Falkovska L. M. Construct of Justice as a Mechanism of Behaviour Regulation.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 131-135. Odessa.

Liudmila Falkovska,
senior lecturer, Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article deals with the concept of justice, as a construct which is considered as a psychological mechanism of behaviour regulation. The relevance of the research can be explained, on the one hand, by the possibility of using the objectively valid empirical method – the repertory grid technique (RGT or RepGrid) by J. Kelly, on the other hand, by the renewal of the research interest of the national psychology in the internal mechanisms of social behaviour regulation, in contrast to the popular external, essentially administrative mechanisms. According to the understanding of justice by an individual or a group of people, there will be implemented such model of behaviour which is brought into the highest possible compliance between the demands of the community and their own interests. The important thing is not only the process of understanding justice, but also its meaning, which makes this construct functional, efficient. In the theoretical and empirical research, it has been proved that the construct is a bipolar axis that evaluates situations, in which a personality is involved, as fair or unfair ones towards all interaction parties; it takes part in making decisions about their future behaviour and thus, regulates further relations. Possibility and strength of this relationship will be determined by the level of satisfaction with the balance between “fair-unfair”, at the level of common sense. As a form of rational synthesis as a certain kind of integrity in which a person (group) realises his/her (its) place in the world, the construct of justice manifests itself due to the presence of four characteristics: the situation, interaction parties, the party that is considered as deprived one and the interaction party that is interested in solving a situation in its favour. In order to study justice as a construct, it is necessary to simulate all four features, so using “critical incident method” will be the most relevant for this aim.


sense of justice, disgust for injustice, construct “fair / unfair”, the internal mechanism of behaviour regulation, legal and regulatory situation, assessment, decision-making, action.



1. Waal, de Frans (2016). Istoki morali: v poiskakh chelovecheskogo u primatov [The Bonobo and the Atheist In Search of Humanism Among the Primates]. Moscow: Al’pina non-fikshn [in Russian].
2. Falkovska, L. M. (2014). Rol konstrukta spravedlyvosti v rehuliatsii pravovoi povedinky [Role of construct of justice in the regulation of legal behaviour]. Problemy politychnoyi psykholohiyi – Problems of political psychology: Collection of Scientific Papers, 1, 127- 136Kyiv: Milenium [in Ukrainian].
3. Fransella,F. & Bannister, D. (1987). A new method to study personality: Guide to the repertoire individual methods: translation from English. (Zabrodin Yu. M. & V. I. Pokhylko Trans.). Moscow: Progress [in Russian].
4. Huisman, R. (1992). Faktor spravedlivosti, ili “I eto posle vsego, chto ya dlya tebya sdelal...” [Factor justice, or "This is, after all I’ve done for you...”]. Moscow: Knowledge [in Russian].
5. Brosnan, S. F. & de Waal, F. B. M. (2014). Evolution of responses to (un)fairness [in English].

Fryz I. V., Sydorenro N. I. Psychological Determinants of Volitional Qualities Development in Adolescence.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 136-141. Odessa.

Iryna Fris,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Nataliya Sydorenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General, Developmental and Educational Psychology,
Zhytomyr state university named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article deals with the peculiarities of volitional qualities manifestation in adolescence. The relevance of the research is explained by the importance of will formation, which is necessary for solving a lot of life problems. Adolescence is the most favourable period for the formation of the above mentioned qualities, which is caused by such peculiarities as realising one’s individuality, self-assertive ambition, the ability to manage one’s inner world. The article is aimed at analysing the determinants that influence the formation of the volitional sphere. The following factors affect the formation of a personality’s volitional sphere: external (peculiarities formed under the influence of different life conditions) and internal (individually-typological peculiarities of the nervous system, age and gender features, etc.). The empirical research makes it possible to distinguish 6 groups of the surveyed, according to the levels of volitional qualities manifestation. Thus, the first type, self-sufficient one, is characterised by the high level of all volitional qualities manifestation. The following character traits are peculiar to it: emotional stability, self-confidence, social braveness and activity. The purposeful type is described by the following features: insistence, achievement motivation, selfconfidence, etc. The self-regulative type can be characterised by self-control, emotional stability, calmness, low level of leadership. Independence, braveness, activeness, the desire to dominate are peculiar to the representatives of the impulsive type. The decisive type is described by braveness and self-control. The passive type is characterised by infirmity, the low level of all volitional qualities manifestation. The presented characteristics can be used in individual approach in the educational process as well for the formation of students’ volitional sphere.


volition, volitional qualities, formation volitional qualities, educationally-professional activity.



