Volkova Yu. I. Methodical aspects of forming future music and choreography teachers’ artistic communication skills

(2015) Science and education, 9, 29-33. Odessa.


Yuliia Volkova,
lecturer, Department of Music Art and Choreography,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



 The article presents the realization of educational conditions in the methodology of forming future music and choreography teachers’ artistic communication skills. The special complex of forms and techniques promoting effective formation of structural components of students’ artistic communication skills is suggested.


educational conditions, artistic communication skills, methodology of forming artistic communication skills, future music and choreography teachers. 




1. Zvereva, M. V. (1987). O ponyatii “didakticheskiye usloviya” [On the concept of "didactic conditions"]. Novyye issledovaniya v pedagogicheskikh naukakh – New studies in pedagogical sciences, 1, 29-32 [in Russian].
2. Ozhegov, S. I. (1986). Slovar russkogo yazyka [Dictionary of the Russian language]. Moscow: Rus. yazyk [in Russian].
3. Lesnyk, O. S. (2009). Metodyka formuvannia khudozhno-movlennievykh umin maybutnikh uchyteliv muzyky u vokalno-khorovii roboti [Methods of forming artistic and language skills of future music teachers in vocal and choral work]. Nauka i osvita – Science and Education, 7, 126-130 [in Ukrainian]. 

Yin Yuan. Criterial approach to evaluation of art-image memory of future music art teachers.

(2015) Science and education, 9, 63-67. Odessa.


Yin Yuan,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), lecturer,
Department of Piano Training,
Taishan University, Taishan, China



The article is aimed at determining the criteria and indicators of evaluating art-image memory of future music teachers according to the structure of this phenomenon. The concept of “art-image memory” is clarified; the relevance of this phenomenon in the professional formation of future specialists is explained. The problem of pedagogical diagnosing of this kind of memory formation level is considered. The information on the application of the criterial apparatus in evaluating art cognitive processes is represented. The following criteria are suggested: the criterion of the degree of future music teachers’ motivation maturity in music educational activity is used for evaluating motivational and axiological component; the criterion of piano students’ artistic knowledge maturity is used for evaluating rational and cognitive component; the criterion of the degree of manifestation of emotional responds to art music images is used for assessing emotional and empathic component; the level of the capacity for performing interpretations of musical images is used for creative and praxeological component.

criterial approach, musical memory, art-image memory, future music art teachers, piano education.




1. Oleksiuk, O.M., & Tkach, M. M. (2004). Pedahohika dukhovnoho potentsialu osobystosti: sfera muzychnoho mystetstva [Pedagogy of individual’s spiritual potential: music art]. Kyiv: Znannia Ukrainy [in Ukrainian].
2. Rebrova, O.Ye. (2012). Metodolohiia i metody doslidzhen pedahohiky mystetstva [Methodology and research methods in pedagogy of art]. Kyiv: Vyd-vo NPU im. M.P. Drahomanova [in Ukrainian].
3. Orlov, V.F. (2003). Profesiine stanovlennia vchyteliv mystetskykh dystsyplin [Professional growth of  artistic disciplines teachers]. Kyiv: Naukova dumka [in Ukrainian].
4. Yin Yuan. (2012). Formuvannia khudozhnoobraznoi pamiati maibutnikh uchyteliv muzyky u protsesi fortepiannoho navchannia [Formation of art-image memory of future music teachers in the process of teaching piano]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
5. Rudnytska, O.P. (2005). Pedahohika zahalna ta mystetska [General and art pedagogy]. Ternopil: Navchalna knyha – Bohdan [in Ukrainian].
6. Fedoryshyn, V.I. (2006). Formuvannia vykonavskoi maisternosti studentiv muzychnopedahohichnykh fakultetiv u protsesi kolektyvnoho muzykuvannia [Formation of musical performance skills in students of music teaching faculties in collective musicmaking]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian]. 

Valentyna Inzhestoikova, Taama Al Ataby Ayad Hayawi Implementing Pedagogical Conditions for Future Drawing Teachers’ Professional Artistic Culture Formation

(2015) Science and education, 9, 67-72. Odessa.


