Inna Gryshova, Elena Nikolyuk, Tatyana Shestakovska. Conceptualization of The Organizational Management Mechanism of the Development of the National Education System in the Context of Its Quality.

(2017) Science and education, 10, 118-125. Odessa.


Inna Gryshova,
Doctor of Economics, associate professor,
Institute of legislation Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
4, Nestorivskiy trans., Kyiv, Ukraine
Elena Nikolyuk,
PhD (Candidate of Economic Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Economics and Business Economics,
Odessa State Agrarian University,
6, Alexander Matrosov lane, Odesa, Ukraine,
Tatyana Shestakovska,
PhD (Candidate of Economic Sciences),
Senior lecturer, Department of Economics,
Chernihiv National University of Technology,
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
1, Striletska Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine



The modern education system is under difficult conditions at the moment, which is caused by both transformational processes and influence of numerous factors (demographic, economic, social, etc.). Under the market conditions one of the topical issues for the education authorities is a formation of organizational mechanism aimed at ensuring effective functioning of the system and its quality. The paper aims to highlight theoretical aspects and provide practical recommendations for improving the organizational management mechanism of the development of the national education system of Ukraine. As a result of a theoretical research the necessity for the formation of a mechanism for managing the quality of education in the context of implementation of the major innovative methods of organizing the educational process has been identified. The components of the integral indicator of the evaluation of the development of the education system have been determined, the results of calculation of which are the basis for making strategic decisions in the direction of development of the national education system. It has been found that among the proposed groups of indicators of the development of the system of education, the most important is the integral indicator of the efficiency of functioning of the general education system, which indicated its critical state. The peculiarities of the system of education under the current market conditions have been grounded, which has allowed to systematize its main factors of development and delineate basic components of the mechanism. A conceptual scheme of the organizational management mechanism of the development of the education system has been proposed, the main task of which is to enroll the population in accessible and high-quality education. The organizational mechanism of management of the development of the national education system is represented as a set of blocks, which include the main elements of the management system and the necessary links between these elements. There have been also outlined the prospects for improving the mechanism of management of the development of the education system by means of activating such instruments as: clusterization, endowment funds, autonomy of educational institutions, management standards, etc.


education system, organizational management mechanism, education management, modernization of education, quality of education, factors of development.




1. Krysyuk S.V. (2009). Derzhavne upravlіnnya osvіtoyu [State Department of Education]. Kyiv: NADU [in Ukrainian].
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3. Gryshova, I., & Mityay O., & Stoyanova-Koval S. (2016). The estimation of enterprise trade name competitiveness. Scientific bulletin of Polissia, 2(6), 85-91 [in Ukrainian].
4. Zoran Tršinski, Jerko Glavaš , Milan Stanić (2016). Impact of knowledge and nigher education on the development of innovation in Croatia. The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the Changed World, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology – Department of Accounting and Finance (Greece) University of Split, 106-111 [in Croatia].
5. Gryshova I.Yu., & Shabatura T.S., & Naumov O.B. (2016). The capitalization of the brand as a tool for maximizing business value [The capitalization of the brand as a tool for maximizing business value]. Scientific bulletin of Polissia, 3(6), 168-175. [in Ukrainian].
6. Gryshova I.Yu., & Strielkowski W. (2016). Ukrainian labour migration in the Czech Republic. Scientific bulletin of Polissia, 3 (8), 224-231 [in Ukrainian].
7. Shestakovska T.L. (2015). Kontseptual'nі zasadi funktsіonuvannya organіzatsіyno-ekonomіchnogo mekhanіzmu rozvitku natsіonal'noї sistemi osvіti [Conceptual bases of functioning of organizational-economic mechanism of development of the national education system]. Scientific bulletin of Polissia, 1(1), 34-41 [in Ukrainian].
8. Naymova L.N., Mityay O.V., Galitsky A.N. (2016). Development of the innovative enterprises of the agrarian production in the current economic system of Ukraine. Scientific bulletin of Polissia, 3 (7), 124-129 [in Ukrainian].

Oleksandr Naumov, Oleksandr Kovalenko, Stanislav Savin. Technique of Assessing Future Managers’ Leadership Qualities in Modern Socio-Cultural Environment.

(2017) Science and education, 10, 126-132. Odessa.


Oleksandr Naumov,
Doctor of Economics, professor,
Department of Management and Marketing,
Kherson National Technical University,
24, Beryslavska road, Kherson, Ukraine
Oleksandr Kovalenko
Doctor of Economics, professor
Odessa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko avenue, Odesa, Ukraine,
Stanislav Savin,
PhD (Candidate of Economic Sciences), associate professor
Kherson National Technical University,
24, Beryslavska road, Kherson, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of the formation of leadership qualities of future specialists in the field of management in modern socio-cultural environment. The urgency of the considered topic is determined by the significant change of external conditions of the development of personality in the last decade, characterized by a shift in emphasis from individual thinking to collective one, the transition of the organization of social interaction from hierarchical to network one. The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretical, methodological and practical principles for assessing leadership qualities of future managers in modern socio-cultural environment. The main tendencies and phenomena in the development of the socio-cultural environment of modern young people from the point of view of the possibility of forming leadership qualities of future managers are revealed: unlimited expansion of reference groups; the weakening of critical thinking, displayed in the absence of “visual” cynicism and overestimation of achievements; “the crisis of individuality”, that is, the leveling of a personality; changing the hierarchy of needs: from personal to group ones; self-structuring of the society. Experimental study was conducted in two stages. The task of the first stage was to obtain factors that determine the manifestation of their leadership qualities baed on self-assessment. The task of the second stage was to identify the leaders in the group and assess their impact on the result of teamwork. As a result of the pilot study, there have been distinguished 5 students with mature leadership qualities out of 48 respondents. As a result of the study, a perspective direction of the development of management as a science was formulated, which is the formation of organizational and managerial principles of the individual work in the group (personality management).


