Yurii Lutovinov. Amount of Training Loads According to the Kind of Work in the Preparatory Training Period of Young Weightlifters in the Annual Macrocycle

(2016) Science and education, 4, 135-138. Odessa.

Yurii Lutovinov,
head of physical education,
Luhansk College of Engineering Technology,
109, Frunze Str., Luhansk, Ukraine



The article deals with the theory and practice of training process of young weightlifters considering the ratio of methods of general and special focus. The theoretical foundations and practical state of the issue of general and specific training of young weightlifters have been considered in the paper. The experiment involved 36 weightlifters aged from 14 to 15 years old. The ratio of methods of general and special physical training in different groups of young weightlifters and representatives of others kinds of sports has been analyzed. Exercise allocation according to the kind of work for three groups of young weightlifters has been suggested. The essence and structure of using the ratio of methods of general and special training of young weightlifters of different age categories in the preparatory period of the annual macrocycle in the general amount of annual work have been also considered. The article also deals with the interrelation of maximum achievements in clean and jerk with squatting with a barbell on shoulders and chest, and hang squatting of young weightlifters of different weight categories. The training programme of the preparatory period for weightlifters depending on the type of mesocycle has been developed. The efficiency of using methods of general and special focus in mesocycles of the preparatory period has been experimentally proved. It has been established that the allocation of the indicators of the amount of training loads has its specificity: speed exercise – 68,0% (p<0,05), speed and power exercises – 29,6% (p<0,05), and power exercises – 2,4% (p<0,05). The research results can be used for increasing the efficiency of the training process of the above mentioned categories of sportsmen by means of optimization of the methods of general and special physical training considering the indicators of the formative assessment of young weightlifters.   


training process, young weightlifters, means of physical training, speed exercises, speed and power exercises, power exercises, preparatory period, training loads.




1. Dvorkin, L. S. (2005). Tyazhelaya atletika [Weightlifting]. Moscow: Sovetskiy sport [in Russian].
2. Dvorkin, L. S. (2006). Podgotovka yunogo tyazheloatleta [Training young weightlifter]. Moscow: Sovetskiy sport [in Russian].
3. Lutovinov, Yu. A. (2015). Optymizatsiia efektyvnosti trenuvalnoi roboty u pidhotovchomu periodi richnoho makrotsyklu yunykh vazhkoatletiv riznykh hrup vahovykh katehorii [Optimizing the performance of training in the preparatory period of annual macrocycle of young weightlifters of different groups of weight categories]. Nauka i osvita – Science and Education, 4, 108-112 [in Ukrainian].
4. Medvedev, A. S. (1986). Sistema mnogoletney trenirovki v tyazheloy atletike [The system of long-term training in weightlifting]. Moscow: FiS [in Russian].
5. Oleshko, V. H. (2011). Pidhotovka sportsmeniv u sylovykh vydakh sportu [Training athletes in power sports]. Kyiv: DIA [in Ukrainian].
6. Platonov, V. N. (2004). Sistema podgotovki sportsmenov v olimpiyskom sporte: Obschaya teoriya i ee prakticheskie prilozheniya [The system of training of athletes in Olympic sports: General theory and its practical applications]. Kyiv: Olimpiyskaya literatura [in Russian].

Larysa Lutsenko, Inna Bodrenkova, Tetiana Moshenska. Functional Training with the First Mature Age Women Engaged in Aerobics

(2016) Science and education, 4, 139-144. Odessa.

Larysa Lutsenko,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sport), associate professor,
Inna Bodrenkova,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sport),associate professor,
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University,
77, Pushkinskaya Str, Kharkov, Ukraine.
Tetiana Moshenska,
senior lecturer, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,
99, Klochkovskaya Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



The relevance of the paper is determined by the fact that nowadays the issues concerning the choice of appropriate means and methods, duration of structural components, rational parameters of physical exercise and pulse modes according to physical condition of those who do aerobics are understudied. A methodology of functional training based on the method of circuit training, which is well-known in physical education and sports, have been developed. Circuit training during aerobic exercise is characterized by using the method of long-term continuous exercises with a relatively constant intensity without strictly established rest pauses when changing the type of activity. As long as the pauses are short, the load can be considered continuous. In the development of circuit training scheme and for a reasonable level of intensity of physical activity, the following parameters were taken into account: physiological reactions of the body and their consequences arising in the course of the training; physiological characteristics of aerobic exercise and pulse modes of training the cardiovascular system; gradation of exercises depending on the amount of muscle groups involved in the work. To achieve the goal of pedagogical experiment it was proposed to combine strength and aerobic exercises in the first half of the main part of aerobic exercise, that is, to use circuit training aimed at integrated development of general and strength endurance. In the second half of the main (strength) part of the training the exercises are performed only on the floor and more time is allocated for final stretching. The carried out research has shown that functional training is a universal type of physical perfection for women of the first mature age engaged in aerobics. A properly composed training, where functional status of exercisers is taken into account, facilitates achieving desired results quickly and without risk.   


aerobics, functional training, women of the first mature age.