Valentyna Inzhestoikova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Family and Special Pedagogy and Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
1, Nishchynskoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine
Taama Al Ataby Ayad Hayawi, Iraque



The article deals with pedagogical conditions for future Drawing teachers’ professional artistic culture formation in the process of graphic training. These conditions are the following: perception of professional artistic culture as a multiaspect phenomenon and an integral system of personality’s general and cultural development; integration of special subjects with humanitarian and practical ones, necessary for further artistic pedagogical activity; immersion into active creative artistic professionally oriented activity, etc. Research materials have been implemented into the development and approbation of the interactive course “Artistic graphics”. The examples of involving students in creative professional artistic activity, oriented at absorbing course material by means of creating own artistic projects, developing personal qualities, gaining pedagogical experience, are given in the article. The distinguishing and structuring of the theoretical material were carried out during students’ self-studying by means of writing abstracts, essays with the help of Internet  sources and libraries. All information, found by students, has been gradually generalized into an integral text, which presented general structure and contents of professional artistic culture of a future Drawing teacher. Creative learning activity is a subjective aspect of students’ studying, which manifests their needs, interests, abilities, skills, emotions, etc. Course contents and kinds of activity are extremely important things in this process. Creative activity is interrelated with the development of self-dependence and means the highest state of individuality manifestation. Immersion into vigorous activity by students provides accumulation of knowledge, cognition techniques, intellectual operations (observing, comparing, analyzing, abstracting, generalizing and concretizing); techniques of conscious memorizing (writing plans, abstracts, etc.); using earlier acquired knowledge and skills in solving new problems and tasks.

professional artistic culture, pedagogical culture, artistic graphics, intersubject bonds, drawing.




1. Bondarevskaya, E. V. (1999). Pedagogicheskaya kultura kak obschestvennaya i lichnaya tsennost [Pedagogical culture as social and personal value]. Pedagogika – Pedagogy, 3, 37-43 [in Russian].
2. Budnikova, O. V. (2006). Razvitie khudozhestvennoy kultury studentov v protsesse professionalnoy podgotovki: na primere izucheniya distsiplin dizaynerskogo tsikla [Development of students’ artistic culture in the process of professional training: on the example of learning Design subjects]. Candidate’s thesis. Kursk [in Russian].
3. Hryneva, V. M. (2001). Formuvannia pedahohichnoi kultury maibutnioho vchytelia (teoretychnyi ta metodichnyi aspekty) [Future teacher’s pedagogical culture  formation (theoretical and methodical spects)]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
4. Zinchenko, V. P., Pakhomov, N. N., Tuptalov, Yu. B. (Eds). (1992). Obrazovanie, kultura, soznanie [Education, culture, consciousness]. Filosofiya obrazovaniya dlya XXI veka – Philosophy of education for 21st century. Moscow: Issled. tsentr po problemam upravl. kachestvom podgot. spetsial [in Russian].
5. Krylova, N. B. (1990). Formirovanie kultury buduschego spetsialista [Future teacher’s culture formation]. Moscow: «Vysshaya shkola» [in Russian].
6. Maksimova, B. N. (2000). Mezhpredmetnye svyazi v protsesse obucheniya [Interdisciplinary bonds in training]. Moscow: Prosveschenie [in Russian].

Svitlana Hvozdii. Correspondence to Modern Challenges as Principle of Syllabus Selection in Forming Students’ Safety Culture

(2015) Science and education, 9, 34-40. Odessa.


Svitlana Hvozdii,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
head of the Department of Medical Knowledge and Life Safety,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
2, Dvorianska Str., Odesa, Ukraine  



The current stage of formation of the Ukrainian state is closely connected with the violation of the world’s laws, global safety, as well as the safety of a state and every individual. The undeclared war, dangers of everyday life, acts of terrorism require updating the syllabus aimed at the formation of the safety culture in students. Systemic and regular activities aimed at promoting safety culture are possible due to the educational process at higher educational institutions. Teachers of Ukrainian and foreign universities did not pay enough attention to the problem of structuring the selection of the contents of subjects of life safety in the process of safety culture formation. The most important social function of education is forming such a personality, who would satisfy all social requirements. The syllabus is understood as a part of previous generations’ experience, which should be transmitted to students for achieving the teaching objectives with the help of selected ways of implementing these goals. It is emphasized that the syllabus is not constant, it varies and depends on the level of development of science, socio-economic and cultural state of the society, etc. The author reviews the concept of “syllabus in the formation of safety culture”; it is considered as a combination of knowledge and ways of life, which ensure safety of human life in different fields of existence. It is proposed to use correspondence of syllabus to challenges of modernity as a principle of selection of its content. The content of subjects “Safety of life and activity” and “Civil Protection” is chosen considering existing dangers in Ukraine. Students’ attention should be drawn to hazards in emergency situations of war. The behavioural sequence of people in case of armed conflicts is suggested (alert options, the rules of evacuation, protection during bombardments, air raids, the behavior at the checkpoints, essential civilian supplies, etc.). Drills of providing first aid (in case of bleeding, fractures, burns, respiratory and cardiac activity failures, etc.) are one of the basic components of students’ safety culture.

modern challenges, safety culture, armed conflict, syllabus, the principle of syllabus selection. 




