Andrii Pidgornyy, Tetiana Duda, Nelya Guts. Analysis of Engineers’ Chemical Education Specifics in The Context of Provision of Integral Education in The Field of Natural Sciences in Ukraine.

(2018) Science and education, 11-12, 34-43. Odessa.


Andrii Pidgornyy,
PhD (Candidate of Chemichal Sciences), associate professor,
Tetiana Duda,
PhD (Candidate of Chemichal Sciences), associate professor,
Nelya Guts,
senior teacher,
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”,
37, Peremogy av., Kyiv, Ukraine



In this article, the formation of a competent understanding of the natural science education is considered, because for it to become functionally integral, all its constituent parts must act concertedly within the framework of the future qualification. The quality of education suits the society’s and the state’s current demands because it is fundamental, and the main task of reforming engineering education is to create the conditions for instilling independent, critical, and creative thinking in graduates and to provide professional growth capabilities. The autor analyses the problems of the fundamentality component of the education in the natural sciences disciplines in technical universities. Specifically, we are talking about the gap between the school graduates’ level of proficiency in fundamental disciplines and the requirements thereto in higher educational institutions; also revealed are the problems in the 2016 university admissions process, because of which students with low knowledge of natural sciences entered universities in greater numbers that year. The article demonstrates that it is impossible to ensure further civilisation and technical growth of the society at its current development stage without the fundamental chemical knowledge as an important component of natural sciences.


 fundamental disciplines, monitoring quality of studies, modern facilities of motivation of studies, steady development and safety of society.




1. Rauch, Franz (2015). Education for Sustainable Development and Chemistry Education. Royal society of chemistry. From the book Worldwide Trends in Green Chemistry Editors: Vânia Zuin, Liliana Mammino
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Nikolay Moga. Muscle Spasticity and Its Connection To The Myophasic System in Children With Central Paresis.

(2018) Science and education, 11-12, 44-49. Odessa.


Nikolay Moga,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
PhD student of the Department of Orthopedagogy and Rehabilitation,
National Pedagogical University named after MP Dragomanova,
8, Turgenevskaya Str., Kiev, Ukraine



Traditionally, the problem of muscle spasticity was considered by experts as a kind of a local problem associated with the inhibition or traumatization of the central motor neuron in a certain part of its path. In this approach, only the first stage of the causal relationship of the two systems was reflected: the nervous and muscular systems. Further, intrasystem relations of the muscle and the entire muscle complex arise according to the type of harmonization or destructivization of this system’s activity. To resolve this problematic situation, the article deals with the original theory of Thomas V. Myers about “anatomical train” or “myofascial meridians” as an integral skeletal-muscular system of the human body, which forms the basis of the anatomy and motor activity. Key ideas of tensegrity as a structure of balanced compression-tension of the musculoskeletal system are identified, and it is necessary to rush to the targets, carrying out the correction of motor disorders in young children with a central type of paresis by means of physical education. For a deeper understanding of the activities of these mechanisms of children’s myofascial status harmonization, the main myofascial lines were briefly characterized: superficial posterior line, superficial frontal line, lateral line, spiral line, arm lines. On this basis, a working hypothesis was formulated of using the capabilities of the holistic myofascial system of the child’s body to correct both the tonic state of individual spastic muscles and improve the overall motor status. To test the formulated hypothesis, the directions for the implementation of remedially directed physical education of young children with central paresis of different localization levels were indicated. An attempt was made to use the knowledge of the basics of the functioning of myofascial meridians to increase the efficiency of diagnosing the state of musculoskeletal formations in children with spastic paresis, developing strategies and tactics for correcting their tonic state, methods and techniques for adjusting the balance of compression and tension of these structures to improve children’s motor activity and the efficiency of their mastering the basic motor regimes. The preparatory work by means of physical education should be preceded by preparatory work aimed at normalizing the whole myofascial system of a child with a spastic type of movement disorders, which can be carried out using purely medical techniques and based on the means of physical education of children.


muscles, fascia, myofascial meridians, spasticity, young children, spastic paresis.




1. Bronovitskaya, G.M. (2014). Uchenie o mishcah (miologiya) [The study of the muscles (myology)]. Minsk: BGUFK [in Russian].
2. Byuske, L. (2011). Mishechnie tsepi. Tom 1. Korpus sheinii otdel pozvonochnika i verhnie konechnosti [Muscle chains. Volume 1. Body, cervical spine and upper limbs]. Moscow: Ivanovo [in Russian].
3. Kozhevnikova, V.T. (2013). Sovremennie tehnologii fizicheskoi reabilitatsii bolnih s posledstviyami perinatalnogo porajeniya nervnoi sistemi i detskim tserebralnim paralichom [Modern technologies of physical rehabilitation of patients with the consequences of perinatal damage to the nervous system and cerebral palsy]. Moscow: Madzhenta [in Russian].
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Olha Nahorna. Social Professional Characteristics of International Arbitrator.

