Lesia Varha. Peculiarities of Future Teachers’ Communicative Culture Formation by Means of Interactive Technologies

(2015) Science and education, 9, 15-19. Odessa.


Lesia Varha,
lecturer, Department of English Philology and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages,
Mukachevo Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute,
59, Yana Komenskoho Str., Mukachevo, Ukraine 



 The article deals with peculiarities of influence of interactive technologies on the formation of future teachers’ communicative culture. The most productive periods of forming future teachers’ communicative culture have been revealed. The review of contemporary researches on the identified problem regarding the definitions of “communicative culture”, “communicative competence”, their features and functions has been carried out. The number of skills that should be obtained by students in the training process has been defined. The place of interactive technologies in the process of formation of future teachers’ communicative culture, peculiarities of their implementation in the teaching process have been determined. The concept of “future teachers’ communicative culture” is a multi-component personal feature. It is worth noting that its formation is a dynamic, complex and manageable process. Communicative culture is considered as a constituent (component) of professional and pedagogical culture of a teacher, and therefore, it is identified with professional and pedagogical communication. Consequently, the level of communicative culture is defined as the level of the development of oral communicative competence and speech, sociolinguistic competence, and also the ability of self-education. Interactive technologies are very important for the formation of future teachers’ communicative competence, because they contribute to the formation, development and self-improvement of future pedagogues, reveal their creative potential and natural abilities. Implementation of interactive technologies in the educational process will teach future teachers to use and improve new forms, methods and means of work, to form skills of interactive communication. An important condition of implementing interactive technologies is consistency, because students must be prepared for ising any of the above mentioned training techniques. Thus, the essence of interactive training is an active involvement of all students into the educational process under the condition of constant active interaction of all its participants, where each subject of the training process is an equal participant. The implementation of interactive technologies (snowball, brainstorming, microphone, range of ideas, work in small groups, position taking, press method, aquarium method, travelling, tree of solutions, role-playing, etc.) helps to solve different problematic issues, situations, and to model them.


 interactive technologies, interactive training, communicative culture, communicative competence, future teachers’ communicative culture, formation of future teachers’ communicative culture.




1. Derzhavnyi standart pochatkovoi zahalnoi osvity [State standard of primary education]. Retrieved from: http://www.mon.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
2. Heykhman, L. K. (2003). Interaktivnoe obuchenye obshcheniyu kak model mezhkulturnoy kommunykatsiy [Interactive teaching communication as a model of intercultural communication]. Vestnyk Moskovskogo unyversiteta, ser. 19 Lingvistika i mezhkulturnaya kommunikatsiya – Newsletter of Moscow university, series 19 Linguistics and intercultural communication, 3, 138-147 [in Russian].
3. Sadova, V. V. (2000). Formuvannya komunikatyvnoi kultury vchyteliv pochatkovykh klasiv u protsesi metodychnoi roboty [Formation of communicative culture of primary school teachers in the process of methodical work]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian]. 

Kateryna Drozdova. Teaching Future Physical Education Teachers how to Form Health-Saving Skills in Junior School Children.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 45-50. Odessa.


Kateryna Drozdova,
senior lecturer, Department of Theory and Methods
of Physical Education, Remedial Gymnastics and Sport Medicine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of promoting respect for healthy lifestyle in future Physical Education teachers, conscious attitude towards their own health, as well as the issue of forming and developing health-saving skills in junior school children, forming positive serious attitude towards health as a guarantee of successful professional activity. Mental health is an extremely important component of human health. It can be expressed in asthenic feeling and neurotic states of a person, depression, vegetovascular dystonia, etc. Mental health includes individual peculiarities of mental processes, for example, anxiety, emotionality, sensibility. Another significant component of human health is physical health. It is considered as a natural state of an organism, conditioned by normal functioning of all its organs and systems. The formation and development of health-saving skills in junior school children are realized by means of implementing health-saving activities into the education process. These activities are considered as a complex multifunctional social phenomenon, which provides using appropriate methods and techniques of education process organization, providing saving physical, mental, social and moral health of education process participants in educational, gaming, sport, remedial activities and during leisure time. Preparing students of the Departments of Physical Education for work with junior school children, forming and developing health-saving skills in junior pupils are specially organized purposeful guided processes, which should be carried out in methodological, theoretical and practical aspects. 


physical education, future teachers, junior school children, physical health, psychical health.




