Yurii Maslov. Specificity of Future Socionomy Experts’ Sociocultural Competence Formation

(2017) Science and education, 12, 91-98. Odessa.


Yurii Maslov,
Doctor of Political Sciences, professor, Department of Philosophy,
History and Political Sciences, Odessa National Economic University,
8, Preobrazhenska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The paper aims to characterize the specifics of the formation of socio-cultural competence of future socionomy experts. Sociocultural competence in the research is assessed according to the following criteria: socio-interactive, ethnocultural, professional-psychological. The study involved 130 respondents. The indicators of the socio-interactive criterion for the formation of students' socio-cultural competence were assessed using the test method “Perceptually Interactive Competency” (modified version of the questionnaire by M. Fetiskin) and the questionnaire “The Level of Perceptual-Interactive Competence” by G. Rosen. In order to measure the communicative competence indicator, the test method “Communicative Skills” (modified version by L. Michelsson) was used. The indicators of the professionalpsychological criterion were measured using the technique “Emotional Intelligence” by N. Hall. According to the results of the first stage of the research, the respondents showed a low level of socio-cultural competence maturity. In order to improve it, an experimental program “Sociocultural Competence of Socionomy Expert” was designed, which was implemented into the curriculum of the experimental group. The program as compared to the basic disciplines taught to the students in this field had certain advantages: elective classes allowed students to identify and make sure of the stability of their interests, critically evaluate their capabilities, that is, to expand and deepen the knowledge and skills, etc. According to the results of the re-evaluation of the levels of socio-cultural competence of the students, a significant increase was recorded, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed technology.


sociocultural competence, specialists of the socionomic sphere, students, international cooperation program, criteria, formation.




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