1. Batechko, N. H. (2013). Suchasni pidkhody do formuvannia zmistu pidhotovky maibutnikh vykladachiv vyshchoi shkoly v umovakh mahistratury [Modern approaches to forming the contents of teaching future high school teachers when obtaining master degree]. Pedahohika – Pedagogy ¾, 5-20 [In Ukrainian]
2. Verbitskiy, A. A. (1991). Aktivnoe obuchenie v vysshey shkole: kontekstnyiy podhod: metod. posobie [Active teaching at higher educational institution: the contextual approach]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola [in Russian].
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4. Zavgarova, F. H. (2013). Kultura i kultura bezopasnosti zhizni: dialektika vzaimootnosheniy [Culture and a culture of safety of life: dialectic character of relations]. Vestnik nauchnogo tsentra bezopasnosti zhiznedeyatelnosti. – Bulletin of scientific center safety, 1 (15), 95-100 [in Russian].
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6. Kodeks tsyvilnoho zakhystu Ukrainy [Code of Civil Defence of Ukraine] (2013). zakon4.rada.gov.ua Retrieved from: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/5403-17 [In Ukrainian].
7. Kremen, V. H. (2010). Filosofiia liudynotsentryzmu v osvitnomu prostori [Philosophy Humanocentrism in educational space] Kyiv: Society “Znannia” [in Ukraine].
8. Lavrentev, G. V., Lavrenteva, N. B. & Neudahina, N. A. Innovatsionnye obuchayuschie tekhnologii v professionalnoy podgotovke spetsialistov (Chast 2) [Innovative educational technologies in vocational training (Part 2)]. Retrieved from: http://www2.asu.ru/cppkp/index.files/ucheb.files/innov/Part2 /index.html [in Russian].
9. Pamiatky dii naselennia pry nadzvychainykh sytuatsiiakh [Action sights for population in situations of emergency]. (n.d.) Retrieved from: http://rda.talnern.org.ua/novini/pamyatki-dij-naselennya-prinadzvichajnih-situaciyah/ [In Ukraine].
10. Semushina, L. G. & Yaroshenko N. G. (2001). Soderzhanie i tekhnologii obucheniya v srednikh spetsialnykh uchebnykh zavedeniyakh: ucheb. posobie dlya prep. uchrezhdeniy sred. prof. obrazovaniya [The content and technology of education at secondary specialized educational institutions: studies. guide for teachers secondary vocational educational institutions]. Moscow: Masterstvo [in Russian].
11. Slastenin, V. A., Isaev, I. F. & Shiyanov, E. N. (2002). Pedagogika: ucheb.posobie dlya stud. vyissh. ped. ucheb. zavedeniy [Pedagogy: textbook for students.]. Moscow “Akademiya”. Retrieved from: http://krotov.info/lib_sec/shso/71_slas3.html [in Russian].

Natalia Kononenko. Ways of Forming Future Preschool Teachers’ Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge Consistency

(2015) Science and education, 9, 107-111. Odessa.


Natalia Kononenko,
senior research assistant, Department of Preschool Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushysnky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The last decades in theory and practice of education are characterized by special attention to the issues of teaching quality assessment. Many normative documents emphasize the importance of forming theoretical knowledge and practical skills in university students, which would meet modern international requirements and provide their independency, professional competency and creative activity in their future work. The quality of future preschool teachers’ professional competency is a prerequisite for the successful future activity aimed at educating children. In order to find ways of providing efficient training of future pedagogues, methods of professional personnel screening are developed and used; the essence and structure of educational activity, peculiarities of pedagogical mastery formation, means of activating general educational and special training of students as well as their professional competency formation are studied. But the attempts to assess the quality of future preschool teachers’ professional competency by means of studying certain parts of the education results are unproductive and inefficient. Future preschool teachers’ professional and pedagogical knowledge consistency is considered to be one of the most important characteristics of the theoretical training quality in higher education. The main prerequisite for the formation of future preschool teachers’ professional and pedagogical knowledge consistency is considering an educational process as a complex system subject, organization and management of which is the main task of a teacher. Consequently, when preparing for this kind of activity future pedagogues must obtain profound knowledge in many fields of sciences in the form of a system. Professional and pedagogical knowledge consistency is a peculiar quality of the theoretical professional training result, which manifests itself in ideas about the essence and components of the educational process, ways of organizing their interaction with the aim of harmonious development of preschoolers. The formation of future preschool teachers’ professional and pedagogical knowledge consistency is achieved by reorganizing and distinguishing necessary information out of a number of subjects, revealing key issues and the sequence of their studying, formulating main concepts, etc. 


knowledge consistency, teaching quality, preschool teachers, professional and pedagogical knowledge, future preschool teachers. 




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