Oleksiy Chebykin. Emotional Intelligence, Its Cognitive and Mental Signs and Functions.

(2020) Science and education, 1, 19-28. Odessa.

Oleksiy Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychology, academician of the National
Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska St., Odessa, Ukraine



An attempt has been made in this paper to single out the cognitive and mental signs of emotional intelligence and their functions in this process. It has been shown that a significant part of specialists, despite the declarative correspondence of this phenomenon to the sphere of emotions and intelligence, analyzes the social intelligence as the subject of its study and its communicative signs, emotional maturity and its components, self-regulation, empathy, expressiveness of emotions, etc. It can be assumed that in this case, the signs of emotional intelligence are replaced by those that relate to the subject of the study of other psychological phenomena. It should be also agreed that all mental phenomena are closely related, especially since emotions are actually integrated into every process. But when the emotional intelligence is chosen as a subject of study, then this should refer to those signs which should be more reflected certain specific features of emotions in the intelligence. It has been proposed to consider emotional intelligence as a psychological property of individual, characterized by the manifestation of complex as though integrated, emotionalcognitive and mental features, due to which it achieves its goal in certain tasks/problems solving in different activities. It can be argued that emotions are more integrated with cognitive activity in emotional intelligence, and intelligence – with mental activity. That is, the features of the functioning of basic (simple) emotions in higher cognitive, integrated with mental activity are probably what can characterize the psychological essence of the content of emotional intelligence. Such higher emotional and cognitive features that accompany this process include surprise, curiosity, inquisitiveness, interest, enthusiasm, inspiration, guess, disappointment, doubt, insight experience, eureka, and others. The manifestation of these signs may be accompanied by certain functions at the level of comfort emotional coloring of the problem-solving process, emotional guidance on how to solve the problem, emotional activation in the form of strengthening or weakening the manifestation of this process, emotional regulation as dynamics of change of movement of the signs in the problemsolving process. A complex of three methods has been created: investigation of signs of emotional intelligence; study of the manifestation of simple emotions in the content of higher emotions attributed to the signs of emotional intelligence; study of the selected functions of signs of emotional intelligence. It has been shown that there is a certain tendency in the manifestation of signs of emotional intelligence, and its integral components of simple emotions in the problem-solving process. It has been revealed that the emotionally positive orientation of the content of such signs of emotional intelligence as curiosity, insight experience, eureka, their connection with joy and comfort functions of emotional guidance, emotional activation and regulation, form the first complex of emotional intelligence. The second complex is formed on the basis of such signs of emotional intelligence as inquisitiveness, guess and doubt. The third one includes curiosity, enthusiasm and disappointment. These complexes can be those specific determinants of the manifestation of emotional intelligence, as well as the psychological characteristics of its typical manifestations in humans.


 emotions, intelligence, cognitive and mental signs, functions, complexes, signs of emotional intelligence.