1. Beliak, Yu., & Opryshko, N. (2009). Funktsionalne trenuvannia – zasib pidvyshchennia rivnia rukhovoi pidhotovlenosti liudyny [Functional training as a means of improving the level of motor fitness of a person]. Slobozhanskyi naukovo-sportyvnyi visnyk – SlobodaUkrainian science and sports bulletin, 3, 58-61 [in Ukrainian].
2. Krutsevych, T. Yu., & Petrovskyi, V. V. (2008). Upravlinnia protsesom fizychnoho vykhovannia [Supervision of the process of psychical education]. Teoriia i metodyka fizychnoho vykhovannia [Theory and methods of physical education]. (Vols. 1). Chapter 12. (pp. 320- 379). Kyiv: Olimpiiska literatura [in Ukrainian].
3. Lisitskaya, T. S., & Sidneva, L. V. (2002). Aerobika. Teoriya i metodika [Aerobics. Theory and Methods]. Moscow: Federatsiya aerobiki Rossii. (Vols. 1) [in Russian].
4. Lutsenko, D. Yu. (2002). Razrabotka kompleksov uprazhneniy individualnoy napravlennosti v fitnese i ikh vliyanie na uluchshenie fizicheskogo sostoyaniya zhenshchin [Development of individual exercises in fitness and their influence]. Fizicheskoe vospitanie studentov tvorcheskikh spetsialnostey – Physical education of students of creative specialties, 7, 40-50. S. S. Yermakova (Eds.). Kharkiv [in Russian].
5. Moroz, O. O., & Chornokoza, L. V. (2000). Sportyvno-ozdorovcha aerobika i sheipinh [Health aerobics and shaping]. Chernivtsi: Ruta [in Ukrainian].
6. Serhiienko, L. P. (2001). Kompleksne testuvannia rukhovykh zdibnostei liudyny [Complex testing of human motor capabilities]. Mykolaiv: UDMTU [in Ukrainian].
7. Funktsionalnyy trening – fitness-trenirovki ponovomu [Functional training – fitness in a new fashion]. Zdorove i krasota cherez dvizhenie – Health and beauty through motion. Retrieved from: http: www.sport-4 health.com/funk-trening [in Russian].

Vitalii Nebozh. Bases of the Theory and Practice of Athletes-Throwers’ Speed and Power Qualities De-velopment in the Process of Training

(2016) Science and education, 4, 145-148. Odessa.

Vitalii Nebozh,
senior teacher, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Training and Sport Disciplines,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Long-term training of highly-qualified athletes-throwers is impossible without considering one of its main aspects – methods of teaching. The review of recent researches and curricula on the improvement of speed and power training of athletesthrowers shows that the methods of training do not meet the modern standards. The low level of methodical developments is considered to be the main reason of this phenomenon. One of the most important factors predicting the skills of a sportsman and improving his/her speed and power training is his/her ability to manifest great muscle efforts. Many scientists are sure that this quality improves the efficiency of sport activities, especially it concerns athletes-throwers. Training is a multi-sided process, where all factors providing the necessary level of sportsman’s readiness for good sport results is used. The most important physical qualities of athletes-throwers are speed and power. There has been conducted a special experiment involving two groups of students-athletes aged from 17 to 19 (control and experimental groups) at the beginning and at the end of the academic year. The experiment was aimed at studying the level of the development of their speed and power qualities. The experimental group was trained using specially developed program aiming to develop their speed and power qualities within a short period of time. It has been revealed that less than in a half a year students from the experimental group showed better results compared to the students from the control group, who performed traditional exercises.   


athletes-throwers, training, speed and power exercises.




1. Hohin, O. V. (2001). Lehka atletyka: kurs lektsii [Track and field: series of lectures]. Khark. derzh ped. un-t im. Gh. S. Skovorody. Kharkiv : OVS [in Ukrainian].
2. Zhylkyn, A. Y., Kuzmin, V. S., Sidorchuk, E. V. (2008). Legkaya atletika: uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov vysshykh uchebnykh zavedeniy [Track and field: textbook for university students]. Moscow: Yzd. centr «Akademiya» [in Russian].
3. Korobchenko, V. V. (1977). Lehka atletyka [Track and field]. Kyiv: Vyshha shkola [in Ukrainian].
4. Oghandzhanov, A. L. (2005).Upravleniye podgotovkoy kvalifitsrovannykh legkoatletov-prygunov: monoghrafiya [Management of training high-qualified athletes-jumpers: monograph] [in Russian].
5. Partnov, V. P. (1979). Pryzhok v vysotu [Standing high jump]. Moscow: Izdatelstvo fizkultura i sport [in Russian].
6. Popov, V. B. (2006). Sistema spetsialnykh uprazhneniy v podghotovke legkoatletov [System of special exercises in training athletes]. Izd. Olympyja Press [in Russian].

Liliia Nykyforova. Professional Culture of Future Physical Education Teachers

(2016) Science and education, 4, 149-154. Odessa.

