Olha Bondarenko, Aliona Klischuk. Rhythmoplastic Gymnastics as a Means of Developing Flexibility in Students

(2016) Science and education, 4, 117-120. Odessa.

Olha Bondarenko,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), lecturer, Department of Gymnastics,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine
Aliona Klischuk,
2 nd year student, Faculty of Physical Rehabilitation,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The development of motor qualities in the process of physical training can be more successful on condition of reasonable usage of modern forms, methods and techniques, as well as the intensification of physical activities that require hard work of all physiological systems. The development of new techniques which synthesize the knowledge on biomechanics and remedial gymnastics make it possible to develop motor qualities effectively, improve physical health, deepen the knowledge about the body potential. Flexibility is considered by experts as one of the important means of rehabilitation and harmonious physical development. Training flexibility is of particular importance for the overall development of motor skills and physical condition of students. Developing flexibility in students remains one of the urgent issues of physical education and sports. The experiment conducted in South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky involving 56 students was aimed at theoretical justification of the effectiveness of rhythmoplastic gymnastic exercises for the development of students’ flexibility. A special training program has been designed for the development of students’ flexibility using rhythmoplastic gymnastics. Besides, the technique of differential impact on the muscular system of students with the help of special exercises, positively affecting the level of their motor preparedness has been developed and implemented into the educational process. The results of the experiment show that purposeful regular classes of rhythmoplastic gymnastics and specially selected complex of general developmental exercises positively affect the students’ organisms. They cause positive changes in the level of their flexibility. The purposeful teaching process aimed at the development of motor qualities increases the motivation of students to study, contributes to their motor skills and physical fitness development.  


rhythmoplastic gymnastics, physical development of students, flexibility.




1. Bubnovskiy, S. M. & Bobkov, G. A. (2008). Anatomo-fiziologicheskie osnovyi kineziterapii [Anatomical and physiological bases of kinesitherapy]. Moscow: Asteriya-tsentr [in Russian].
2. Golova, E. V. (2008). Metodika zanyatiy ritmoplasticheskoy gimnastikoy dlya studentov vuzov i kolledzhey [Technique of rhythmoplastic gymnastics classes for students of universities and colleges]. Moscow: MTsPFV [in Russian].
3. Golova, E. V. (2009). Ritmoplasticheskaya gimnastika [Rhythmoplastic gymnastics]. Moscow: MGPU [in Russian].
4. Golova, E.V. & Roschin, E.S. (2011). Korrigiruyuschaya gimnastika [Corrective gymnastics]. Moscow: MGPU [in Russian].
5. Uprazhneniya dlya razvitiya silyi i gibkosti [Exercises to develop strength and flexibility]. (2013). Moscow: MGPU [in Russian].

Kateryna Drozdova. Forming Axiological Attitude towards Healthy Lifestyle among Junior Schoolchildren

(2016) Science and education, 4, 120-125. Odessa.

Kateryna Drozdova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The current stage of the development of society requires the consolidation of consciousness around the idea of building a humanistic-oriented, democratic state. The issues of modernization of education on the principles of democratization and humanization, the creation of conditions for the full development of the intellectual and professional qualities of a person and the formation of a high level of health are of a great importance nowadays. The instilling of the responsible attitude in an individual towards both his/her own health and the health of other people is considered to be one of the priorities of the educational system in Ukraine. The formation of health culture, skills of healthy lifestyle, axiological attitude towards one’s own health must be started in the pre-school age. In Ukraine a great number of children have health problems and poor physical fitness, which is associated with a large academic load of primary school students, violation of the sleep-wake schedule, decrease of motor activity of children. The issue of health preservation is a subject of researches of many scientists, who consider various aspects of this problem: promoting a healthy lifestyle, physical education, health, culture, healthy lifestyle of primary school students, the preservation and strengthening of health of pupils in a family. A teacher is responsible for the implementation of this task: the main attention should be focused on the preparation of a new generation of teachers, the improvement of their general culture, and professional qualifications. Considering the above mentioned, the higher education is aimed at preparing a future physical education teacher for conscientious performance of health promotion and preventive work with primary pupils, who can not only teach and educate students, but also form their health culture and axiological attitude towards their health. Unfortunately, higher education not only fails to fulfill the task of preparing future teachers for health-educational activities, but also the problem of preserving the health of students is becoming more and more important. It is necessary to make primary school students maintain strict personal hygiene and improve these skills.   


physical education, future teachers, younger students, physical health, mental health.