1. Andreeva, I. N. (2011). Emotional intelligence as a phenomenon of modern psychology [Emotsionalny intellekt kak fenomen sovremennoy psikhologii]. Novopolotsk: PSU [in Russian].
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6. Nosenko, E. L. (2004). Emotsіinyi іntelekt yak sotsіalno znachushcha іntegralna vlastyvіst osobistostі [Emotional intelligence as a socially significant integral property of personality]. Psikhologіia і suspіlstvo – Psychology and society, 4, 95–109 [in Ukrainian].
7. Roberts, R. D. (2004). Emotsionalny intellekt: problemy teorii, izmereniya i primeneniya na praktike [Emotional intelligence: problems of theory, measurement and application in practice]. Psikhologiya: Zhurnal Vysshey Shkoly Ekonomiki – Psychology: Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 4(1), 3–26 [in Russian].
8. Tikhomirov, O. K. (1984). Emotsii v strukture myslitelnoy deyatelnosti. Psikhologiya Myshleniya [Emotions in the structure of mental activity. Psychology of Thinking]. Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 87–106 [in Russian].
9. Chebykin, A. Ya. (1992). Emotsionalnaya regulyatsiya uchebno-poznavatelnoy deyatelnosti [Emotional regulation of educational and cognitive activities]. Odessa: Publishing House of Odessa State Pedagogical University [in Russian].
10. Chebykin, O. Ya. (1997). Pro metodiku dіagnostiki emotsіynoi zrіlostі osobistostі [The method of diagnosis of emotional maturity of individual]. Nauka і osvіta – Science and Education, 1, 68–69 [in Ukrainian].
11. Chebykin, O. Ya. (2009). Stanovlennia emotsіinoi zrіlostі osobistostі [Formation of emotional maturity of the individual]. I. G. Pavlova (Eds.). Odessa: Scientific edition of Southern Scientific Center of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
12. Shpak, M. M. (2011). Teoretiko-metodologіchnі pіdhodi do rozumіnnia fenomenu emotsіinogo іntelektu osobistostі. Aktualnі problemy sotsіolohіi, psikhologіi, pedagogіki [Theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding the phenomenon of emotional intelligence of individual. Actual problems of Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy]. (Vol. 1). (pp. 192–199). Kyiv: Logos [in Ukrainian].

Hanna Slobodianiuk. To The Problem of Psychological Training of Future Teachers.

(2020) Science and education, 1, 29-33. Odessa.

Hanna Slobodianiuk,
PhD student of Psychology Department,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska, Odessa, Ukraine



The article is devoted to the analysis of scientific publications on the problem of psychological training of future teachers, which have been published in the international database of Web of Science, for the last twenty years. It was found that until 2008 there was an underestimated level of attention of scientists to the issues of scientific research on the problem of psychological training of future teachers. The vast majority of publications are articles which explore the formation of the necessary professional competencies with a psychological component in future teachers; innovations in forms and methods of mastering psychological knowledge are covered; data on the content of educational psychology as a scientific discipline, etc. are given. However, the analyzed scientific works are limited in their nature and do not take into account the very relevant areas of research on this topic.


 psychological training of future teachers, scientific database of Web ofScience, psychological and pedagogical training of future teachers, publication analysis, scientific research.




