Liudmila Redkina, Oleksandra Gerkerova. Development of Students’ Readiness for Working in the Polycultural Society.

(2016) Science and education, 12, 49-56. Odessa.

Liudmila Redkina,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogics and Educational Institutions Management,
Yalta Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy (Branch) of V. I. Vernadsky, Crimean Federal University,
2 a, Sevastopolskaya Str., Yalta, Crimea
Oleksandra Gerkerova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), assistant professor,
Department of Germanic Philology and Methods of Foreign Languages Teaching,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
34, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of future teachers’ training for the personality upbringing in the polycultural society. Creative personality development is inseparably connected with the regeneration of national culture. In the process of the teacher’s personality development the emphasis is laid on two main aspects – professional and general cultural one. The condition of their implementation and the connecting factor is the ability of a future teacher to establish pedagogically viable, ethical relationship that will develop respect for the neighbours in the cultural and geographic recreation. To avoid contradictions between the logics of the activity development aimed at the students’ preparation for the knowledge generation on the cultural heritage of the nations of Ukraine, development of the positive attitude towards them and the logics of the academic subjects content in the modelling of the educational process in the university, it is necessary to:
1) develop the teacher’s professiogram for working in Ukraine (the activity model), i. e. the combination of personal and professional qualities, knowledge and skills that provide the effectiveness of the professional activity;
2) develop the structure of future teacher’s activity that will ensure the professional abilities and skills development;
3) provide the process of the intellective-spiritual, professional-and-cultural experience transmission and the social intention of personality development;
4) analyse and comprehend the specific interconnections of the main aspects of socialisation (teaching, education, upbringing) and their self-determinational analogues (self-education, self-teaching, self-cultivation);
5) work out technologies corresponding to the stages of personality development (identification, individualization, personalisation);
6) organise interdisciplinary connections of the ethnography with pedagogy, psychology, ethnopedagogy, ethnopsychology, history of pedagogy, world artistic culture. Professional training of students for the future pedagogical activity in the polycultural Ukraine should include:
- conceptual competence that allows for the theoretical basics of the future professional activity understanding, skills in analysing, synthesising and defining a problem;
- technological competence that allows for the ability for professional skills acquisition, including skills in research, study, analysis of the cultural-and-pedagogical heritage of the nations of Ukraine;
- integrative competence, including the development of the ability to connect theory and practice, understand cultural, ethniс and social contexts;
- adaptive competence based on the ability to foresee and prepare for any changes within the profession;
- interpersonal competence, contributing to the development of knowledge and skills of effective communication in the polycultural society.
Thus, students’ preparation for the pedagogical activity, including use of the ethnopedagogical heritage of the small ethnic groups in the process of polyethnic education should be based on the integrative concept of the interdisciplinary research, practical models of the educational work at school, creation of the flexible models of educational activity, adapted to the specificity of Ukraine, aimed at professional training of specialists for the educational field.


readiness for the pedagogical activity, polycultural society, national culture, ethnopedagogy, future teachers’ training.




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