Oleksiy Chebykin. Conceptual Approaches to The Possibilities of Studying The Emotional Health Foundations of Participants in Learning Activity Under The Coronavirus Pandemic Conditions.

(2021) Science and education, 4, 23-29. Odessa.

Oleksiy Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor,
full member of the NAES of Ukraine,
The State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article considers the possibilities of studying the psychological foundations of emotional health of people involved in learning activity under the COVID-19 pandemic conditions. It has been shown that the psychological foundations of emotional health have been indirectly studied for a long while in the context of mental health. The study has expanded in recent years, where various aspects of emotional health become the subject independently. The attempts, however, are often made to reveal its content only on the basis of certain features, such as anxiety, aggression, etc. There are furthermore the ambiguous approaches to its understanding as a purely psychological phenomenon. The cognitive process of this phenomenon has shown that the problem of emotional health of students and educators in quarantine restrictions due to the coronavirus epidemic and its recovery after this disease is of particular importance in modern conditions. Some factors of influence of quarantine restrictions on emotional health have been generalized. At the same time, both positive and negative tendencies in its manifestation are recorded. It has been noted that the problem of psychological foundations of emotional health of various people involved in learning activity under the coronavirus epidemic conditions, despite its relevance to the theory and practice of modern psychology, remains insufficiently studied. The emotional health was considered in the presented studies as a specific evaluative subjective reflection of the functioning of the sensory sphere in a person from a relatively positive-comfortable to a negative-uncomfortable state in different conditions of his/her life. On the basis of the performed work the Conditional Conceptual Model of Complex Study of Psychological Foundations of Emotional Health is constructed, in the maintenance of which such components as: factors of influence, signs of display, substantial characteristics, preventive and corrective means acted as leading ones. Preliminary empirical evidence on the characteristics of emotional health in individuals have been obtained in 60 days since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The specific features of the emotional sphere that characterize people who have experienced stress in mild, moderate and severe forms have been highlighted. It has been shown that those people who experienced it in severe and moderate forms in 60 days did not actually recover the emotional health. Those who had a mild form of it, they have tendencies to recover the emotional health.


emotional health, factors, stresses, properties, states, components, conceptual model, COVID-19.




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