1. Klimov, E. A. (1985). Nekotorye psihologicheskie problemy podgotovki molodezhi k trudu i vyboru professii [Some psychological issues of youth preparation for labour and the choice of profession]. Voprosy psihologii – Psychological issues, 4, 7-9 [in Russian].
2. Margolis, A. A. (2015). Modeli podgotovki pedagogov v ramkakh programm prikladnogo bakaklavriata i pedagogicheskoi magistratury [Teacher training models in applied bachelor and pedagogical master programs]. Psikhologicheskaia nauka i obrazovanie - Psychological science and education, 5, 45-64 [in Russian].
3. Slobodianiuk, G. (2019). Formalno-orhanizatsiini tendentsii psykholohichnoi pidhotovky studentiv-pedahohiv u zakladakh vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy [Formal and organizational trends in psychological training of future teachers in higher education institutions of Ukraine]. Nauka i osvita – Science and Education, 3, 21-31 [in Ukrainian].
4. Alvarez, I. M., Weise, C., Vall, B., Gonzalez, M., & Morodo, A. (2018). How do primary education trainee teachers perceive educational psychology? Teachers and teaching, 24(1). (pp. 81-94) [in English]. DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2017.1379388
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6. Chebykin, O. Ya. (2017). System-activity conception of training 21st century teachers: competence and organizational aspects. Science and Education, 10, 101-106 [in English].
7. Deibl, I, Zumbach, J, Geiger, V. M., & Neuner, C. M. (2018). Constructive Alignment in the Field of Educational Psychology: Development and Application of a Questionnaire for Assessing Constructive Alignment. Psychology learning and teaching-plat. Vol. 17 (3). (pp.293- 307) [in English].
8. Gravett, S., Henning, E., & Eiselen, R. (2011). New teachers look back on their university education: Prepared for teaching, but not for life in the classroom. Education as change. Vol.15. (pp. S123-S142) [in English]. doi: 10.1080/16823206.2011.643636
9. Joy, R., Paul, H., Adey, K., & Wilmott, A. (2016). Educational and school psychology in newfoundland and Labrador: a 15-year follow-up. Canadian journal of school psychology. Vol.31 (3). (pp. 259-270) [in English].
10. Lin, F. L., Yang, K. L. & Chang, Y. P. (2018). Designing a Competence-Based Entry Course for Prospective Secondary Mathematics Teachers. Educating prospective secondary mathematics teachers: knowledge, identity, and pedagogical practices. ICME-13 Monographs. (pp.189-203) [in English]. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319- 91059-8_11
11. Lohse-Bossenz, H., Kunina-Habenicht, O., Dicke, T., Leutner, D., & Kunter, M. (2015). Teachers' knowledge about psychology: development and validation of a testmeasuring theoretical foundations for teaching and its relation to instructional behavior. Studies in educational evaluation. Vol.44. (pp. 36-49) [in English]. DOI: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2015.01.001.
12. Shen, P. X., Gromova, C. R., Zakirova, V. G., & Yalalov, F. G. (2017). Educational Technology as a Video Cases in Teaching Psychology for Future Teachers. Eurasia journal of mathematics science and technology education. Vol.13 (7). (pp. 3417-3429) [in English]. DOI:10.12973/eurasia.2017.00736a
13. Spinath, B. (2012). Educational psychology's contributions to professional teacher development: discussion of the special issue. Zeitschrift fur padagogische psychologie. Vol.26 (4). (pp. 307-312) [in English]. DOI: 10.1024/1010-0652/a000082
14. Tanana, S.M. (2017). Psychological peculiarities of the development of professional competences in future teachers of higher school in the process of professional preparation. Psycholinguistics. Vol.21 (1). (pp.161-170) [in English].
15. Valladres, R. C., Adalia, L., Pichs, E. C., Antonia, M., & Dominguez Urdanivia, D. Y. (2018). The educational psychopedagogical training as a professional field. Revista Conrado. Vol. 14 (62). (pp. 266-271) [in English].
16. Willingham, D.T. (2017). A Mental model of the learner: teaching the basic science of educational psychology to future teachers. Mind brain and education. Vol.11 (4). (pp. 166-175) [in English]. DOI: 10.1111/mbe.12155

Viktoriia Vynohradova. The Influence of Social Factors on The Formation of I. I. Mechnykov’s Personality.

(2020) Science and education, 1, 34-40. Odessa.


Viktoriia Vynohradova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Head of Psychology and Pedagogy Department,
Taurida National University,
33, John McCain Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the influence of social factors on the development of I. I. Mechnikov’s personality. The implementation of historical and psychological analysis and social and valuable factors that influenced the formation of the scientist's views have a great importance for building an optimal sociocultural environment in which there is an effective development of abilities and genius of the child. Creating conditions for personal development is one of the priority contemporary challenge. The process of I. I. Mechnykov’s personality formation has been considered in the article. The main purpose of the article is to study the main social factors that influenced the development of I. I. Mechnykov’s personality in the process of growth. Theoretical and biographical methods have been used in the article. Attention has been paid to the factors of the social spectrum which could influence the formation of the outstanding scientist’s views. The Mechnykov family have been covered in social and historical conditions. The peculiarities of the educational system in the years of I. I. Mechnykov’s studies and its influence on the development of his personality have been researched. The influence of the academic staff on the formation of I. I. Mechnykov’s professional interests and views has been analysed. The interests of Illia Ilich which directly influenced the formation of the future scientist’s worldview have been also analysed. The factors that influenced the formation of I. I. Mechnykov’s worldview have been studied. It has been found out that the formation of I. I. Mechnykov’s personality was influenced significantly by his family, educational environment and development of the scientific sphere. The main factors that influenced the development of I. I. Mechnykov’s personality were identified as: a noble origin; higher education at the country’s leading university; the influence of prominent scientists who taught at the university; an active position in the educational process, a close interaction with teaching staff; an active participation in university research; the ability to choose one’s own trajectory and pace of learning independently.


