(2024) Science and education, 2, 91-96. Odessa.

Svitlana Tuntuieva,
PhD of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of Social Pedagogy,
State Institution "Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University",
3, Ivana Banka Str., Poltava, Ukraine,

Kateryna Duvanska,
Assistant of the Department of Social Pedagogy,
State Institution "Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University",
3, Ivana Banka Str., Poltava, Ukraine,



Analysis of theoretical approaches and social practices in preventing juvenile delinquency demonstrates the relevance of shifting from administrative and punitive measures to comprehensive social and individual prevention, both in international criminological theory and practice, as well as domestically. This transition encompasses a wide range of economic, sociocultural, medical-psychological, psycho-pedagogical, and socio-legal measures aimed at supporting juvenile offenders and at-risk adolescents, as well as programs for social rehabilitation and behavior correction. The field of research concerning juvenile delinquency is extremely important because adolescents aged 14 to 18 represent the most socially vulnerable group. Adolescents, under the negative influence of their environment, often deliberately commit offenses in an attempt to assert their social status among peers. International experience shows that the most relevant measures and programs in the prevention system include: training specialized social workers who focus on educational work to correct behavioral deviations; creating a network of specialized resocialization institutions and structures; recognizing the family as the primary institution for the socialization of children and adolescents; developing educational-preventive, protective, and preventive activities against juvenile delinquency; and enhancing the role of socio-pedagogical assistance in the correction and rehabilitation of juveniles with behavioral deviations. The model of the juvenile delinquency prevention system aims at timely identification of potential risk groups, as well as effective management and coordination of measures for their prevention and rehabilitation.


delinquency, juveniles, offenses, prevention, juvenile justice.



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(2024) Science and education, 2, 80-90. Odessa.

Oleksiy Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the NAES of Ukraine,
The State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky»,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,

Myroslav Balashenko,
PhD student, Department of Theory and Methodics of Practical Psychology,
The State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky»,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,



Based on theoretical and empirical research, this paper presents a purposefully designed and tested individual-centered laughter therapy system that aims to improve the emotional health of military personnel through the use of electronic devices. The study shows that emotional health can be viewed as a complex and specific emotional state that is reflected in individuals through a variety of complex and simple emotional components ranging from positive levels of comfort to negative levels of discomfort. These levels are discussed in more detail by considering ear, nose and throat conditions. Based on previous research, various groups of military personnel treated in a hospital setting were identified according to their emotional health status. A laughter therapy system was created taking into account specific symptoms and generalizations of existing approaches. The system is built on a series of video fragments consisting of humorous scenes with varying content, focus and duration of execution. The nature of these scenes included everyday relationships, different work situations, family relationships, comparisons between individuals with different life circumstances, cross-cultural political interactions, advertisements and sexuality. The content of the system ensured that appropriate video scenes were combined with screenings on electronic devices, taking into account the emotional health and personal characteristics of the soldiers in an individually oriented program. The program lasted seven days, with each session lasting approximately 10 minutes in the first experimental group (one video session per day) and the second experimental group (two video sessions per day). Laughter therapy in the hospital improved the emotional health of the experimental group and moved them from a state of negative discomfort to a relatively comfortable state of emotional well-being.


psychocorrection, psychotherapy, post-traumatic condition, anxiety, self-control, tension, pessimism, selfregulation of well-being, mood, psychological burnout, comfortable and uncomfortable states.



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(2024) Science and education, 2, 73-79. Odessa.

Svitlana Sytnik,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,
The State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky»,
26, Staroportofrankivska, Str., Odesa, Ukraine,

Viktoriia Malysh,
Master of Psychology,
Senior Teacher at the Department of Practical Psychology,
Odessa National Maritime University,
34, Mechnykova Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents the results of an empirical study of emotional intelligence in the structure of determinants of professional self-determination of senior pupils. This is the stage of person’s self-determination that precedes a specific choice of profession and includes awareness of one's own interests, experience in mastering various professional fields and adequate knowledge about oneself and one's capabilities. Most high school students today have a low level of emotional intelligence, do not understand their emotions very well, do not have a high need for self-knowledge and knowledge of others, are impulsive in their reactions and cannot effectively manage their emotions. And this is directly related to their low interest in professions that involve communication with people. Instead, high school students with a higher level of emotional intelligence show more interest in professions related to people, nature, or artistic images and are more interested in geography, literature and art. Emotional intelligence influences the emotional attitude of high school students to the choice of profession, is associated with numerous determinants of professional self-determination, such as autonomy and independence in choosing a profession, awareness of the world of professions, ability to plan professional life, emotional attitude to the situation of choosing a profession, social, moral, aesthetic and utilitarian motives for choosing a future profession. The professional self-determination of high school students is influenced by five basic factors, among which motivation, making a decision about the direction of professional activity, choosing a professional environment, consideration of social aspects and selfconfidence are important. Emotional intelligence is an important component of this process, as it helps to better understand and manage emotions that influence professional choices.


emotional intelligence, type of profession, professional environment, motive for choosing a profession, professional readiness, personality traits.



