Iryna Palshkova. Peculiarities of Primary School Teachers’ Emotional Culture Formation.

(2015) Science and education, 9.- 151-156. Odessa.


Iryna Palshkova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
head of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies of Primary Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
39, Oleksandra Nevskoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



 Some important features and pedagogical conditions of forming emotional culture in primary school teachers, as well as different approaches to determination of pedagogical conditions of educational process efficiency in higher education are revealed and described. The following pedagogical conditions are considered as the most important for the formation of future teachers’ emotional culture: stress-inducing (emotiogenic) contents orientation of subjects; engaging students to creative work, including project activities. Pedagogy owns certain experience and a number of different approaches to revealing pedagogical conditions of educational process efficiency in higher education. Pedagogical conditions of forming future primary school teachers’ emotional culture are considered to be a set of objective possibilities of syllabi, methods and organizational means, which ensure the successful implementation of tasks aimed at future primary school teachers’ emotional culture formation. Properties of human emotionality characterize his/her attitude to the phenomena and objects of the environment, expressed in the symbolic modality of the dominant emotions. In this regard, it is important to know what causes positive emotions, what kind of subjects and situations stimulate them. Emotions refer to the processes of internal regulation of behaviour, therefore as a subjective form of needs expression, they precede activities aimed at their satisfaction, encouraging and directing them. Different researches in the field of empathy are conventionally divided into diagnostic (which measure the level of empathy abilities) and psychological (which develop methods of empathic abilities development). Empathy is considered as understanding other person’s emotional state in the form of sympathy. Empathy is based on emotional identification, i.e. the ability of a teacher to feel sympathy, ability to enter pupils’ inner world and understand it. Empathic ability of a teacher manifests itself in such characteristics as respectful attitude towards children, taking care of them, interest in their lives, kind-heartedness, emotional perception and understanding. It is considered as one of the most important components of emotional culture.


emotional culture, future primary school teachers, pedagogical conditions, emotiogenic situation, emotional sphere, empathy.





1. Makarenko, A. S. (2003). Pedagogicheskaya poema [Pedagogical poem]. Moscow: YTRK [in Russian].
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Oleksandra Popova. Contextual Approach as Determinant of Professional and Speech Training Intended for Future Translators of Chinese Language

(2015) Science and education, 9.- 156-166. Odessa.


Oleksandra Popova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Translation, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



 The article is devoted to the problem regarding the realization of the contextual approach within professional and speech training intended for the future translators of the Chinese language within university pedagogical education. The use of the designated approach is conditioned by some contradictions between the abstract and sign discipline of Translation Studies and the real and practical activity relating to the future professional activity of an interpreter / a translator; individual character of mastering knowledge and experience during an educational period, obtaining linguistic and speech skills, integrated skills to perform all kinds of translation in the mode of professional team (collective) work; organization forms of educational and cognitive activity while teaching translation theory and practice based on these disciplines: major foreign language, minor foreign language, Linguocountry Studies and forms of professional and speech activity of a translator; the urgency of professional and speech training of a competent translator and insufficient elaboration of didactic supply for the assigned training. The essence and structure of the contextual approach are analyzed in the article. The contextual approach covers competence contents of the profession – the development of certain knowledge and skills, the present abilities to perform professional duties as well as necessary professional qualities obtained by the end of university training which enable successful professional beginning. The term “context” is understood as pedagogical discourse, active background against which professional and speech training intended for the future translators-orientalists is realized. Professional context influences the entire training process, modifies and transforms it, forms additional content in co-operation with the participants of this process, ensures maximal approach to the profession through the aggregate of all the educational factors. In this connection, it is proposed to direct educational process to the development of professional motivation – consecutive adaptation of the future translators of the Chinese language to translator’s activity by means of academic activity. Thus, the contextual approach within the experimental investigation facilitates the kind of training and teaching in the process of which disciplinary (subject) alongside with social (professional experience of specialists) contents of specialist’s professional activity in combination with abstract knowledge as sign systems are modelled with the help of didactic means.


 contextual approach, professional and speech training, the future translators of the Chinese language, translators-orientalists, university education, quasi-professional activity. 





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Tetiana Stepanova. Pedagogical Conditions of Future Preschool Teachers’ Professional Speech Culture Formation

(2015) Science and education, 9.- 166-170. Odessa.