 І. І. Mechnykov, personality, developing environment; social and political situation, worldview, society.




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Svitlana Sytnik, Oleksiy Chebykin. Features of Interpersonal Interaction of Psychologists With Different Levels of Social Intelligence.

(2020) Science and education, 1, 41-48. Odessa.

Svitlana Sytnik,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Oleksiy Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences,
academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
Department of Theory and Methodology of Practical Psychology,
The state institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska, Odesa, Ukraine



An important aspect of the professional activity of psychologists is the interpersonal interaction, the effectiveness of which depends on many factors. One of them may be a social intelligence. The study of the relationship between social intelligence and the characteristics of interpersonal interaction can point at the possibility of improving the professional skills of psychologists, through the activation of their social intelligence, which is related to the level of interpersonal interaction. This interaction is an important component of the professionalism of the psychologist. The purpose of the article was to study the relationship of particularities of interpersonal interaction of psychologists with different levels of social intelligence and their individual psychological characteristics. The theoretical and experimental methods were used in the study. The latter include the following methods: "Assessment of interpersonal interaction" (Sytnik S. V.); "Study of Social Intelligence" (J. Guilford); "16-PF Personal Questionnaire" (R. Kettell). The relationship of indicators of interpersonal interaction with social intelligence and character traits of individual were presented in the article. The interpersonal interaction includes such indicators as primary contact, interpersonal communication and interpersonal relationships. A sufficient level of development of social intelligence is associated with effective interpersonal interaction. The direct connections of indicators of interpersonal interaction with such personality traits as sociability, emotional stability, courage, trust, practicality, calmness are determined. The feedback was also identified with traits such as hostility, irritability, low tolerance for frustration, shyness, social passivity, cruelty, anxiety, and selfdoubt. It is investigated that a high level of social intelligence is a condition for the development of all stages of interpersonal interaction. The subjects who are capable of interpersonal interaction at a high level have such traits as sociability, trust, balance, courage, emotional stability. Individuals with a low level of interpersonal interaction often show: emotional instability, social passivity, isolation, hostility, irritability, suspicion. The obtained results are important for the psychological training of psychologists as representatives of socionomic professions, in order to realize themselves in professional activities.


interpersonal interaction, social intelligence, individual and psychological features, characterological personality traits.




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Svyatoslav Linnikov. Hyperhomocysteinemia as The Pathogenetic Factor in Obstetrical Complications.

(2020) Science and education, 1, 49-52. Odessa.

Svyatoslav Linnikov,
teaching assistant of Department of General Disciplines and Clinical Medicine,
The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D Ushynsky"
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine.



The study of the influence of various levels of the hyperhomocysteinemia with mutation in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (МТНFR) on the system of the hemostasis was carried out. 84 patients were examined with various obstetrical pathology in the anamnesis. The genetic form of the hyperhomocysteinemia with various degrees of severity has been revealed in 21 (25%) patients. At the stage of planning of pregnancy and in the I-st trimester the thrombophilia manifestations were revealed: increasing the activity thrombocytes, the quantity of markers of thrombophilia D-dimer, ТАТ, F1+2. Thrombophilia augmented with terms of preeclampsia and the degree of severity of the hyperhomocysteinemia. The offered pathogenetic algorithm of treatment of thrombophilia state of patients using the low-molecular weight heparin (clexane), a folic acid, vitamin В6, В12 antioxidants has given the significant positive effect. It is necessary to carry out the studies of the hemostasis on latent thrombophilia and to carry out, if necessary, the antitromboembolitic therapy to establish the ethiopathogenetics of obstetrical complications. It will enable to exclude the further perinatal losses.


hyperhomocysteinemia, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, thrombophilia, a folic acid, lowmolecular weight heparin (clexane).




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