1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, K.A. (1985) Tipologiya aktivnosti lichnosti [Details of the individual activity]. Psychological journal – Psychological journal, 5, 3-18 [in Russian].
2. Iliin, E.P. (1983). O sootnoshenii poniatiy, kharakter-iziruiushchikh volevuiu aktivnost [On the relation of concepts that characterize the activity of the strong-willed person]. Emotsionalno-volevaya reguliatsiya povedeniya i deiatelnosti. Tezisy vsesoiuznoi konferentsii molodykh uchenykh – Emotional and volitional regulation of behavior and activity. Proceedings of the All-Union conference of young scientists. Simferopol [in Russian].
3. Kalin, V.K. (1983). Volya, emotsii, intellect [The will, emotions, intellect]. Emotsionalno-volevaya reguliatsiya povedeniya i deyatelnosti. Tezisy vsesoyuznoi konferentsii molodykh uchenykh – Emotional and volitional regulation of behavior and activity. Proceedings of the All-Union conference of young scientists. (pp. 171-175). Simferopol [in Russian].
4. Selivanov, V.Y. (1992). Izbranniye psikhologicheskiie proizvedeniya (volia, ee razvitiie i vospitaniie) [Selected psychological works (will, its development and education)]. Ryazan [in Russian].

Zhuravlova L. P., Donchev Ph. А. Research of Body Image in the Minds of Transhumanists.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 142-150. Odessa.

Larysa Zhuravlova,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Dean of the Faculty of Social Psychology,
Head of the Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Philip Donchev,
student, Faculty of Social Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The development of scientific and technological progress, whose products are used for the benefit of a man, is accelerating exponentially. In psychology, the issue of the synthesis of the human body and products of progress still remains understudied. Some aspects of the inclusive psychology have been already examined, namely in the sphere of working with people who have lost limbs and use prostheses to improve their life. However, the main feature of transhumanists is a voluntary agreement on an artificial intervention into the body. The article is aimed at studying transhumanists’ body image as one of the options of personal development. The presented theoretical structure model of body image included the following components: the image of the real body (based on perceptions of respondents about their bodies and individual values of the body), the image of the ideal body (based on social and cultural experience of respondents and their ideas about the perfect body), means of achieving the perfect body (arising from social and cultural experience of the subject) and implicit unconscious processes (which are not subject to reflexivity and cannot (yet) be investigated). According to the theoretical models the following methods and techniques were used: method of free associations with stimuli “my body”, “perfect body”, a modified method of value orientations by Milton Rokeach and repertory grids technique by George Kelly. Research results: the ideal body image in the minds of transhumanists can be described as strong, durable, immortal, invulnerable, controlled at the atomic level. The main forms of its existence and the ways of achieving it can be presented in the following modifications: cyborgisation, digital immortality, regenerative medicine, genetic engineering, longevity. Additional methods (forms) are nanomedicine, cryonics. The image of the real body is described by the following peculiarities: brittle, product evolution, shell consciousness, weak, frail, sickly. The most priority values of the real body are the following; health, vitality, rationality, performance, development, self-control. The characteristics of the least priority are the following: public recognition, satisfaction and confidence. This study of body image in the minds of transhumanists is not fully examined and may be developed in terms of psychological aspects of transhumanitarian worldview in adolescence.


post-humanism, transhumanism, the ideal body image, the real body image, social and cultural experience of the individual, value component of body image.



1. Ananiev, B. G. (1961). Teoriia oshchushchenii [Theory of sensations]. Leningrad: Leningradskogo un-ta [in Russian].
2. Bekhterev, V. M. (1998). Budushcheie psihiatrii. Vvedeniie v patologicheskuiu refleksologiiu [Psychiatry future. Introduction to pathological reflexology]. Мoscow: Nauka [in Russian].
3. Pavlov, I. P. (1973). Dvadsatiletnii opit obiektivnogo izucheniia visshei deiatelnosti (povedeniia) zhivotnih [Twenty years of objective study of higher activity (behavior) of animals]. Мoscow: Nauka [in Russian].
4. Podoroga, V. A. (1995). Fenomenologiya tela [The phenomenology of the body]. Мoscow: «Ad Marginem», [in Russian].
5. Sokolova, E. T. (1989). Samosoznaniie i samootsenka pri anomaliyakh lichnosti [Self-awareness and self-esteem of the individual anomalies]. Мoscow: isd-vo MGU [in Russian].
6. Jackson, Tim. (2013). Inside Intel. Istoriya corporatsii, sovershivshei tehnologicheskyiy revolutiy XX veka [The history of the corporation, which make a technological revolution of XX century]. Мoscow: Alpina Publisher [in Russian].
7. Blakeslee, S. (2006). Out-of-Body Experience? Your Brain is to Blame. New York Times, 9, 12-20 [in English].
8. Federn, Paul (1952). Ego Psychology and the Psychoses. New York: Basic Books, Inc. [in English].
9. Fereidоun, M. Esfandiary (1973). Up Wingers: A Futurist Manifesto. New York [in English].
10. Fereidоun, M. (1989). Are You a Transhuman? Monitoring and Stimulating Your Personal Rate of Growth in a Rapidly Changing World. Boston [in English].
11. Ferguson, H. (2000). Modernity and Subjectivity. New York [in English].
12. Marco, Merleau-Ponty (1945). Phenomenology of Perception. Tucson [in English].
13. Melzack, R. (2006). Phantom Limbs Scientific American. Secret of the Senses. Dallas [in English].

