Inna Vizniuk. Typological Analysis of Hypochondriacal Disorders Genesis.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 30-35. Odessa.


Inna Vizniuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), lecturer,
Department of Psychology and Social Education,
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Koziubynskyi,
32, Ostrozkoho Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine.



The article deals with theoretical and methodological analysis of the development of hypochondriacal disorders. The preservation of psychosomatic health is possible only if physiological, personal and social norms of the psychological potential of a person are consistent and stable. The experiment involved 53 clinical hospital and 56 mental health facility patients, as well as 11 patients having rest at the recreational center. The first stage implied holding interviews with the respondents in order to examine their psychological mood during a certain period of time. The second stage was carried out by means of using “Psychological States Inventory” by A. Prokhorov. Based on the first stage of the empirical study, it has been found that individuals with a somatic diagnosis experience mental states in the form of asthenia; emotional states do not reflect the internal aspect of the disease and therefore have non-specific origin; patients with somatic disorders are characterized by obsessive ideas, hypochondria, and psychological discomfort. The representatives of a group of people with psychological pathological status are characterized by increased emotionality concerning health conditions. It should be noted that according to normative indicators of correlations, there have been found some differences in the formation of personal balance in case of the integrity of the human body. In case of somatoform disorders there is a different intensity and different types of interaction: some correlations get increased while others get decreased. In case of illness there is a restructuring, change of information and energy components of the state. Hypochondriacal disorders are a prerequisite for the emergence of somatic disorders. Their primary genesis is a nosological form of manifestation and reflects the experiences of a person according to the severity of the disease. In the case of their occurrence as a series of concomitant symptoms, one notes their flow in the form of a syndrome.


hypochondriacal disorders, somatic diseases, mental states, correlations, emotions, emotional disturbances, nosologies, somatopathy, somatotonia.




1. Baiier, O. O. (2010). Zhittevi kryzy osobystosti: navchalnyi posibnyk [Life crisis of a personality: textbook]. Donetsk: Vyd-vo Dnipropetr. Nats.un-tu [in Ukrainian].
2. Vitenko, I. S. (1999). Zminy psykhiky pry somatychnykh rozladakh aktualna problema medychnoi psykholohii [The change of psychology during somatic disorders is an actual problem of medical psychology]. Medychna osvita – Medical education, 1, 48-50 [in Ukrainian].
3. Prokhorov, A. O. (2004). Sistemnyi analiz psikhicheskoho sostoyaniya sostoyaniy [Systematic analysis of psychical state’s state]. Moscow [in Russian].
4. Smulevich, A. B., Volel, B. A. (2007). Tipologiya ipokhendricheskih razvitiy v somaticheskoy klinike [Typology of hypochondriacal developments in a somatical clinic]. Moscow [in Russian].
5. Tkhostov, A. Sh., Raizman, E. M. Subektivnyi telesnyi opyt i ipokhondriya: kulturno-istoricheskiy aspect [in Russian].

Serhii Melnychuk. Psychological Peculiarities of Self-Confidence Types Becoming in Youth.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 42-47. Odessa.


Serhii Melnychuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
Senior lecturer, Department of Social Work, Social Pedagogy and Psychology,
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University,
1, Shevchenka Str., Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine



One of today’s relevant issues is youth’ self-confidence, which plays an important role in human activity as a subject of social interaction. In the article the theoretical analysis of the issue of self-confidence has been carried out; there have been distinguished and described its types: uncertain, unbalanced confident, harmoniously confident; and assertive. The experiment involved senior pupils and students aged from 16 to 22, as well as their teachers and parents. The total number of respondents was 458 people (youth - 393 people, senior pupils - 187 people, students - 206 people, 38 educators and 27 parents). The following research methods were used in the study: Blank Test - Confidence by O. Krupnov; “Motivation to succeed and Fear of Failure Inventory” by A. Rean; Express Diagnostics of the Propensity to Unmotivated Anxiety by B. Boyko, SelfEstimation Technique by Dembo-Rubinstein in the modification of G. Prykhozhan; Lange Yakubovsky’s “Responsible Assertive Behavior” Test; V. Romek’s “Self-confidence Test”, as well as expert evaluation (Delphi method). The data was processed by means of Statistica for Windows 20.02 program and Student’s t-test. The research has made it possible to highlight the specifics of the development of structural components of self-confidence in adolescence. In particular, the examination of cognitive component has revealed a low level of its development in the respondents, which manifests itself in the wrong understanding of the phenomenon of self-confidence, inadequately developed ability to distinguish confident, uncertain and aggressive behavior. The results of examining the emotional and appraisal component have shown that self-confidence in adolescence is characterized by domination of positive emotions associated with self-confidence and high self-esteem. The motivational-target component is manifested in the predominance of motivation for success, readiness to assume responsibility and striving for achievement, initiative, and purposefulness. The behavioral component of self-confidence is characterized by developed initiative in social contacts, social courage, externality and vigor.


 self-confidence, types of self-confidence, structure of confidence.




