Datsenko T. О. Mastering Techniques of Psycho-pedagogical Support of a Child as a Condition of Teacher’s Professional Development.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 162-165. Odessa.

Tetiana Datsenko,
Deputy Head of PR Department,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
18/2, Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str, Kyiv, Ukraine



The issues related to the psycho-pedagogical support of children is extremely important and particularly urgent in times of social instability and educational system restructuring. The purpose of the article is to analyse the psychopedagogical support as a social and psychological phenomenon; to define the leading technologies of psychopedagogical support and requirements for their implementation; to show the importance of mastering these techniques as a factor of modern teachers’ professionalism development. Psycho-pedagogical support provides favourable conditions for coherent, comprehensive and harmonious individual and personal development of a child, based on partnership and trust. The essence of psycho-pedagogical support involves the creation of the following conditions: 1) the objective conditions for a child’s development, based on his/her age peculiarities, interests and needs; 2) the atmosphere of emotional and psychological safety and psychological comfort. Psycho-pedagogical support is performed by means of using techniques that distinguish the degree of a teacher’s participation in the life of a child. These techniques include care, protection, mentoring, partnership, advice, emotional support, etc. A teacher can choose a certain technique or combine several ones, depending on a situation. Mastering the technology and techniques of psycho-pedagogical support is a sign and condition of professional development and professionalism of a teacher. These technologies require deep psychological knowledge of the peculiarities of child socialisation and its features in each age period. Permanent self-education, professional development and reflection, finding new ways to solve “old” problems are indispensable characteristics of a successful teacher and the conditions of his/her professional development.


psychological and pedagogical support, techniques of psychological and pedagogical support, preschool children, teachers’s professional development.



1. Datsenko, T. O. (2016). Doslidzhennia kopinhstratehii u ditei starshoho doshkilnoho viku [Research of Coping Strategies for Children of Seniour Preschool Age]. Pedahohichnyi protses: teoriia i praktyka – Pedagogical process, 1, 50-54 [in Ukrainian].
2. Datsenko, T. O. (2012). Psykholohichni resursy starshykh doshkilnykiv iz podolannia strakhiv [Psychological Resources of Preschool Children to overcome]. Osobystisno-profesiina pidhotovka vchytelia do zdiisnennia navchalno-tvorchoi diialnosti molodshoho shkoliara : Zbirnyk prats naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii – Individual professional preparation of a teacher for educational creative activities: proceedings of scientific practical conference [in Ukrainian].
3. Kevlia, F. I. (1996). Psihologo-pedagogicheskii konsilium kak sredstvo prognozirovaniia lichnostnogo razvitiia rebenka [Psychological and pedagogical consultation as a means of forecasting personal development of the child]. Vestnik psikho-sotsialnoy i korrektsionnoreabilitatsionnoy raboty – Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional rehabilitation work, 3, 50-58. Moscow [in Russian].
4. Ladyvir, S. O. (2013). Radist rozvytku. Vzaiemodiia dorosloho z dytynoiu [Joy of development. The interaction an adult with a child]. Kyiv: Redaktsiia hazet z doshkilnoi ta pochatkovoi osvity [in Ukrainian].
5. Pirozhenko, T. O. (2010). Osobystist doshkilnyka: perspektyvy rozvytku [Personality of a preschooler: development prospects.]. Ternopil: Mandryvets [in Ukrainian].
6. Slovnyk ukrainskoi movy [Ukrainian Dictionary] (2016). Retrieved from: http://sum.in.ua/s/tekhnika [in Ukrainian].

Dmytriieva S. M., Butuzova L. P. Psychological Characteristics of Senior School Students’ Self-Appraisal and the Level of Aspiration.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 166-172. Odessa.

Svitlana Dmitrieva,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
associate professor, Head of the Department of General,
Developmental and Educational Psychology,
Larysa Butuzova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
associate professor, Head of the Department of General,
Developmental and Educational Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article is aimed at summarising the data of the empirical research of age peculiarities of self-esteem and the level of aspiration of senior school students. The following methods and techniques were used: “The scale of selfesteem and level of aspiration” by T. V. Dembo-S. Ya. Rubinshtein (modification by A. M. Prikhozhan); method of the quantitative evaluation of self-esteem (by S. A. Budassi); “Motor test” by Schwarzlander. The experiment involved 97 students of 10-11 grades of secondary school (aged from 15 to 17 years; 47 boys and 50 girls). The comparative analysis of the obtained results according to the lower and upper boundaries of early adolescence has shown that in the process of growing young people’s growing-up self-esteem becomes more adequate and differentiated. The study of dynamic characteristics of the level of the respondents’ aspiration has shown its decrease with age, so the number of students with the adequate level of aspiration is predominant. The correlation analysis of the results of the carried out empirical research has proved the existence of close statistically significant relationship between young people’s selfesteem and their level of aspiration, which confirms their functional relationship. The predominance of the inadequate self-esteem and the level of aspiration in some respondents proves the necessity of creating a special correctional and development work, based on the relationship of self-esteem, level of aspiration and preparedness of senior school students for the personal and professional self-determination in order to activate the mechanisms of personality’s selfdevelopment.


self-consciousness, self-image, self-esteem, level of aspiration, affect of inadequacy, early adolescence..