Liliia Nykyforova,
senior lecturer, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education,
Medical Gymnastics and Sports Medicine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The development of future teachers’ culture is one of top-priority tasks, which should not be ignored by lecturers of higher education institutions. The paper is aimed at determining the role of future physical education teachers’ professional culture in learning activity in the process of their training; the significance of cultural approach to the improvement of professional physical education and in forming professional behaviour of future physical education teachers under conditions similar to teacher’s work. The concept of teacher’s professional culture is closely connected with pedagogical culture. The study of the characteristics of training and learning activities of future physical education teachers shows contradictions existing between new requirements to training highly-skilled professionals in physical education capable of creative productive work, professional cultural self-fulfillment and real level of preparedness and professional culture of today’s graduates. Professional training of future physical education teachers is often based on narrowly professional and sports training, confining general cultural and personal development of the future specialists. Therefore, improvement of future teachers’ culture should be implemented by means of consistent humanization of the educational process at general cultural, professional and personal levels with the emphasis on its comprehensive mental, intellectual, moral and aesthetic content. Prospects for further research involve the development of an optional course targeted at forming professional culture in future physical education teachers.   


training future teachers of physical education, cultural approach, professional culture, professional selffulfillment, professional physical education.




1. Zakovych, M. M. (2007). Kulturolohiia: ukrainska ta zarubizhna kultura [Cultural studies: Ukrainian and foreign culture]. Kyiv: Znannia [in Ukrainian].
2. Kostenko, O. M. (2008). Kultura i zakon – u protydii zlu [Culture and law – working against evil]. Kyiv: Atika [in Ukrainian].
3. Krylova, N. B. (1990). Formirovanie kultury budushchego spetsialista [The formation of future specialists’ culture]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola [in Russian].
4. Osipova, T. Yu. (2001). Formuvannia profesiino oriientovanoi osobystosti maibutnoho vchytelia [Forming of the professionally oriented personality of a future teacher]. Candidate’s thesis. Odesa [in Ukrainian].
5. Palshkova, I. O. (2009). Kulturolohichnyi pidkhid do formuvannia osobystosti maibutnoho vchytelia v pedahohitsi vyshchoi shkoly [Cultural approach to future teacher’s personality formation in pedagogy of higher education]. Visnyk Cherkaskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. B. Khmelnytskoho – Bulletin of Cherkasy National University named after B. Khmelnitsky, 142, 99-104 [in Ukrainian].
6. Radul, V. V., Kravtsov, V. O., & Mykhailichenko, M. V. (2007). Osnovy profesiinoho stanovlennia osobystosti suchasnoho vchytelia [Fundamentals of professional development of modern teacher’s personality]. Kirovohrad: IMEKS-LTD [in Ukrainian].
7. Chaika, V. M. (2007). Samorehuliatsiia pedahohichnoi diialnosti yak zasib formuvannia profesiinoi kultury maibutnoho vchytelia [Self-regulation of teaching activities as a means of forming future treachers’ professional culture]. Formuvannia profesiinoi kultury vchytelia v konteksti intehratsii Ukrainy v Yevropeiskyi osvitnii prostir – The formation of professional culture of a teacher in terms of Ukraine’s integration into the European educational system: Proceedings of regional research and practice seminar edited by H. Tereshchuk. Ternopil: Vydvo TNPU im. V. Hnatiuka [in Ukrainian].
8. Chernokozov, I. I. (1988). Professionalnaya etika uchitelya [Professional ethics of a teacher]. Kyiv: Radianska shkola [in Russian].

Yevgeniy Osipenko. Assessment of Physical Development of Primary School Students of the City of Gomel

(2016) Science and education, 4, 155-162. Odessa.

Yevgeniy Osipenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture,
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina,
104, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus



The article is dedicated to the study of physical development of primary school students of the city of Gomel. It has been determined that the growth process of a child’s body is uneven and wavelike. The surveyed students demonstrated general biological regularities of the increasing of basic anthropometric measurements. An earlier growth spurt in girls aged 7-8 years has been observed. We have also established that body mass in boys aged 7-8 years varies in the range from 24.3 to 25.8 kg, the absolute value of the increase for the year amounted to 1.5 kg; in girls aged 7-8 years – from 24.6 to 27.5 kg, the absolute value was 2.9 kg. This reflects a greater body weight in girls and its greater increase during the year than in boys. The data obtained slightly differs from the data available in research literature. As for body length, in boys aged 7-8 years it varies in the range from 123.6 to 128.0 cm, the absolute value of the growth rate for the period was 4.4 cm, and in girls – from 122.4 to 128.5 cm with the absolute value of 6.0 cm. The data obtained by us shows greater length of body among girls and its greater increase during the year than among boys; however, it differs slightly from the data available in research literature. The indicators of children’s harmonious physique showed that 52% of children have it, 30% of them have non-harmonious physique, of which 15% are underweight and 15% have excessive weight; and 18% have an abruptly disharmonious physique and need correction of the studied parameters by means of sports and recreation activities. The study helps identify the need for correction among children aged 7-8 years. We consider correction as the set of activities providing recreational, general strengthening and developmental impact by means of specially selected systems of physical exercises affecting the formation of the musculoskeletal system, the elimination of functional disability and the increasing of the level of primary school students’ physical preparedness.   


students, boys, girls, physical development, institutions of general secondary education, indicators.




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