leadership, management, socio-cultural environment, individuality, team, social activity, self-esteem, expectations.




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Natalia Nestoruk, Pavlo Chykunov. Optimization of the Technology of Mastering Competence Complex For Professional Activity of Electromechanical Engineers.

(2017) Science and education, 10, 133-138. Odessa.


Natalia Nestoruk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Electromechanics and Automation,
Industrial Institute of Donetsk National Technical University,
2, Shybankova Sq., Pokrovsk, Ukraine
Pavlo Chykunov,
PhD (Candidate of Technical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Electronics and Computer Technology in Control Systems,
Educational scientific professional pedagogical Institute
of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy,
5a, Mira Str., Bakhmut, Ukraine



Future professionals have poor knowledge of both hardware and its types, technology, organization and research, prefer reproductive activities, following their teachers’ instructions without understanding the purpose of certain actions of theory in practice. Based on the exploration of training future electromechanical engineers it has been revealed that the students’ mastering of research skills requires the development of competence-focused teaching technologies and consideration of complex pedagogical conditions of its effective use. There has been designed a competence-focused technology which involves creating a single experimental environment within the complex of technical disciplines by unifying methodological tools (target benchmarks, principles and approaches), component characteristics of the learning process (subject-activity, functionalcontent, organizational-activity), as well as technological components (methods, means, conditions, etc.). It has been implemented in the educational process of the experimental group of students. The control group was taught according to the traditional system. As a result of the experiment it has been found that the experimental group students’ reseach skills have significantly improved as compared to the control group students, which is indicative of the efficiency of the designed technique


experimental research, skills-oriented, technology training, technical disciplines, electromechanical engineers.




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Ivan Myshchak, Oksana Konarivska, Natalia Seysebaieva. Adjustment of the Inclusive Education Legal Insurance in Ukraine to International Norms and Standards.

(2017) Science and education, 10, 139-146. Odessa.


Ivan Myshchak,
Doctor of History, senior researcher,
Head of the Scientific and Organization Department,
Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
4, Nestorivsky Lane, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Oksana Konarivska,
PhD in Economics, associate professor,
Department of Tourism,
National University of Water and Environment Engineering,
229, Soborna Str., Rivne, Ukraine,
Natalia Seysebaieva,
PhD in Economics, associate professor,
Department of Finances, Banking Affairs and Insurance,
Zaporizhzhia National University,
74 Soborny Avenue, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



An analysis of the legal insurance of implementation of the inclusive education system in Ukraine has been performed in the article. Special attention is paid to the world experience, especially to recommendatory norms of the UN concerning the rights of children with special needs for education. It has been emphasized that the Standard rules of equal opportunities assurances for disabled, worked out by the UN are not an imperative norm, but recommendatory. However, most of the democratic legal states and Ukraine in particular, review these Rules as a distinct pointer, which should be followed. The peculiarities of the inclusive education at secondary educational establishments have been substantiated. The creation of the inclusion resource centres has been suggested. It has been proved that the improvement of the national legislation takes place in accordance with international norms and standards of the inclusive education legal assurance.


 inclusive education, international norms, international standards, legal assurance, human rights.




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Liudmyla Nikolenko. Forming Auditory Comprehension of Preschoolers with Backwardness in Speech Development By Means of Psycholingistic Game.

(2017) Science and education, 10, 147-153. Odessa.


Liudmyla Nikolenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University,
72, Haharina Avenue, Dnipro, Ukraine



The formation of auditory comprehension of preschool children is one of the most important tasks of speech therapy, since the failure of this component of phonemic awareness negatively affects the formation of pronunciation and the development of communication skills of a child. The paper presents the results of an experimental study aimed at assessing auditory comprehension of preschool children with backwardness in speech development and searching for the ways to improve it. The experiment involved 54 preschool children with backwardness in speech development attending the kindergarten in the city of Kryvyi Rih who were divided into control and experimental groups and suggested to perform 5 diagnostic tasks. According to the results of their performance, the necessity of the improvement of their auditory comprehension skills was obvious. There has been implemented a specially designed program based on the use of psycholinguistic games into the educational process of the experimental group. At the end of the experiment the reassessment of auditory comprehension was carried out in both groups. The research outcomes have shown that purposefully applied psycholinguistic games contribute to the formation of auditory comprehension of preschool children with backwardness in speech development.


auditory comprehension, formation, correction, children of middle preschool age, general underdevelopment of speech, psycholinguistic game, empirical research.




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