1. Brehman, I. I. (1990). Valeologiya – nauka o zdorovie [Valeology - science about health]. (2nd ed. rev.). Moscow: FiS [in Russian].
2. Zakonodavchi akty Ukrainy z pytan osvity [Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Education]. (2004). Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy. Komitet z pytan nauky i osvity: Ofits.vyd. – Parliament of Ukraine. The Committee on Science and Education: The official publication. Kyiv: Parlamentske vyd-vo [in Ukrainian].
3. Kondrashova, L. V. (1990). Metodika podgotovki buduschego uchitelya k pedagogicheskomu vzaimodeystviyu s uchenikami [Methods of preparing future teachers for pedagogical interaction with pupils]. Moscow: Prometei [in Russian].
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Suzannа Ihnatenk. Forming Students’ Motivation to Self-Guided Physical Training

(2016) Science and education, 4, 125-130. Odessa.

Suzannа Ihnatenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Remedial Gymnastics and Sports Medicine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the process of forming motivation in students to self-guided physical training, which is a powerful incentive of bringing young people to a healthy lifestyle which forms the health culture. To generate physical training motivation and keep a healthy lifestyle there is a direction in the system of higher education aimed at enhancing motivational interests of students. Motivation is considered as a system of motives, which determines the specific forms of activity or behavior. It is a key component of the successful activities, including physical training. Self-guided physical training allows supplying the lack of students’ motor activities, and restoring a level of physical and mental capacity. The selfguided recreational activities by means of artistic gymnastics are extremely important in the process of improving the physical health of students. It is one of the basic forms of training, because it forms independence as the personality trait and prepares an individual for constant self-improvement. Proper organization of self-guided physical training improves students’ motor activity, has a positive effect on their health and physical development and fitness, and as a result, instills the need for systematic physical training. In various forms of the educational process self-guided training is manifested in different ways: from a simple reproduction of the assignment to independent creative work. The technique of forming sports motivation in students through the example of artistic gymnastics has been presented in the article. It is considered as a system of power exercises aimed at developing strength, forming a good shape and promoting health. It helps to recover from many physical disorders: stoop, hollow breast, bad posture, underdeveloped muscles, etc. Artistic gymnastics is suitable for many people and it should be regarded as a developing direction of physical education as a self-guided physical work for students of higher educational institutions.   


university students, motivation, self-guided training, artistic gymnastics.




1. Apanasenko, G. L. Problemy upravleniya zdoroviem cheloveka [Problems of human health protection]. Nauka v olympiyskom sporte – Science in Olympic sports, 1, 56-60 [in Russian].
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3. Bodyukov, E.V. (2006). Nauchno-metodicheskie osnovy atleticheskoi gimnastiki ozdorovitelnoi napravlennosti [Scientifically-methodical bases of athletic gymnastics of recreational focus]. Barnaul: AmGhTU [in Russian].
4. Gubenko, O. V. (2009). Psykhologhichni osoblyvosti populiaryzatsii zdorovoho sposobu zhyttia u vyshhykh navchalnykh zakladakh [Psychological peculiarities of healthy lifestyle popularization in higher education]. Praktychna psykholohiia i sotsialni roboty – Practical psychology and social work, 11, 35 [in Ukrainian].
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8. Krutsevich, T. Yu. (1999). Metody issledovaniya individualnogo zdorovia detey i podrostkov v protsesse fizicheskogo vospitaniya [Research methods of individual health of children and adolescents in the process of physical training]. Kyiv: Olimpiyska literatura [in Russian].
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Yurii Lutovinov. Dependence of Physical Development on Physical Fitness of Young Weightlifters in the Preparatory Training Period of the Annual Macrocycle

(2016) Science and education, 4, 131-135. Odessa.