Vlasenko I. А. Activation of Constructive Potential of Teachers’ Intrapersonal Conflicts as а Condition of their Personal and Professional Growth.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 151-156. Odessa.

Inna Vlasenko,
psychologist, Child Development Center “Indigo”,
33-A Marshal Zhukov Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The development of scientific and technological progress, whose products are used for the benefit of a man, is accelerating exponentially. In psychology, the issue of the synthesis of the human body and products of progress still remains understudied. Some aspects of the inclusive psychology have been already examined, namely in the sphere of working with people who have lost limbs and use prostheses to improve their life. However, the main feature of transhumanists is a voluntary agreement on an artificial intervention into the body. The article is aimed at studying transhumanists’ body image as one of the options of personal development. The presented theoretical structure model of body image included the following components: the image of the real body (based on perceptions of respondents about their bodies and individual values of the body), the image of the ideal body (based on social and cultural experience of respondents and their ideas about the perfect body), means of achieving the perfect body (arising from social and cultural experience of the subject) and implicit unconscious processes (which are not subject to reflexivity and cannot (yet) be investigated). According to the theoretical models the following methods and techniques were used: method of free associations with stimuli “my body”, “perfect body”, a modified method of value orientations by Milton Rokeach and repertory grids technique by George Kelly. Research results: the ideal body image in the minds of transhumanists can be described as strong, durable, immortal, invulnerable, controlled at the atomic level. The main forms of its existence and the ways of achieving it can be presented in the following modifications: cyborgisation, digital immortality, regenerative medicine, genetic engineering, longevity. Additional methods (forms) are nanomedicine, cryonics. The image of the real body is described by the following peculiarities: brittle, product evolution, shell consciousness, weak, frail, sickly. The most priority values of the real body are the following; health, vitality, rationality, performance, development, self-control. The characteristics of the least priority are the following: public recognition, satisfaction and confidence. This study of body image in the minds of transhumanists is not fully examined and may be developed in terms of psychological aspects of transhumanitarian worldview in adolescence.


training, intrapersonal conflict, subject, self-consciousness, teachers.



1. Abul’hanova-Slavskaya, K. A. (1991). Strategiya zhizni [The strategy of life]. Moscow: Mysl [in Russian].
2. Berezovsjka, L. I. (2013). Psykhodiaghnostika ta korekciia vnutrishnioosobystisnykh konfliktiv yak umova podolannia profesiinogo vygorannia vchyteliv. [Psychodiagnostics and correction of intrapersonal conflicts as a condition of teachers’professional burnout]. Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
3. Vasiliuk, F. E. (1984). Psikhologiia perezhivaniia (analiz preodolenia kriticheskikh situatsii) [Psychology of emotions (analysis of critical situations overcoming)]. Moscow: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta [in Russian].
4. Vachkov, I. V. (2007). Osnovy tehnologii gruppovogo treninga [The basis of training technology]. Moscow: Os’-89 [in Russian].
5. Vlasenko, I. A. (2016). Psykhologhichni osoblyvosti vnutrishnioosobystisnykh konfliktiv u profesiinii diialnosti vchytelja [Psychological peculiarities of intrapersonal conflicts in teacher’s professional activity]. Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
6. Donchenko, E. A. & Titarenko, T. M. (1989). Lichnost: konflikt, garmoniia [Personality: conflict, harmony]. Kiev: Politizdat Ukrainy [in Russian].
7. Malaniina, T.M. (2011). Psykhologichni osoblyvosti podolannia vchyteliamy vnutrishnioosobystisnykh konfliktiv [Psychological peculiarities of teachers’ overcoming of intrapersonal conflicts]. Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
8. Mitina, L.M. & Kuzmenkova, O.V. (1998). Psikhologicheskie osobennosti vnutrilichnostnykh protivorechii uchitelia [Psychological peculiarities of teacher’s intrapersonal contradictions]. Voprosy psihologii. – Issues of Psychology, 3, 3-16, [in Russian].
9. Petrovskaia, L. A. (2007). Obshchenie – kompetentnost – trening. Izbrannye trudy [Communication – competence – training] Moscow: Smysl [in Russian].
10. Rubinshtein, S. L. (1997). Chelovek i mir [A person and the world]. Moscow: Nauka [in Russian].
11. Ellis, A. & Dryden, W. (2002). Praktika ratsional'no-emotivnoy povedencheskoy terapii [The practice of Rational Emotiv Behavior Therapy]. Saushkina T. (Transl.). Saint Petersburg: Rech [in Russian].
12. Yatsenko, T. S (1993). Aktivnaia socialnopsikhologicheskaia podgotovka uchitelia k obshcheniiu s uchashchimisia [Active social psychological training of teacher to communication with pupils]. Kyiv: Osvіta [in Russian].

