching primary school children. Special attention is paid to teaching computer science. Due to the fact that the subject is relatively new, there is a need for development and implementation of the ways of competence-based approach realization in teaching computer science at primary school according to the programme “Steps to Computer Science”. The analysis of scientific research and publications makes it possible to determine that the technologies of activity and student-centered teaching can be of use for implementing competence-based approach. Teacher’s selection of effective training methods and educational activity forms is the most important factor in the successful implementation of the competence-based approach in education. A group of interactive methods corresponds to the requirements of student-centered teaching in the most accurate way, as long as the organization of interactive training includes simulations of life situations, the use of role-playing games, which contribute to the formation of key, general educational, and subject- informatics competencies. The prospects for further research involve development of the means of implementation of competence-based approach to teaching computer science to primary school students according to the content of the programme, its parts and topics.   


competence-based approach to teaching, subject competence, key competence, student-centered education, interactive teaching methods, project work, primary school, teaching computer science, the programme “Steps to Computer Science”.




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Нennadii Petrenko. Implementation of Elements of New Sports Games in Physical Education as an Effective Way of Sports Popularization and Physical Development of 5-6-Year-Old Children

(2016) Science and education, 4, 176-182. Odessa.

Нennadii Petrenko,
lecturer, Department of Sports Games,
National University of Physical Education and Sports,
1, Fizkultury Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The problem of preschoolers’ health, physical development and physical fitness remains relevant as long as factors that cause these problems remain unchanged – lack of physical activity and poor emotional intensity of preschoolers’ activities. The purpose of this article is to analyze and to explain the implementation of the elements of new sports games in physical education of 5-6-year-old children. Game exercises for children had three levels of complexity: adaptive and developmental, preparatory and technical, and active game level. At the adaptive and developmental level game exercises and outdoor games that involve physical actions from fundamental movements which are the basis of game techniques with elements of sports were categorized. They are targeted at children’s familiarization with games and exercises with sports equipment, at causing their interest in them as well as at getting used to this equipment (balls, rackets, etc.). At the preparatory and technical level, games with elements of sport were divided into blocks of mastering motor actions related to game techniques of certain sports games. Active game level involved reinforcing and improving motor skills, including fundamental and available game techniques of sports games. For example, beach tennis elements were implemented using the method of circuit training when practicing the technique at the first stage of the classes. The second stage involved playing over the net and mastering the technique. The third part involved playing the game according to simplified rules. According to the results of the study of senior preschoolers’ physical fitness (physical capacity), improvement of the following indicators in the experimental groups was observed: 10 metres’ run (fast moving ability), standing long jump (fast moving and strength), tennis ball throw for distance (fast moving and strength), tennis ball throw into the target (dexterity). Thus, the above mentioned results confirm positive impact of implementing sports-oriented technologies into physical education on children’s physical fitness.   


5-6-year-old children, preschool education, new sports games, sports equipment made of polypropylene.




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Viktoriia Podhorna. Use of Physical Education Means in Educational and Correctional Process of Schoolchil-dren with Speech Disorders

(2016) Science and education, 4, 183-188. Odessa.

Viktoriia Podhorna,
PhD (Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences), lecturer, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education,
Therapeutic Physical Training and Sports Medicine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The relevance of the research is determined by conceptual principles of reforming primary education, which are the basis for high standards for primary school children’s speech development. Special attention should be paid to the children with various speech disorders. The paper shows that primary school children with different speech disorders have specific motor problems caused by disturbance localization in various brain structures. Activation of external influences and the environment by means of physical training makes it possible to initiate the work of passive brain structures. The paper is aimed at justifying the use of physical culture means at comprehensive schools for intensification of educational and correctional process of children with speech disorders. Academic literature review has shown that the mechanisms of speech activity correlate with a number of regions of the brain; their damage that may be associated with disturbances in the motor development and cause various in their structure speech defects. The study provides background for the use of motor methods of logopedic treatment. It is proposed to use hands self-massage; differentiated breathing exercises as well as exercises for the spine correction at Physical Culture lessons, which contributes to cerebral hemispheres activation. The possibility of rehabilitating gnostic and practical, phonetic and phonemic speech functions of primary school pupils with speech disorders, as well as the opportunity to solve the problems of abnormally rigid physical orientations using soundand-motor exercises and games has been demonstrated. Intensification of work with children with speech disorders by means of including correctional tasks into physical education process makes it possible to reduce significantly the time for achieving correctional and logopedic goals.   


physical culture, motor and speech development, speech disorder, primary school pupils, comprehensive school.




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Valentyna Todorova. Significance of Choreography Training in Complex Coordination Sports

(2016) Science and education, 4, 188-193. Odessa.

Valentyna Todorova,
(PhD) Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor,
doctoral student of Lviv State University of Physical Culture,
11, Kostiushko Str., Lviv, Ukraine



In the paper it is suggested to consider the types and content of choreographic training in complex coordination sports as means of direct impact on the final sport result with the account of the requirements of the particular sport. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that current tendency of sports development implies further complication of exercises in complex coordination sports (such as artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, sports acrobatics and aerobics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, dives, trampolining). Thus, the article provides theoretical justification of choreographic training in complex coordination sports based on results of theoretical and methodical works on this issue. It was determined that choreographic training in complex coordination sports is based on the development of moving abilities, plasticity, improvement of movements culture in accordance with the canons of classic, folk and character dances. It has been also shown that choreographic training has specific features, significance and methods for different complex coordination sports. Experts agree that choreographic training in complex coordination sports is connected closely with technique training and therefore it should be integral and important component of the educational and training process. Much time is allocated for it at the initial stages of studying as long as it helps solve a number of the problems related to young sportsmen training. Thus, choreographic training takes one of the most important places in the structure of long-term sports training in complex coordination sports.   


choreographic training, types, means, methods, complex coordination sports.




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