1.Vayner, I. V. (1991). Individualnyie razlichiya v proyavlenii sub'ektivnoy uverennosti i osobennostyah resheniya psihofizicheskoy zadachi [Individual differences in the manifestation of subjective confidence and the peculiarities of the solution of the psychophysical tasks]. Problemyi differentsialnoy psihofiziki – Issues of differential psychophysics, (pp. 71-92). Moscow [in Russian].
2. Vyisotskiy, A. I. (1974). K razvitiyu nastoychivosti u podrostkov [On the development of perseverance in adolescents]. Problemy psihologii voli : materialyi IV nauchn. konferentsii – Problems of psychology of will: proceedings of IV scientific. Conference, (pp. 100-102). Ryazan [in Russian].
3. Kudinov, S. I., Rusakova N. G. (2007). Psihologicheskiy analiz tipologicheskih proyavleniy organizovannosti lichnosti [Psychological analysis of typologic manifestations of personal organization]. Vestnik RUDN – Bulletin of RUDN, 2, 24-32 [in Russian].
4. Mishechkina, M. E. (2010). Ontogenetichniy vymir upevnenosti v sobi yak sotsialno znachuschoi yakosti [Ontogenetiс aspect of self-confidence as a socially significant quality]. Zbirnyk naukovyh prats Umanskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universitetu imeni Pavla Tychyny – Collection of scientific works Uman Pedagogical University, 4, 185-193. M. T. Martinyuk (Ed.). Uman: PP Zhovtiy [in Ukraine].
5. Romek, V. G. (1996). Ponyatie uverennosti v sebe v sovremennoy sotsialnoy psihologii [The concept of self-confidence in moren social psychology]. Psihologicheskiy vestnik RGU – Psychologial bulletin of RSU, 1 (Ch. 2), 132-146 [in Russian].
6. Blanch D. C., Hall J. A., Roter D. L., Frankel R. M. (2008). Medical student gender and issues of confidence. Patient education and counseling, (Vol. 72 (3)). (pp. 374-81).
7. Williams R. M. Jr. (1979). Change and stability in values and value systems: a sociological perspective. Understanding human values : individual and societal (pp. 15-46). M. Rokeach (Ed.). New York.

Іhor Halian. Methodological Bases of Distinguishing Types of Value-Sense Self-Regulation in Future Teachers.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 36-41. Odessa.


Іhor Halian,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), professor,
Department of Practical Psychology,
Drogobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University,
24, Ivan Franko Str., Drohobych, Ukraine



The paper considers the phenomenon of self-regulation, which is studied in the psychological science in the activity (focus on the regulation of actions), behavioural (behavioural regulation) and personality aspects. The study on selfregulation in the personality aspect which touches upon the transformation of human attitudes towards different types of activities, towards other people, oneself, prompted the differentiation of such a variety as value-sense self-regulation. The main peculiarity of its functioning is self-determination of the agent’s actions. In the context of our study, it is selfdetermination of the value-sense choice in different decision-making situations. The abovementioned has determined the need to single out a typology of value-sense self-regulation, which does not exist in psychology nowadays. Therefore, the aim of this study is to substantiate the methodology of distinguishing and analysing the types of value-sense self-regulation in personality. There have been made a comparative analysis of the obtained empirical results which helped to determine the criteria on the basis of which the types of value-sense self-regulation were singled out. Among them: the experience of the agent’s activity and regulatory competence, as well as personality factors in decisionmaking. There have been distinguished the following types of value-sense self-regulation: emotional-modelling, rational-programming, rational-planning, emotional-integrative. It is noted that each of these types is characterized by a specific set of personality features and characteristics that distinguish their carriers from the others. There has been ascertained the existence of individual peculiarities of self-regulation determined by various functioning of regulatory links and personality-regulatory features. The prospect for further research is the in-depth analysis of rationality and emotionality as personality factors of the value-sense choice.


 values, sense, value-sense self-regulation, value-based choice, type of value-sense self-regulation.