Yurii Lutovinov,
head of physical education,
Luhansk College of Engineering Technologies,
109, Frunze Str., Luhansk, Ukraine



Intensive trainings with a barbell contribute to the manifestation of maximum effort due to the strengthening of health and active muscle mass. Training of 14-15-year-old weightlifters is of great importance nowadays, because the most talented sportsmen go in for sports of records. The review of the scientific and methodical literature shows that experts have been studying the performance of physical development and physical fitness of young weightlifters, but there are still not enough details of the comparison of their results. The article is aimed at studying the level of physical development and physical fitness of 14-15-year-old weightlifters of different weight categories. 36 athletes who took part in the experiment were divided into several groups depending on their weight categories: І – up to 38-44 kg, ІІ – 45-55 kg, ІІІ – 56-65 kg. As a result it has been found that the difference between strength of the left and right hands of all groups of weight categories was 6,4% (p<0,05); the indicators of backbone dynamometry enlarge with the increasing of weight category – by 42,4% (p<0,05) and 11,2% (p<0,05). Besides, the dependence of physical development in physical fitness of junior weightlifters of different weight categories has been determined. There has been analyzed the performance of physical development and physical fitness of young weightlifters of different weight categories and it has been concluded that the largest relation between these indicators is r – 0,71 and r – 0,73. The direct correlation relationship between the indicators of general and special physical training has been established. The high correlation relationship has been observed in 15-year-old weightlifters between the indicators of standing long jumps and chest circumference – 0, 71; between the indicators of standing long jumps and straight leg bounces – 0, 73. The further researches involve other issues of training young weightlifters of different age categories.    


young weightlifters, physical development, physical fitness, indicators.




1. Dvorkin, L.S. (2006). Podgotovka yunogo tyazheloatleta [Training young weightlifter]. Moscow: Sovetskiy sport [in Russian].
2. Lutovinov, Yu. A., Oleshko, V. G., Lytsenko, V. N., Tkachenko, K. V. (2012). Prirost pokazateley fizicheskogo razvitiya i urovnya fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti yunykh tyazheloatletov: Fizicheskoe vospitanie studentov [Increase of the indicators of physical development and level of physical preparedness of young weightlifters: Physical training of students]. Kharkiv: KhDADM [in Ukraine].
3. Medvedev, A. S. (1986). Sistema mnogoletney trenirovki v tyazheloy atletike [The system of long-term training in weightlifting]. Moscow: FiS [in Russian].
4. Oleshko V. H. (1999). Sylovi vydy sportu [Power kinds of sports]. Kyiv: Olimpiiska literatura [in Ukraine].
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6. Platonov, V. N. (2004). Sistema podgotovki sportsmenov v olimpiyskom sporte: Obschaya teoriya i ee prakticheskie prilozheniya [The system of training of athletes in Olympic sports: General theory and its practical applications]. Kyiv: Olimpiyskaya literatura [in Russian].

Sofiia Roi. Individual Educational Trajectories as Means of Enhancement of Information Culture of Future Teachers

(2016) Science and education, 4, 59-64. Odessa.

Sofiia Roi,
post-graduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
Staroportofrankivska Str., 26, Odesa, Ukraine



Relevance of the research is caused by rampant development of information technologies and the need for training future specialists to use them, for providing future specialists with necessary skills and abilities for effective work in information society. In this regard, the great value gets the research of personal information culture. High level of the above mentioned culture provides specialists’ ability to find and process necessary information, to master new information technologies and to improve their professional skills. Thus, the formation of future specialist’s information culture in the course of training is the most important problem of modern education. The purpose of the research is to justify theoretically the use of individual educational trajectories as means of improving the information culture of future teachers. Information culture of a specialist is considered as an integral personal formation that includes knowledge and skills of using modern information technologies. There are three main approaches to defining the nature of the concept of an “individual educational trajectory”: personal, personal and procedural, programme. The interrelation of the concepts of “individual educational trajectory”, “individual educational route”, and “individual educational programme” is also considered. In this research we consider the concepts of “individual educational trajectory” and “individual educational route” identical, highlighting however the concept of “individual educational programme”. We consider an individual educational trajectory (route) as a type of individualization and differentiation of training which is shown in students’ choice of contents, the purposes, methods and tutorials according to their interests, abilities and motivations, which is implemented in cooperation with a teacher. An individual educational program is considered as a curriculum developed with the account of personal characteristics of a student which is a basis of an individual educational route. As part of the current research, the level of information culture of future teachers has been determined. Due to its low level, a three-stage system of enhancing the above mentioned culture at the foreign language lessons with the use of individual educational trajectories has been offered. The first stage involves the use of individual trajectories of an adaptive type and reproductive tasks. At the second stage the developing of individual trajectories and tasks of productive type are used. The third stage is based on the creative individual trajectories and creative tasks. As a result, the students should have formed abilities and skills of dealing with information technologies and their creative use.   


information culture, individual educational trajectory, individual educational route, individual educational programme, future teachers.




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