Lin Huaqin. Essence and Component Structure of Piano Performance Culture of Future Music Teachers.

(2016) Science and education, 6, 45. Odessa.

Lin Huaqin,
post-graduate student, Department of Music Arts and Choreography,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of forming piano and performance culture of future Music teachers. The theoretical review of the scientific literature on the topic has been carried out. Special attention is paid to the bonds between culture and music-instrumental, particularly piano training of students studying at higher artistic pedagogical institutions. It is important that culture is associated with music and pedagogical activities and is a characteristic of its quality. That is why the understanding of music culture as a special way of the organization of vocational training of future Musicteachers is a shaping methodical means and the basis for the studying of their piano performance culture. The mature state of future Music teachers’ performing culture means the achievement of the high level of the performance skills, music and aesthetic, professional and creative, special and spiritual development of their personality. The piano performance culture is considered as an integral personal quality, which is characterized by the mature state of general and special culture knowledge in the area of piano performance, as well as piano performance skills of the successful realization of artistic and pedagogical activity. It has been concluded that the structure of future Music teachers’ piano performance culture consists of the following components: axiological, cognitive and linguistic, artistic and mental, activity and practical. The axiological component defines the conceptual essence of the piano performance activity and is characterized by its coherence with the system of special and personal values. Cognitive and linguistic component can be described by the maturity of professional and special music and interpretation knowledge acquired in the process of studying, understanding the conceptual and linguistic structure of piano compositions. Artistic and mental component is characterized by the individual and worldview potential of a student, and is manifested in professional personal orientation, the creation and understanding of the prospects of piano performance culture formation. Activity and practical component reflects the mechanisms of the acquisition of the piano performance culture 


music culture, performance culture, piano performance culture, future Music teacher, axiological component, cognitive and linguistic component, artistic and mental component, activity and practical component.




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