1. Halian, І.М. (2013). Psykholohichnyi analiz osoblyvostei protsesu samorehuliatsii maibutnikh pedahohiv [Psychological analysis of the peculiarities of the selfregulation process in future teachers]. Naukovyi visnyk Mykolaivskoho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni V.O.Sukhomlynskoho: zbirnyk naukovykh prats – Scientific Bulletin of V.O.Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv State University: scientific collected works, 11 (99), 63–66 [in Ukrainian].
2. Halian, І.М. (2015). Typy smysloutvorennia maibutnikh pedahohiv [Types of sense-creation in future teachers]. Naukovyi visnyk of Chernivetskyi universytet: zbirnyk naukovykh prats, Pedahohika ta psykholohia – Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi University: scientific collected works, Pedagogy and Psychology, 743, 37-41[in Ukrainian].
3. Kornilova, T.V. (2005). Metodologicheskie problemy psikhologii priniatiia reshenii [Methodological issues of the psychology of decision-making]. Psikhologicheskii zhurnal – Psychology journal, 26 (l), 3-20 [in Russian].
4. Kornilova, T.V., Stepanosova, O.V., & Grigorenko, E.L. (2006). Intuitsiia i ratsionalnost v urovnevoi reguliatsii verbalnykh prognozov pri priniatii reshenii [Intuition and rationality in the multi-level regulation of verbal prediction in decision making]. Voprosy psikhologii – Issues of Psychology, 2, 126-138 [in Russian].
5. Akinci C., & Sadler-Smith E. (2012). Intuition in management research: A historical review. International Journal of Management Reviews, 14, 104-122 [in English].
6. Cabantous L., & Gond J. P. (2011). Rational decision making as performative praxis: Explaining rationality’s Éternel Retour. Organization Science, 22, 573-586 [in English].

Mykola Maksymov. Impact of Person’s Social Adaptability on Perception of Music.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 48-52. Odessa.


Mykola Maksymov,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Developmental Psychology,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
2-a, Akademika Hlushkova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper aims to study the correlation between the peculiarities of the perception of music and the degree of social adaptability of an individual. In order to examine the peculiarities of music perception, stimulating material was developed – music fragments that contained some psychological content. In order to determine the degree of social adaptation of the respondents the following methods were applied: the method of determining the level of subjective control, the method of narrative, and Rosenzweig Picture Frustration Study. For identifying the level of social adaptability, the methods of document analysis and expert evaluation were applied. In order to determine the psychological content of musical fragments, the method of experts, focus groups were used. It has been found that there is a correlation between the psychological properties of people with a low level of social adaptation and the peculiarities of their perception of music: the destructive character of music symbolizing aggression corresponds to their emotional mood and the general background of worldview. The music which symbolizes indifference, the refusal of purposeful activity, passivity correlates with the poorly developed skills of productive interaction and overcoming obstacles, low level of subjectivity, reflection.


socialization, perception of music, social adaptability, subjectivity, reflection, music discourse.




1. Kleiberh, Yu. A. (2001). Psikhologiya deviantnogo povedeniya [Psychology of deviant behavior]. Moscow: TTs Sfera, pry uchastyy «Yurait-M» [in Russian].
2. Kostiuk, O. H. (1965). Spryimannia muzyky i khudozhnia kultura slukhacha [Perception of music and artistic culture of a student]. Kyiv: Naukova dumka [in Ukrainian].
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6. Ponomarenko, Ya. H. (2005). Muzychne vyslovliuvannia yak predmet spryiniattia [Music statement as a subject of perception]. Problemy zahalnoi ta pedahohichnoi psykholohii. Zb. naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii im.H.S.Kostiuka APN Ukrainy – Issues of general and pedagogical psychology: collection of scientific works, 2, 173-179. S. D. Maksymenko (Ed.). Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
7. Subbota, O. V. (2001). Osoblyvosti motornointonatsiinoi pryrody muzyky [Features of motor and tone nature of music]. Muzychne mystetstvo i kultura – Music art and culture, 2, 141-151. O. V. Sokol (Ed.). Odesa: Astroprynt [in Ukrainian].
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Nadiia Skotna, Mykola Pantiuk, Iryna Sadova. The Use of Art Therapy in Psycho-Pedagogical Support of Children Affected By Internal Migration Processes in Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 53-58. Odessa.


Nadiia Skotna,
Doctor of Philosophy, professor, rector of
Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University,
I. Franko St., 24, Drohobych, Ukraine,
Mykola Pantiuk,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Department of General Pedagogy and
Preschool Education, vice-rector for research,
Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University,
I. Franko St., 24, Drohobych, Ukraine,
Iryna Sadova,
Candidate of Psychology Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of
Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education
Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University,
I. Franko St., 24, Drohobych, Ukraine



The article presents information about the state of internal migration in Ukraine, considers the methods and forms of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to children who have become its victims. The criteria for a successful psychological and pedagogical adaptation to the conditions of life in the new socio-economic environment are systematized. The aim of the study is to explore the use of art therapy in correctional work with children affected by internal migration processes in Ukraine; on the basis of psychodiagnostic results to develop a program for psychocorrective, pedagogical, psychological and rehabilitative support. The following research methods were used: interviewing, R. Tamml, M. Dorky and V. Amen’s Anxiety Test, H. Lavrentieva and T. Titarenko’s Questionnaire “The Level of a Child’s Anxiety”, S. Veliieva’s methods “House. Tree. Man”. The analysis of the obtained results has shown that after art therapy classes a high index of anxiety among diagnosed children has normalized, their emotional and psychological status has stabilized, their self-esteem, self-belief and self-confidence have increased.


adaptation, art therapy, internal migration, rehabilitation, socialization, correction, anxiety, art therapy technologies.




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