Special Issue 3
Special Issue 3
Special Issue 3
(2017) Science and education, 3, 133-138. Odessa.
Tetiana Koknova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Roman and Germanic Philology Department, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
1, Gogol square, Starobilsk, Ukraine
One of the most effective ways to develop students’ ability to find, extract and process information from the great variety of authentic sources is the implementation of some interactive forms and methods into the studying process and its theoretical and practical enrichment. In this research the play-based learning activity is understood as the combination of the following three components: playing (stimulating emotional emancipation and exalting the participants, fulfilling their ambitions, expressing their opinions creatively and inspiring interaction between them); educational (aiming to enrich students’ knowledge, abilities, skills and experience) and professional (providing the opportunity for teachers to simulate a variety of professional situations). Professional communicative competence is considered to be the combination of knowledge, skills and experience that students of different specialties require to have in order to carry out their professional activities. In order to check the efficiency of the playbased learning activity in the development of students’ professional communicative competence we have conducted the experiment, which was held in Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University (on the basis of Roman and Germanic Philology Department). The study involved 64 second year students of the Foreign Language Department who were divided into two groups: experimental group (32 students) and control group (32 students). 32 students of the experimental group were involved into the experiment with implementing the play-based learning activity in the curriculum and the students of the control group continued studying in their usual way. The research results have shown the effectiveness of play-based learning activity implementation within the university course “English for Specific Purposes” to develop the students’ professional communicative competence.
play-based learning activity, pedagogical method, the development of professional communicative competence, “English for specific purposes” (ESP), university students, major, specialty.
1. Beckham, J. M., & Watkins, M. (2012). Bringing life to learning: Immersive experiential learning simulations for online and blended courses. The Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 16 (5), 61-70.
2. Ernst, J. V. (2013). Impact of Experiential Learning on Cognitive Outcome in Technology and Engineering Teacher Preparation. The Journal of Technology Education, 24 (2), 31-40.
3. Zafirov, C. (2013). New challenges for the project based learning in the digital age. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 11 (3), 298-302.
4. Herreid, F. H., & Schiller, N.A. (2013). Case Studies and the Flipped Classroom. The Journal of College Science Teaching, 42, 62-66.
5. Dyer, Ronald., (2013). Games in higher education. New pedagogical approaches in game enhanced learning: Curriculum integration. France: Grenoble Ecole de Management.
6. Pavlenko, O. O. (2005). Formuvannia komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti fakhivtsiv mytnoi sluzhby v systemi neperervnoi profesiinoi osvity [The Formation of Communicative Competence of Customs Service Specialists in the System of Continuous Professional Education]. Doctor’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
7. Verbitskii, A. A. (1991). Aktivnoe obuchenie v vysshei shkole: kontekstnyi podkhod [Active learning in higher education contextual approach]. Moscow: Vysshaia shkola [in Russian].
(2017) Science and education, 3, 5-10. Odessa.
Anatolii Furman,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Head of the Department of Psychology and Social Work,
Ternopil National Economic University,
11, Lvivska Str., Ternopil, Ukraine
The issue of modern philosophical and psychological discourse involves the desire to know the ontological nature of consciousness and thus understand its phenomenal pleroma (which means completeness, multiplicity) representation in everyday life of a human being, which becomes one of the most important tasks of both theoretical and experimental psychology. This problem can be solved only basing on new philosophical and methodological grounds that make it possible to achieve a significantly different level of professional methodologization and at the same time open still unexplored horizons of essential cognition of consciousness as non-natural (the substantial, subjective, self-sufficient) reality. In the author’s experience of theorizing it means the creation of newly developed methodological view which involves at least four intellectual means of universal (vita-cultural methodology), general (research program of professional methodologization), special (cyclically-step approach) and single (methodology of paradigmal researches in psychology) order of organizational and technological performance of problem and module thinking process. Consciousness and self-consciousness are a framework condition of existence and development of thinking, activities, methodologization, philosophic and psychological cognition.
methodology, methodologization, psychological cognition, multi-segmented spheres of psychology, human, beingness, existence, consciousness, self-consciousness, thinking, activity, thought scheme, sense-form.
1. Synytsia, A. S. (Ed.). (2014). Antolohiya suchasnoi analitychnoi filosofii, abo zhuk zalyshaye korobku [Anthology of contemporary analytic philosophy, or bug leaves the box]. Lviv: Litopys [in Ukrainian].