Tetiana Stepanova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Dean of the Department of Child Development,
Mykolaiv National University named after V. O. Sukhomlynskyi,
4, Nikolska Str., Mykolaiv, Ukraine 



The essence of the concepts of “future preschool teachers’ speech culture”, “future preschool teachers’ professional speech culture”, “professional language behavior of preschool teachers” is revealed. Speech culture of future preschool teachers is considered as their competence in oral and written professional language (emphasis, words use, use of verbal and nonverbal means of expression, mastery of elocution elements: voice, diction, articulation, breath); speech expressiveness (voice timbre, diction, lamprophony, use of different figures of speech, phraseological units, etc.). Professional speech culture of future preschool teachers is understood as abilities and skills of speech culture in professional speech situations at a preschool educational institution. Future preschool teachers’ professional speech culture is also considered as professional communication with colleagues, children and their parents; using elements of professional speech culture, as well as verbal and nonverbal means of expressiveness in different situations at work. It is a process of integrating the obtained theoretical knowledge, abilities and skills of speech, considering the specifics of professional speech culture of teachers in the process of communicating at a preschool educational institution. The pedagogical conditions of forming professional speech culture of future preschool teachers are the following: provision of positive motivation of future preschool teachers to master professional speech culture; immersion of future preschool teachers into active professional speech activity; communicative and speech support of the educational process. Provision of positive motivation is achieved by means of increasing students’ interest to their future occupation; understanding the dependence of preschoolers’ speech culture on the level of preschool teachers’ one. Immersion into active professional speech activity is achieved during in-door classes and students’ self-studying. Communicative and speech support of future preschool teachers’ speech culture formation provides the process of their communicative development, orientation of their professional speech activity at preschool children.


  speech culture, professional speech culture, professional speech activity, pedagogical conditions.





1.Bohush, A. M., Krutii, K. L. (Eds.). (2014). Doshkilna linhvodydaktyka: slovnyk-dovidnyk: ponad 600 terminiv, poniat ta nazv [Preschool linguistic didactics: dictionary: more than 600 terms, notions and names]. Zaporizhzhia: TOV «LIPS» LTD [in Ukrainian].
2.Matsko, L. I., Kravets, L. V. (2007). Kultura ukrainskoi fakhovoi movy: navch. posibnyk [Culture of the Ukrainian professional language: textbook]. Kyiv: VTs “Akademiia” [in Ukrainian].
3.Zabolotska, O. O. (2007). Teoretyko-metodychni zasady formuvannia indyvidualnosti maibutnikh uchyteliv slovesnykiv u profesiinii pidhotovtsi [Theoretical and methodical foundations of forming future teachers’philologists’ individuality in professional training]. Candidate’s thesis. Kherson [in Ukrainian].
4.Savinska, T. I. (2015). Formuvannia hotovnosti maibutnikh vykhovateliv do roboty z khudozhnoiu literaturoiu v doshkilnomu zakladi [Forming future preschool teachers’ competence of working with belles-lettres in a preschool educational insititution]. Odesa [in Ukrainian].












Svitlana Tkachenko Criteria of Ethical Competency Formation in Future Teachers of Social and Humanitarian Subjects

(2015) Science and education, 9.- 181-186. Odessa.


Svitlana Tkachenko,
senior lecturer, Department of Social Work and Human Resources Management,
Odessa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko avenue, Odesa, Ukraine  



The article concentrates on reviewing the criteria of ethical competence formation in future teachers of social and humanitarian subjects; their parameters are determined and characterized. The criteria of ethical competency formation in future teachers of social and humanitarian subjects include motivational, cognitive and operational ones. They are determined by the corresponding parameters which are associated with the set of requirements and quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The motivational criterion parameters include professional values, need for self-actualization and professional self-fulfillment as a teacher of social and humanitarian subjects, professional and humanistic features. The cognitive criterion parameters include knowledge on ethics (key ethics categories, subject and structure of pedagogical ethics, principles and functions of pedagogical morality, structure of teacher’s moral consciousness). Operational criterion parameters include professional and humanistic skills, abilities to use ethical knowledge in professional activity, abilities and skills to solve problems without conflicts and abilities to make responsible decisions. The article also specifies the concept of “ethical competency of future teachers of social and humanitarian subjects”. The ethical competency of the future teachers of social and humanitarian disciplines is a professional competency which includes the organization of ethical interaction of pedagogical process subjects directed to form ethical behavior, personal moral qualities based on the conscious acquisition of ethical knowledge and acquisition of ethical skills, which allows to perform social and value functions in a group, prevent and eliminate the manifestations of negative behavior. Social and humanitarian subjects are of great importance in the formation of such a competence. Social and humanitarian education should be problem-oriented; its basic principle should be the orientation at the individual work of students and active educational methods. Lecturers are not able to manage the educational process without considering the creative side of their major. It is teaching social and humanitarian subjects, which has its specific opportunities to develop creative thinking, form and build high moral, ethical, leadership, emotional and volitional qualities, organizational and communicational skills, high spirituality and decency


