Anatolii Massanov. Creativity as a Condition for Overcoming the Subjective Difficulties of the Individual.

(2016) Science and education, 9, 105-110. Odessa.

Anatolii Massanov, 

Doctor of Psychology, professor, 

Department of Developmental Psychology and Social Communications, 

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. Ushynsky,

26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine




The article deals with the conditions for overcoming subjective difficulties, particularly psychological barriers in activities and communication of an individual. The main condition for their overcoming is the involvement of an individual into creative activities and their further promotion. The correlation between the level of creativity as a personality trait and its tendency to experience psychological barriers have been experimentally proved. The psychological barriers in activities of a personality are considered as complex mental states. The structure of a psychological barrier covers mental states associated with the passivity of the motive, emotions, unfavorable for its transformation to reality, the lack of rational arguments for its intensification, the impossibility of an effort to achieve its efficiency. The anticipation plays a leading role in the emergence of a psychological barrier. Psychological barriers are manifested in one’s uncertainty in his/her own interests, confusion due to the ignorance of one’s capabilities, doubts about choice, fear of going against the opinions of others, as well as fear of responsibility. The empirical part of the study is aimed at determining the relationship between the degree of creativity and the expression of psychological barriers. The experiment involved 42 students of the pedagogical university. The results of the study have shown an inverse relationship between the degree of creativity and the expression of psychological barriers, which means that the high level of creativity determines the process of the levelling of the psychological barriers in personality’s activities. Thus, the educational activities should be focused on the formation of personality’s creativity potential as well as on the promotion of youth’s capabilities for overcoming psychological barriers in their activities by means of psychological preparation (mental training).


psychological barriers, creative activity, creativity, individual difficulties, personality.





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