1. Brehman, I. I. (1990). Valeologiya – nauka o zdorove [Valeology as a science about health]. 2 nd ed. rev. Moscow: FiS [in Russian].
2. Zakonodavchi akty Ukrainy z pytan osvity [Jurisprudential acts on educational issues]. (2004). Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy. Komitet z pytan nauky i osvity: Ofits.vyd. – Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Committee on of science and education issues. Kyiv: Parlamentske vyd-vo [in Ukrainian].
3. Kondrashova, L. V. (1990). Metodika podgotovki buduschego uchitelya k pedagogicheskomu vzaimodeystviyu s uchenikami [Methods of preparing future teachers for pedagogical interaction with students]. Moscow: Prometey [in Russian].
4. Kuzmina, N. V. (1980). Metody sistemnogo pedagogicheskogo issledovaniya [Methods of system pedagogical research]. Leningrad: LGU [in Russian].
5. Nosko, M. O., Kryvenko, A. P. (2000). Vplyv zaniat z fizychnoi kultury na stan zdorovia ta fizychnu pidhotovlenist studentskoi molodi [Influence of Physical Education lessons on students’ physical state]. Pedahohika, psykholohiia ta medyko-biolohichni problemy fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu: zb. nauk. pr. – Pedagogy, psychology, medical and biological problems of physical education and sports: collection of scientific works, 22, 14-18. Yermakova, S. S. (Ed). – Kharkiv: ХХПІ [in Ukrainian].
6. Trofanova, M. (2000). Vykhovannia molodshykh shkoliariv u systemi pozanavchalnoi diialnosti [Teaching junior pupils in the system of extracurricular activities]. Ridna shkola – Native school, 9, 44-45 [in Ukrainian].
7. Fitsula, M. M. (2002). Pedahohika: navchalnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh pedahohichnykh zakladiv osvity [Pedagogy: textbook for students of higher educational insitutions]. Kyiv: Vydavnychyi tsentr “Akademiia” [in Ukrainian]. 

Halyna Dudchak. Pedagogical Management of Students’ Self-Study by Means of Innovative Technologies.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 50-54. Odessa.


Halyna Dudchak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology,
Khmelnytsky Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy,
139, Proskurivskoho pidpillia Str., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine



At the present stage, the issue of implementing innovations into the pedagogical process in higher education is becoming especially urgent, which is caused by the need for new approaches to training creative, independent, and competitive professionals. Under the conditions of modernization of the Ukrainian system of education, one of the most popular educational forms at higher educational institutions is students’ self-study. To ensure the successful performance of this type of activity by students, new efficient ways, including innovational technologies, must be used in the process of self-study management. The essence of pedagogical management of students’ independent work and its structure are revealed. Its structure presents an interconnection of five components: goal-oriented, motivational, semantic, operational and activity-related, as well as result-controlling one. It has been determined that pedagogical management of future professionals’ self-study has to be based on key principles of person-centered teaching and implemented in the following directions: forming motivation to organize and carry out self-study; creation of favorable and comfortable environment for achievement goals of self-study; provision of opportunities to achieve success, to satisfy cognitive needs and needs for self-fulfillment; use of such methods of self-study management that ensure a high level of efficiency of this process; reliance on students’ experience, knowledge, and skills; control of self-study results. It has been shown that the use of game technologies stipulates motivation to self-study, skills of its organization and implementation, ensures effificent control of its results. Multimedia technologies as a means of future professionals’ self-study management contribute to students’ motivation, activation of their independent cognitive activity, ensure mastering skills of analysis, comparison, classification, generalization, abstraction, concretization, systematization, highlighting of the most important information, synthesis, determination of cause-and-effect relationships, perception, documentation and memorizing of information. Use of project technologies allows to combine theory and practice, studying and real life; it stipulates the development of cognitive, creative, communicative and research skills of future professionals as well as positive motives of self-study, the ability to construct their knowledge independently, to be able to work with informational resources, to think critically; it broadens students’ worldview and develops independence as a personal quality. Further research is oriented at studying international experience of the above mentioned processes realization in higher education. 

pedagogical management of students’ self-study, innovational pedagogical technologies, personalityoriented technology, gaming technologies, multimedia and project technologies.




1. Dychkivska, I. M. (2012). Innovatsiini pedahohichni tekhnolohii [Innovative educational technologies]. Kyiv: Akademvydav [in Ukrainian].
2. Ladyzhets, N. D. (2009). Vykorystannia informatsiinokomunikatyvnykh tekhnolohii, zokrema Internetu, v protsesi pidhotovky studentiv ta vykladachiv do zaniat z inozemnoi movy u VUZi [The use of information and communication technologies, particularly the Internet, in preparing students and teachers for classes in a foreign language at higher educational institutions]. Vitchyznianyi ta zarubizhnyi dosvid uprovadzhennia Bolonskoi systemy: uspikhy i problemy – Domestic and foreign experience of the Bologna system implementation: successes and challenges, (pp.252–257). Uzhhorod: Lira, ZakDU [in Ukrainian].
3. Machynska, N. I. (2011). Vprovadzhennia ihrovykh tekhnolohii u praktyku pidhotovky maibutnikh mahistriv [The introduction of gaming technologies in the practice of future Masters training]. Naukovi pratsi Chornomorskoho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni Petra Mohyly kompleksu «KyievoMohylianska akademiia» – Proceedings of Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University of «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy», (Vols.158). Retrieved from: http:// http://nbuv.gov.ua/jpdf/Npchduped_2011_158_146_5.pdf [in Ukrainian].
4. Strelnikov, V. Yu. & Britchenko, I. H. (2013). Suchasni tekhnolohii navchannia u vyshchii shkoli [Modern technologies training in higher education]. Poltava : PUET [in Ukrainian].
5. Yahupov, V. V. (2002). Pedahohika [Pedagogy]. Kyiv: Lybid [in Ukrainian]. 