1. Borozdina, L. V. (1999). Chto takoe samootsenka? [What is self-esteem?]. Psikhologicheskiy zhurnal – Psychological journal, 4, 99-101 [in Russian].
2. Kon, I. S. (1989). Psikhologiya yunosheskogo vozrasta [Psychology of adolescence]. Problemy formirovaniya lichnosti – Problems of identity formation. Moscow: Prosveshchenie [in Russian].
3. Kulakov, R. S. (2013). Osoblyvosti stanovlennia samootsinky ta rivnia domahan starshoklasnykiv yak psykhologhichnykh determinant ikh profesiinoho samovyznachennia [Features of the development of self-esteem and level of aspiration of senior school students as psychological determinants of professional self-determination]. Extended abstract of candidate thesis. Kiev: Nac. ped. un-t im. M.P. Draghomanova [in Ukrainian].
4. Mednikova, H. I. (2002) Samootsinka ta riven domahan osobystosti yak dynamichna systema [Selfesteem and level of aspiration of a personality as a dynamic system]. Extended abstract of candidate thesis. Odesa: ONU im.I.I. Mechnikova [in Ukrainian].

Dubravska N. M., Sydorenko N. I. Actualisation of Personal Determinants of Future Entrepreneurs’ Professional Professional Training.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 172-177. Odessa.

Nataliia Dubravska,
PhD (Сandidate Of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General, Developmental and Educational Psychology,
Nataliya Sydorenko,
PhD (Сandidate Of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General, Developmental and Educational Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article deals with the actualisation of determinants of future entrepreneurs’ successful professional training in higher education. The theoretical model of the development of personality determinants of future entrepreneurs’ successful professional training has been created on the basis of individual professional subjectivity actualisation. The practical system of work on actualising the individual professional subjectivity of future entrepreneurs is based on the purposeful development of its semantic features, which include work with different areas of self-reflection, group sharing experience, independent work and is focused on the principles of compound learning and training, the complex use of active group teaching methods and generally accepted standards of training work, the emphasis on self-analysis and self-diagnosis, the verbalised reflection and emotional colouring of feedback tools, the focus on psychological support for self-development. The implementation of this programme makes it possible to solve the problem of the development of personal determinants that identify the success of future entrepreneurs’ training, which is seen in the increase of quantitative indices of the development of individual and professional subjectivity as well as in students’ realisation of the peculiarities of a future profession, the influence of personality traits on the success of professional activities; skills of considering professional situations, self-perception in a significantly professional role of a successful entrepreneur. The results of the study can be used in the educational process of preparing future entrepreneurs for their professional activities.


personal determinants, training, personal and professional subjectivity, a future entrepreneur, active development.



1. Anisimov, O. S. (1987). Sushchnost pedagogicheskogo myshleniya [The essence of pedagogical thinking]. Problemy issledovaniya pedagogicheskogo myshleniya – Problems of studying pedagogical thinking. (pp. 25-27). Moscow: Moscow State University [in Russian].
2. Bolshakov, V. Yu. (1996). Psikhotrening. Sotsiodinamika, uprazhneniya, igry [Psychotraining. Sociodynamics, exercises, games]. Saint Petersburg [in Russian].
3. Vachkov, I. V. (1999). Osnovy tekhnologii gruppovogo treninga. Psikhotekhniki [Group training technology basics. Psychotechnics]. Moscow: Os-89 [in Russian].
4. Dzhonson, D. (2003). Sotsialna psykholohia: treninh mizhosobystisnoho spilkuvannia [Social psychology: interpersonal communication training]. Kyiv: KM Academy [in Ukrainian].
5. Kulbida, N. M. (2005). Rozvytok ekonomichnoi subiektnosti yak determinanty tvorchoho funktsionuvannia osobystosti u pidpryiemnytskii sferi diialnosti [Economic subjectivity development as a determinant of creative functioning of the individual in the business field]. Naukovyi chasopys NPU imeni M.P.Draghomanova – Scientific Journal of NEA M. P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical university, 6 (30), 225-231 [in Ukrainian].
6. Petrova, N. (2012). Trenyng dlya pobedytelya [Training for the winner]. Saint Petersburg: Rech [in Russian].

Ivanova Y. V. Passionarity and Existence: Interrelation of Empirical Parameters.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 178-184. Odessa.

