Vadym Tkachenko. Peculiarities of Future Physical Education Teachers’ Health Saving Skills Formation.

(2017) Science and education, 8, 34-38. Odessa.


Vadym Tkachenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Pedagogy of Higher School and Education Management,
Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi,
81, Shevchenko Boulevard, Cherkasy, Ukraine



The research aims to examine the level of future Physical Education teachers’ health saving skills maturity by means of implementing theoretical and methodological bases of training based on the interrelation of motivational, content, cognitive, procedural, self-evaluating, reflexive and creative components, as well as by means of using modern approaches to the organization of the educational process. The carried out experiment involving 565 students divided into control and experimental groups has shown that most of the respondents have immature level of skills of using health saving technologies in their work. The process of training future Physical Education teachers should be improved and focused on the development of health saving skills. There should be designed pedagogical conditions contributing to the efficiency of the educational process.


 teacher, skills, experiment, health, health saving technologies, educational process, physical culture.




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