1. Zaviazkina, N.V., Lysenko, I.P., & Poluden, I.V. (2021). Rol emotsiinoho intelektu v profesiinomu samovyznachenni pidlitkiv [The role of emotional intelligence in the professional selfdetermination of adolescents]. Habitus, 27, 77–81. [in Ukrainian]. 2. Martynenko, O.O. (2020). Zahalni osoblyvosti profesiinoho samovyznachennia suchasnykh starshoklasnykiv [General peculiarities of professional self-determination of modern senior pupils]. Habitus, 16, 151–155. 10.32843/2663-5208.2020.16.24 [in Ukrainian].
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(2024) Science and education, 2, 64-72. Odessa.

Valerii Olefir,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
4, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine

Valerii Bosniuk,
PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine,
94,Chernichevska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



The Satisfaction with Life Scale by E. Dinner, despite its well-known theoretical and practical value among psychologists all over the world, doesn't have a psychometrically substantiated version in Ukraine. The exciting ones differ both in wording of the questions, the number of options and the text of the answers. So, the main goal was to adapt the original version of The Satisfaction with Life Scale to the Ukrainian-speaking environment ensuring acceptable psychometric variables. For this, the translation of the questionnaire from English to Ukrainian was done by two bilingual psychologists using the reverse translation method, who later reached a consensus on the final result. 1227 people (66,0% female, 34,0% male) participated in the research through online Google Forms service. The analysis of the received data was carried out with the help of the statistical software R and Rstudio. According to the results of the confirmatory factor analysis, the one-dimensional structure of the questionnaire was proved, statistical indexes demonstrated a great degree of correspondence of the theoretical model to the empirical data. Analysis of the psychometric reliability showed a high level of coherence of the statements of the questionnaire. Discriminant validity is substantiated by obtained statistically significant correlations expected by direction in relation to external constructs of positive personality functioning. Convergent validity was also at a satisfactory level. The measurement scalar invariance of the scale based on gender and aged was separately proven. The comparison of the latent average values showed that men demonstrate higher life satisfaction than women, and no differences were found between subject groups of different ages. It was stated that the Ukrainian-speaking adapted version of The Satisfaction with Life Scale meets generally accepted psychometric standards and is recommended for usage in psychodiagnostic practice.


subjective well-being, psychodiagnostic tool, psychometric reliability, validity, measurement invariance.



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(2024) Science and education, 2, 54-63. Odessa.

Olena Kosyanova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Associate Professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
The State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky»,
26, Staroportofrankivska, Str., Odesa, Ukraine,



The article examines the peculiarities of experiencing a youth crisis in the extreme conditions of a full-scale invasion in the period 2023–2024. The subjective experience of experiencing a youth crisis is shown; the peculiarities of deep, existential experiences in the young man's consciousness were revealed; significant components of mental organization were revealed; the factors influencing the manifestations of youth crisis are described. The analysis of the theoretical concepts of the youth period of a person's life path noted (Artyukhina, 2014; Donets, 2015; Kyrpenko, 2014; Kolomiets, 2017; Lepeshko, 2016; Stepova, 2018; Sheyko, 2013) that this age, transitional from childhood to adulthood, is significant in creating significant life guidelines. Full realization of one's potential is impossible without active participation, that is, without expressing one's subjectivity. Taking the youth crisis as an example of a subjective approach, the study led to the determination of the experience of crisis conditions in the research group, which are associated with in the sphere of the economy (0.523**), residence (0.460**), study (0.530**), seven (0.509**), war (0.443**) as the leading spheres. Post-test interviews confirmed that young men are most worried about situations related to military events (concern for the safety of themselves and their loved ones, fear of losing loved ones and acquaintances in the war, occupation of residential areas, etc.), the economy (concern about wealth in the family , changes in the economic situation, pricing, etc.), training (whether they will be able to continue, whether there will be light and enough time to perform the work in a timely manner, etc.). Methodological and empirical analysis of the study of the youth crisis showed that it mainly occurs in the age group of 20–21. The difficulty of researching this period is explained by the fact that mental phenomena are affected by extreme situations. The conducted correlation analysis proves the relationship between the global security indicator (extremity) and the crisis profile of the individual (0.615**), as well as: pessimistic reaction (0.718**), negative balance reaction (0.673**), demobilization reaction (0.790**), opposition reaction (0.611**), disorganization reaction (0.562**). Features of the connection between the global security of life showed a direct correlation dependence on the sphere of health (0.487**), war (0.465**) and personal life (0.615**).


crises of youth, experiencing crisis states in various spheres of life, global security (extremity), crisis profile of the individual.



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