Yanna Ivanova,
post-graduate student, Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the results of the carried out empirical research aimed at identifying the interrelation of passionarity components and meaningfulness of life. In the historical context, passionarity is considered as a process that sets vectors of the development of the society and an individual. Passionarity manifestation can be understood as a constructive confrontation of a personality with existential anxiety. It is also considered as individual susceptibility to the transformation of the reality (changing environment) aimed at implementing sustainable functional goals in the space of personal existence affirmation. Passionarity is connected with the existential needs of an individual. The correlation analysis has been carried out in order to identify the interrelation of passionarity components and meaningfulness of life. It has shown that some indicators of passionarity and meaningfulness of life are interrelated, which indicates a certain proximity and interdependence of these properties. The review of the essence of the revealed interrelations means that passionarity activates the protective adaptive mechanism in the experience of existential anxiety and frustration and helps an individual to find integrity. The actualisation of the search behaviour contributes to finding new solutions to avoid behavioural stereotypes. The search behaviour supports the desire for expression of personality, authenticity. The discovered positive relations of the indices of passionarity and meaningfulness of life, which reflect different aspects of existence, indicate the interdependence of these phenomena. It has been found that the emotional component of passionarity creates some difficulties in getting existential fullness. Passionarity is associated with self-distancing, self-transcendence, freedom, meaningfulness of life. The high energy potential of passionarity, readiness to overcome barriers on the way of achieving a goal, focus on the future, search and implementation of the existentially meaningful tasks, allow an individual to live a meaningful life.


passionarity, existence, meaningful life, sustainability of goals, transformation of reality.



1. Gippenreiter, Yu. B., Spiridonov, V. F., Falikman, M. V., Petuhov, V. V. (2008). Psikhologiya myishleniya [Psychology of thinking]. Saint Petersburg: AST, Astrel [in Russian].
2. Karpinskiy, K. V. (2002). Psikhologiya zhiznennogo puti lichnosti [Psychology of individual’s way of life]. Grodno: GrGU [in Russian].
3. Leontiev, A. N. (1977). Potrebnosti, motivy i emotsii [Needs, motivations and emotions]. Moscow: Politizdat [in Russian].
4. Lengle, A. (2009). Person. Ekzistentsialno analiticheskaia teoriia lichnosti [Person. The existential analytical theory of personality]. Moscow: Genezis [in Russian].
5. Lengle A (2011). Emotsii i ekzistentsiia [Emotions and existence]. Kharkiv: Izd-vo «Gumanitarnyiy Tsentr» [in Russian].
6. Metodika dlya diagnostiki osmyslennosti zhizni [Methods for diagnosing the meaningfulness of life]. Retrieved from: http://psycabi.net/testy/641-shkalaekzistentsii-a-lengle-i-k-orgler, [in Russian].
7. Rotenberg, V. S. (n.d.). Obraz ya i povedeniie [The self-image and behavior]. Retrieved from: http://rulit.me/books/obraz-ya-read-71149-1.html, [in Russian].
8. Solso, R. (2012). Kognitivnaya psikhologiya [Cognitive psychology]. Saint Petersburg: Piter [in Russian].
9. Yaspers, K. (1994) Istoki istorii i ee tsel [The origins of the history and its purpose]. Levina M. I. (trans.). Moscow: Respublika [in Russian].

Kyrylchuk I. V. Peculiarities of Forming School Students’ Subjectivity in Adolescence.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 184-188. Odessa.

Inna Kyrylchuk,
аssistant of the Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article deals with the basic scientific approaches to the study of the issue of the formation of students’ subjectivity in the educational process. Most researchers understand subjectivity as the highest form of regulation of behaviour, active manifestation of abilities in making significant changes in oneself and the surrounding reality. The carried out empirical research involved 56 5-6 th graders. The study of emotional and volitional attitude towards the educational process involved 8 categories: attitude towards studying, school, classmates, student's role, choice of tasks, attitude towards lessons, teachers and oneself. The results obtained by means of the method “Incomplete sentences” have shown that the respondents with the high level of academic performance have positive thoughts about the educational process, tasks and teachers. Communication with teachers is considered to be very important for them. The students with the high level of intelligence are self-confident; they are sure that they can achieve goals without any help. These adolescents have highly developed reflection skills. The respondents with the low level of academic performance are characterised by the positive attitude towards classmates and their role of school students. They can be also described by the personal focus, which makes the motives of personal success predominant. Due to this such school students are interested in their own needs and feelings more than in other people's problems. They consider the educational process as an opportunity to satisfy their ambitions. Focus on the collaboration has been found in the sample of 6th -graders. Their deeds and actions are determined by their need for communication, the desire to have good relations with classmates. They are interested not in the final result of their studying, but in the process of joint activities. The comparative analysis of the adaptation capacity of the respondents has shown that the most significant differences are manifested among 6 th -graders with the high academic performance level.


abilities, subjectivity, educational process, values, adolescence.



1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, K. A. (1995). Akmeologicheskoie ponimanie subiekta [The akmeological understanding of the subject]. Osnovy obschei i prikladnoi akmeologii – Bases of general and applied acmeology. Moscow [in Russian].
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