Havrylovska K. P. Social Construction of Legal Reality.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 157-161. Odessa.

Kseniya Havrylovska,
(PhD) Candidate of Psychological Sciences,
associate professor, Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The relevance of the study can be explained by the fact that the constant rise of crime is being reflected in mass legal mentality, which is considered as a sphere of mass mentality that reflects the peculiarities of the interaction of citizens with the legal system of the state, and has quite systematic understanding of the development of the legal situation in the country. The process of person’s legal behaviour modelling occurs at the unconscious level of reflection of legal reality. The article is aimed at identifying the psychosemantical characteristics of the offender’s image in mass mentality. The image of the offender is a set of psychological, moral and other qualities of the person who committed a crime, which have emerged in mass consciousness and have a strong emotional colouring. The offender’s image is formed in the process of social construction of legal reality, which is inextricably connected with the social perception of the legal system of the state. Social perception takes place with the active participation of thinking, as perceptual images always have certain semantic meaning. Social perception is completed by the creation of the image, which is based on interpretation and is a result of reflection. It has been found that the offender’s image in mass mentality has negative emotional colouring and is described mainly in legal terms. According to the results of the associative experiment (stimulus-word “criminal”), such word-associations as “murderer” and “prison” have the highest repetition frequency. Furthermore, there is a tendency in mass mentality not to condemn strictly the persons who committed administrative violations (as opposed to criminal offense). According to the research results, many people are sure that thieves can easily avoid punishment and imprisonment, which is considered to be quite an alarming result. Herewith, the obtained results show people’s strong desire to establish social justice.


mass legal mentality, social modelling, social perception, image of the law, image of the criminal.



1. Ross, L., Nisbett, R. (2000). Chelovek i situatsiya. Uroki sotsialnoy psihologii. [The person and the situation. The lessons of social psychology]. Moscow: Aspekt Press [in Russian].
2. Tokareva, S. B. (2011). Metodologiya sotsialnogo konstruirovaniya i sotsialnyiy konstruktivizm kak metodologiya. [The methodology of social constructivism and social constructionism as a methodology]. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Bulletin of Volgograd state university, №2, 113-118 [in Russian].
3. Beloborodov, A. G. (2001). Obraz prava kak smyislovoy uroven pravovogo soznaniya i deformatsiya protsessa sotsializatsii individa. [The image of law as the semantic level of the legal consciousness and the deformation of the socialisation process of the person]. Mir psihologii – World of psychology, 2, 166-177 [in Russian].
4. Havrilovska, K. P. (2008). Psihologichni mehanizmi normativno-pravovoyi regulyatsiyi povedinki osobistosti. [Psychological mechanisms of the normatively legal adjusting of personality’s behaviour]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv: Institute of Social and Political Psychology of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, [in Ukrainian].
5. Balanova, E.V., Borodina, O.N. (2013). Obraz zhenschinyi-prestupnika v soznanii molodyozhi [The image of the female criminal in the minds of young people]. Lichnost, semya i obschestvo: voprosy pedagogiki i psikhologii: sb. st. po mater. XXVIII mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. – Personality, family and society: issues of pedagogy and psychology: proceedings of international cnference (p. 166-172.). Novosibirsk: SibAK. [in Russian].




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