2. Shchedrovitskiy, P. H., & Danilova, V. L. (2010). Georhiy Petrovich Shchedrovitskiy [Georgy Shchedrovitsky]. Moscow: ROSSPEN [in Russian].
3. Hurvich, A. (2015). Shchodo intentsiynosti svidomosti [Regarding the intentionality of consciousness]. Filosofska dumka – Philosophical thought, 5, 14-29 [in Ukrainian].
4. Krik, F., Kokh, K. (1992). Problema soznaniya [The problem of consciousness]. (V. Svechnykova Trans.). V mire nauki – In the world of science, 11-12, 113-121 [in Russian].
5. Krymskyi, S. B. (2008). Pid syhnaturoiu Sofiyi [Under the signature of Sofia]. Kyiv: Vyd. dim «KyievoMohylianska akademiya» [in Ukrainian].
6. Mamardashvili, M. K. (1992). Kak ya ponymayu filosofiyu [The way I understand the philosophy]. (Vol. 2). (Y. P. Senokosova Ed.). Moscow: Progress, Kultura [in Russian].
7. Myasoyid, P. A. (2004). Nauka i praktyka v roboti psykholoha [Science and practice in the work of psychologist]. Psikhologіya і suspіlstvo – Psychology and society, 3, 5-74 [in Ukrainian].
8. Furman, A. V. (Ed., Trans.). Systema suchasnykh metodolohiy [The system of modern methodologies]. (Vol 1). Ternopil: TNEU, 2015 [in Ukrainian].
9. Filosofiia svidomosti [Philosophy of Mind]. (2016). Filosofska dumka – Philosophical thought, 2, 4- 80 [in Ukrainian].
10. Furman, A. V. (2016). Іdeia і zmіst profesіinoho metodolohuvannia [The idea and content of professional methodologization]. Ternopіl: TNEU [in Ukrainian].
11. Furman, A. V. (2016). Metodoloh – profesiya maybutnioho [Methodologist – profession of the future]. Psykholohiya i suspilstvo – Psychology and society, 1, 16- 42 [in Ukrainian].
12. Furman, A. V., & Shandruk S. K. (2014). Orhanizatsiyno-diyalnisni ihry u vyshchiy shkoli [Organizational-activity games in high school]. Ternopil: TNEU [in Ukrainian].
13. Shchedrovytskyi, H. (2000). Metodolohichna orhanizatsiya sfery psykholohiyi [Methodological organization sphere of psychology]. Psykholohiya i suspilstvo – Psychology and society, 2, 7-24 [in Ukrainian].
14. Shchedrovitskiy, H. P. (2004). Moskovskyy metodolohycheskiy kruzhok: razvitie idey i podkhodov [Moscow methodological circle: The development of ideas and approaches]. (Vol. 8, is. 1). Moscow: Put [in Russian].
15. Shchedrovytskyi, H. (2006). Orhanizatsiynodiyalnisna hra yak nova forma orhanizatsiyi ta metod rozvytku kolektyvnoyi myslediyalnosti [Organizationalactivity game as a new form of organization and method of collective mental-activity]. Psykholohiya i suspilstvo – Psychology and society, 3, 58-69 [in Ukrainian].
16. Baars, B. J. A (1988). Cognitive Theory of Consciousness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [in English].
17. Chalmers, D. J. (1996). The Conscious Mind: In Search a Fundamental Theory. New York: Oxford University Press [in English].
18. Dennett D. (2013). Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking. New York: W.W. Norton & Company [in English].
(2017) Science and education, 3, 11-18. Odessa.