  ethical competence, future teachers, social and humanitarian subjects, formation criteria, formation parameters




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3. Klintsova, M. M. (2006). Do problemy formuvannia profesiino-pedahohichnykh tsinnostei u strukturi osobystosti maibutnoho fakhivtsia [To the issue of forming professional and pedagogical values in the structure of future specialist’s personality]. Visnyk Lvivskoho uninversytetu – Bulletin of Lviv university, 21, part 2. (pp. 40- 47). Lviv [in Ukrainian].
4. Pisarenko, V. I., & Pisarenko, I. Ya. (1977). Pedagogicheskaya etika [Pedagogical ethics]. Minsk: Narodnaya asveta [in Russian].
5. Podoliak, L. H., & Yurchenko, V. I. (2006). Psykholohiia vyshchoi shkoly: navchalnyi posibnyk dlia mahistrantiv i aspirantiv [Psychology of higher education: textbook for Master and postgraduate students]. Kyiv: TOV Fil-studiia [in Ukrainian].
6. Rysachenko, H., Kubenko, N. (2009). Etychna kompetentsiia suchasnoho vykladacha [Ethic competence of a modern teacher]. Osvita, tekhnikumy, koledzhi – Education, technical schools, colleges, 2, 59-62 [in Ukrainian].
7. Synytsia, O. O. (2008). Profesiino-etychna kultura vykladacha [Professional and ethic culture of a teacher]. Aktualni problemy vdoskonalennia navchalnoho protsesu – Topical issues of educational process improvement: Proceedings of the 2nd conference of pedagogical mastery school of National Law Academy named after Yaroslav












Stanislava Tokarieva Pedagogical Conditions of Training Future Physical Education Teachers for Correctional and Health-Improving Work at School

(2015) Science and education, 9.- 186-190. Odessa.


Stanislava Tokarieva,
trainer-instructor, Complex Youth Sports School “Sudnoremontnik”,
Illichivsk, Ukraine 



 It is emphasized that teachers and researchers point out at the necessity to provide correctional and healthimproving services while educating children at school. Correctional and health-improving work is mostly needed for primary school pupils due to the fact that modern primary school pupils’ health is getting worse and there is a great variety of individual characteristics of children’s development. Most specialists consider that physical education is of great importance in implementation of health-saving education at comprehensive schools. Despite the need for organization of correctional and health-improving work with primary school pupils, the issues of training future physical education teachers for carrying out this work are still understudied. Training future physical education teachers for correctional and health-improving work depends on the set of the studied subjects: pedagogy, correctional pedagogy, psychology, sports-related subjects, physiology, etc. The effectiveness of future physical education teachers training depends on the time allowed for studying the above mentioned subjects as well as their graduality in the academic calendar. To provide effective training of future physical education teachers for correctional and health-improving work at school algorithmic presentation of the subjects is necessary, which is generally not typical for higher educational institutions practice. For this reason, the following pedagogical conditions for training future physical education teachers for correctional and health-improving work at primary school were offered: - forming future physical education teachers’ awareness and motivation to correctional and health-improving work in physical education; - teaching information of the educational subjects should be structured and include information on correction and health-improvement, which allows to form comprehensive understanding of the significance of correctional and health-improving work at primary school: - students’ mastering the methods of carrying correctional and health-improving work by means of physical education and verbal behavior standards corresponding to a certain pedagogical situation; - gaining experience by future physical education teachers in practical organization of correctional and health-improving work and abilities of its critical evaluation.


  correctional and health-improving work, future teacher, physical education, pedagogical conditions, primary school.




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