(2018) Science and education, 11-12, 50-55. Odessa.


Olha Nahorna,
PhD (Candidate of Philology), associate professor,
Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law,
8, Heroiv Maidanu Str., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine



Thanks to globalization, international arbitration as an effective alternative dispute resolution method has become a highly specialized service provided by professional arbitrators, not by quasi-judicial workers as it was accepted long ago. Currently, three main stages have been identified in the process of developing the profession of an arbitrator, in particular the stage of “Grand Old Men”, the stage of “Technocrats” and the stage of “Managers”, each having its own distinctive features. It is important that the modern generation of arbitrators is perceived as a manager of the arbitration process, educated professionals capable of learning and self-development. The selection process for arbitrators became very competitive, therefore the parties consider the qualifications and competence of the applicants carefully as their candidatures may be challenged before their appointment. The purpose of the paper is to identify the social and professional characteristics of arbitrators. To determine the state of study of the problem the method of analysis and synthesis of methodological, social, legal, scientific and methodical literature was used. The generalization method was applied to formulate the conclusions of the research. The basic social and professional characteristics that are taken into account when choosing an arbitrator can be classified as follows: 1) personal qualities, 2) education, knowledge, skills, 3) experience, reputation. Legal specialization, experience in conducting arbitration practice and reputation are the most important features in appointing or recommending an arbitrator. Equally important were the personal qualities of an applicant and his skills in technical and procedural issues of arbitration. In addition, the growing role of arbitrators in the arbitration process requires such traits as ability to make decisions, tolerance, diplomacy, cultural awareness.


international arbitration, international arbitrator, social professional characteristics, education, Master programmes.




1. Kebuladze, V. (2016). Charunky doli: esei [Wonders of destiny: essays]. Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva [in Ukrainian].
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Nina Novykova. Features of School Biological Education During The Formation of Ukrainian Statehood at The Beginning of The Twentieth Century.

(2018) Science and education, 11-12, 56-59. Odessa.


Nina Novykova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
head of the Department of Science and Mathematics,
Lviv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education,
18 a, Ohiienka Str., Lviv, Ukraine



The period of formation of the system of school biological education in Ukraine during the imperial age, for which the struggle of various pedagogical systems was inherent; the development of school science on the basis of achievements in biology as a science, the reformation of the content of school science in three directions and the improvement of the methodology of school biology have been reviewed in the paper. The ambiguity of educational changes in the pre-revolutionary period of the beginning of the 20th century has been outlined. The social and pedagogical factors of school education development after the October Revolution; the division of hours for the study of natural science from the II to IX classes of the only labor school in 1918 and 1920, and the study of subjects in the only labor school of the People's Commissariat of the Ukrainian SSR (1920) have been considered. The formation of pedagogical science in the Ukrainian SSR, educational and methodological provision of school biological education, projects of a new organization of educational process, the system of training of teaching staff in Ukraine during 1917-1920 have been characterized.


school biological education, Ukrainian statehood, natural science, united labor school.




1. Alekseev, A.N., Scherbov, N.P. (1972). Iz programmy Rossiyskoy Kommunisticheskoy Partii (bol'shevikov). Mart 1919 goda [From the program of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). March 1919]. Khrestomatiya po istorii sovetskoy shkoly i pedagogike – Reader on the history of the Soviet school and pedagogy. Moscow: Enlightenment [in Russian].
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Olga Gerega, Maryna Voloshenko. Pedagogical Causes of Teenage Pregnancy.

(2018) Science and education, 11-12, 60-63. Odessa.


Olga Gerega,
student, specialty “Social work”,
Maryna Voloshenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of psychology and Social Work
Odesa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko avenue, Odesa, Ukraine



In today’s society there is an accelerated development of social disadvantages, especially clearly it is found among adolescents. Drug addiction, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, smoking, early sexual intercourse, unwanted pregnancy - this is far from a complete list of the consequences of the fall in moral standards of the growing generation of the 1990s. Adolescent pregnancy is probably not so much a medical problem as a social one. As a young mother is usually unable to independently provide herself, let alone a child. In addition, she often faces condemnation, even the negative attitude of the environment, including her relatives. The social well-being of a pregnant woman is prone to the impact of socioeconomic instability of the society, the situation of the chronic economic crisis, which negatively affects the recognition of the society of a specific social status of a woman during pregnancy and the appropriate care of society about health and safety of future mothers. Stress factors and stressful living conditions that have a negative impact on the reproductive health of women and infants play a destabilizing role. At the same time, the friendly family atmosphere, the support of close people, the sustainability of the socio-economic and marital status of women, can largely neutralize social risk factors.


teenager, pregnancy, behavior, family, help.




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