Tamara Pushkariova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), professor,
Head of the Department of Project Management,
Institute of Educational Modernisation,
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
36, Lipkovskoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
The study of the current problems of instructional design has revealed the need for considering psychological and educational aspects of this process. As far as instructional design is regarded as a special kind of activity, the psychopedagogical support is essential for ensuring its effectiveness. The study deals with the following issues of psycho-pedagogical support of instructional design at different levels of school education: content, methods and learning technologies, as well as designing learning environment and learning tools. Teaching practice proves that implementation of any innovation project requires both psychological and pedagogical support. The latter provides conditions for professional growth and commitment to implement innovative educational technologies into the educational process. It should be mentioned that competence approach is very important in instructional design. The new concept of Ukrainian national education is now being built basing on this approach. On the one hand, the structure of educational project in its psychological vision is considered to be associated with the presence of its performers’ main competencies, and on the other hand, it can contribute effectively to their formation. Psycho-pedagogical aspects of instructional design are revealed in terms of including all components that influence the sequence and nature of the project participants. Specifically, it refers to the complex psychological and pedagogical analysis and diagnostics, systematic and comprehensive analysis and predicting, developing tasks for personal development, design, creating story line projects, developing project plans, designing personality-developing projects, etc.
instructional design, competence approach, psychological and pedagogical support.
1. Hrynevych, L., Elkin, O., Kalashnikova, S. (2016). Nova ukrainska shkola. Kontseptualni zasady reformuvannia serednoi shkoly [New Ukrainian school. Conceptual bases for secondary school reforming]. Kyiv, Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrainy. Retrieved from: http://mon.gov.ua/Novyny%202016/12/05/konczepcziya. pdf [in Ukrainian].
2. Boltivets, S. (2001). Metodolohichni zasady psykhohihiienichnoho normuvannia innovatsiinoi praktyky [Methodological bases for psychogenic norming of innovative practice]. Pedahohichni innovatsii: idei, realii, perspektyvy: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats – Innovations in education: ideas, realities, prospects: collection of scientific works, 5. Kyiv: Lohos [in Ukrainian].
3. Maksymenko, S. (2011). Metodolohichnyi analiz prohnozuvannia ta vnutrishni linii rozvytku osobystosti [Methodological analysis of predicting and inner lines of personal development]. Dyrektor shkoly, litseiu, himnazii – School, lyceum, gymnasium principal, 5, 72-83. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
4. Yermakov, I. H. (Ed.). (2014). Proektna diialnist uchniv u systemi kompetentnisno spriamovanoi sotsialnoi i zhyttievoi praktyky v 11-richnii shkoli ta pozashkilnii osviti: v 2 ch. [Project activities of students in the system of competence-centered social and life practice in 11-year school and extracurricular education]. Materialy Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii 29-30 zhovtnia 2014 roku – Proceedings of All-Ukrainian scientific conference held on October, 29-30, 2015. KamianetsPodilskyi: Aksioma [in Ukrainian].
5. Kyrychuk, V. O. (2008). Psykholohopedahohichne proektuvannia osobystisnoho rozvytku uchnia [Psycho-pedagogical designing of students’ personal development]. Navchannia i vykhovannia obdarovanoi dytyny: teoriia ta praktyka. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats – Education of a gifted child: theory and practice. Collection of scientific works, 1. Kyiv: Instytut obdarovanoi dytyny [in Ukrainian].
6. Naukovo-pedahohichnyi proekt “Rostok”: Informatsiinyi zbirnyk dlia dyrektora shkoly ta zaviduiuchoho dytiachym sadochkom [Educational project “Rostok”: information journal for school or kindergarten principal]. (2015). Kyiv: Osvita Ukrainy.
7. Honcharenko, T. (2003). Ya khochu, ya mozhu, ya budu dobre vchytysia [I want, I can, I will learn well]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
8. Chervona, T. (2008). Adaptatsiia ditei u 1, 5, 10 klasakh [Children adaptation in 1st , 5th and 10th grades]. Kyiv: Shk. Svit [in Ukrainian].
9. Korobko, S. L., Korobko, O. I. (2008). Robota psykholoha z molodshymy shkoliaramy: metodychnyi posibnyk [Psychologist’s work with junior school children: study guide]. Kyiv: Litera LTD [in Ukrainian].
10. Lemak, M. V., Petryshche, V. Yu. (2012). Psykholohu dlia roboty. Diahnostychni metodyky [For a psychologist to work. Diagnostic methods]. 2 nd ed. rev. Uzhhorod: Vydavnytstvo O.Harkushi [in Ukrainian].
11. Motorniuk, O. Yu. (2014). Monitorynhovyi pidkhid do vyvchennia stanu navchannia ta vykhovannia [Monitoring approach to studying the state of education]. Zavuchu. Use dlia roboty – For a deputy principal. Everything for work, 19-20, 2-16 [in Ukrainian].