Egis S. Emre. Determining Maturity of Foreign Students’ Professional Communicative Competence in Professional Training.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 54-58. Odessa.


Egis S. Emre,
postgraduate student, Department of Pedagogy
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine 




Peculiarities of determining the level of development of foreign students’ professional communicative competence are revealed in the article. Besides, features of teaching foreign citizens at Ukrainian higher educational institutions are described. It has been determined that the basis of communicative competence is a communicative approach (communicative activity). Communicative competence depends on the level of communication culture, which is the subject of human intercourse and interaction, and the latter is the subject of communicative competence. Communication culture is considered as a component of professional and pedagogical culture of a teacher, so it is identified with professional and pedagogical communication. Pedagogical culture is derived from the phenomenon of “culture”. In its contents and forms it represents an independent direction in the development of practical human activity, performs the function of preserving human experience in the creation of cultural subjects in all their diversity. Important pedagogical conditions of forming professional communicative competence of foreign students are the following: accordance of educational material content to students’ educational opportunities; systematic motivation of students to a master a subject; orientation of forms and methods of teaching at the gradual mastery of educational material by foreign students; preparing teachers to work with students-foreigners; creating comfortable linguodidactic environment, providing continuity in learning; the use of intersubject relations in the process of forming professional communicative competence; the organization of professionally oriented communicative activity of students aimed at the formation of professional and communicative competence; creating students’ positive motivation. The work of teachers should be focused on foreign students’ vocabulary expansion, overcoming speech barriers in interaction between a teacher and a student, which is associated with differences in building affirmative and interrogative sentences, in pronunciation, auditory perception, etc. The final aim of education is the formation of a certain level of foreign students’ communicative competence. In order to achieve this purpose it is necessary to determine a number of stages of teaching, their duration, the requirements and the main types of speech activity within a certain stage of students’ training. 

professional communicative competence, peculiarities of forming professional-communicative competence, pedagogical conditions of professionally communicative competence of foreign students at universities, foreign students, communicative approach. 




1. Aleksandrova, S. A. (2008). Profesiinokomunikatyvna kompetentnist: Teksty lektsiy (dlia studentiv 5 kursu vsikh form navchannya napryamu pidhotovky «Turyzm», spetsialnostei 7.050401 – «Turyzm», 7.050402 – «Hotelne hospodarstvo») [Professionallycommunicative competence: Texts of lectures (for 5th years students of all forms of education of specialty “Tourism” specialities 7.050401 “Tourism”, 7.050402 – “Hospitality”)]. Kharkiv, KhNAMH [in Ukrainian].
2. Derzhavnyi standart pochatkovoi zahalnoi osvity [State standard of primary education]. Retrieved from: http://www.mon.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
3. Zakon Ukrayiny «Pro vyshchu osvitu» [The law of Ukraine “On higher education”]. Retrieved from: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1556-18 [in Ukrainian].
4. Palshkova, I. O. (2009). Formuvannia profesiinopedahohichnoi kultury maibutnioho vchytelia pochatkovoi shkoly: praktyko-oriyentovanyi pidkhid [Formation of professional and pedagogical culture of future primary teachers: practice-oriented approach]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Odesa [in Ukrainian]. 

Tetiana Zharovtseva. Students’ Readiness for Self-Study.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 59-62. Odessa.


Tetiana Zharovtseva,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Dean of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushysnky,
1, Nishchynskyi Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Students’ self-study is defined as a multifunctional phenomenon, which is not only of educational, but also of personal and professional significance. The importance of proper organization of students self-study is determined by the fact that it takes about 60% of the total time of the course and therefore teachers should start preparing students for self this kind of educational activity since their first days of studying at the university. Formation of motivation to learning should begin at the initial stage of studying at a higher educational institution. It may be a difficult process for students if tasks for their independent work are just mechanical in their nature; texts for independent reading include uninteresting information, tasks and exercises are too difficult for students or just monotonous; if tasks do not consider individual characteristics of students; if there is no systematic monitoring of students’ knowledge obtained in the result of their self-study, this leads to the fact that students do not perform tasks at all. In the process of organizing students’ course of self-study a number of issues related to students’ readiness as subjects of this form of activity for its implementation arises. Self-study of students is considered as reproducing and creative activities. Reproducing or reconstructive activity is work performed by students according to the proposed models: doing sums, charting, writing summaries, plans and programs of work with children and parents. Cognitive activity of students at this stage means learning, comprehension and memorization of information; its purpose is to solidify knowledge, to form competences and skills. It is proven that self-training activities should be managed by a teacher. It is a teacher, who helps determine the purpose and object of students’ self-study, on the basis of personally-active approach organize the conditions for this activity; plan future professional activities; define the range of communicative tasks. Strengthening the role of independent work of students is a fundamental revision of the organization of educational process at a higher educational institution, which should be designed to develop students’ abilities to learn, to form their motivation for self-development and creative implementation of acquired knowledge, adaptation to professional activity, etc. 

self instruction, student, readiness, learning motivation




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