(2017) Science and education, 3, 18-22. Odessa.
Tetiana Dziuba,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General, Age and Practical Psychology
Poltava National V.G. Korolenko Pedagogical University,
2, Ostrohradskoho Str., Poltava, Ukraine
The paper deals with the specific parameters of the influence of intensive daily stress on teacher’s occupational health. A number of significant correlation relationships among the determined parameters are analysed. Special attention is paid to the fact that the main chronic illnesses of today arise from emotional sufferings, acute and chronic stress. On the basis of the determined relationships, the intensive daily stress is considered to be the specific feature of teacher’s work, which can result in emotional burn-out and loss of employee’s occupational health under the particular conditions. The intensive daily stress exhausts pedagogue’s adaptive resources, forming the harmful effects of professional and personal deformations (cognitive, emotional, behavioural) and negatively affecting the mood changes and professional coping-behaviour. Professional stress activates almost all human coping-strategies. However, the increase of the frequency of using passive (“escape behaviour”, “careful actions”, “acceptance”) and prosocial (“search for social support”) coping-strategies in the situation of the long-lasting intensive stress is observed. The rare use of the strategies of “healthy” active coping, intended for constructive transformation of a situation, and dominance of passive strategies lead to the professional stress with chronic character, which results in asocial behaviour, involving violation of moral norms in the situations of professional communication. The determined strategies can be treated like behavioural factors of risk of employee’s occupational health under the conditions of the long-lasting intensive stress.
intensive daily stress, occupational health, employee’s adaptive resource, coping-strategies, harmful effects of professional and personal deformations, emotional burn-out, behavioural factors of risk of employee’s occupational health.
1. Baiguzhin, P. A. (2012). Sposoby optimizatsii napriazhennosti umstvennogo truda kak faktor professionalnogo stressa (obzor) [Methods of optimization of brain work tension as a factor of occupational stress (review)]. Vestnik Cheliabinskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – Bulletin of Cheliabinsk state pedagogical university, 3, 378-393. Chelyabinsk: CSPU, Retrieved from: ftp://ftp.cspu.ru/upload/archivvestnik/2012/2012_3.pdf [in Russian].
2. Vasserman, L. I., Berebin, M. A. (1997). Faktory riska psikhicheskoi dezadaptatsii u pedagogov massovykh shkol [Risk factors of teachers’ psychic disadaptation]. Saint-Petersburg: Publishing house of Psychoneurologic V. M. Bekhterev institute [in Russian].
3. Gandziuk, V. A. (2014). Analiz zakhvoriuvanosti na ishemichnu khvorobu sertsia v Ukraini [Analysis of ischemic heart disease rate in Ukraine]. Ukrainskyi kardiolohichnyi zhurnal – Ukrainian Journal of Cardiology, 3, 45-52 [in Ukrainian].
4. Dziuba, T. M. (2016). Psykhometrychnyi analiz rozrobky y aprobatsii metodyky «Ryzyky profesiinoho zdorovia» [Psychometric analysis of development and approbation of technique "Risks of occupational health"]. Visnyk KhNPU imeni H.S. Skovorody. Psykholohiia – Bulletin of KNPU named after H. S. Skovoroda, 53, 47- 56. Kharkiv: G. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv national pedagogical university [in Ukrainian].
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6. Maliavskaia, S. I. (2010). Pediatricheskii metabolicheskii sindrom: sostoianie vysokogo riska [Pediatric metabolic syndrome: state of high risk]. Pediatriia – Pediatric, (Vol. 89), 4, 119-122 [in Russian].
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10. Turenko, E. A. (2010). Osobennosti sovladaniia uchitelei s professionalnym stressom [Specifics of pedagogues’ coping with occupational stress]. Vestnik SanktPeterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Bulletin of Saint-Petersburg university, 4, 186-192 [in Russian].
11. Kharchenko, S. V. (2010). Teoretykometodolohichni zasady doslidzhennia fenomenu stresu ta pratsezdatnosti [Theoretical and methodological basics of studying of stress phenomena and work efficiency]. S.V. Kharchenko Problemy zahalnoi ta pedahohichnoi psykholohii – Problems of General and Educational Psychology (Vol. 12). Kyiv: Collection of studies of NAPS G. S. Kostyuk psychology [in Ukrainian].