Petro Dzhurynskyi, Sofia Burdiuzha . Pedagogical Aspects of Preparing Future Physical Culture Teachers for Physical Recreation Activities

(2016) Science and education, 10, 45-51. Odessa.

Petro Dzhurynskyi,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Head of the Department of
Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sport Disciplines,
Sofia Burdiuzha,
master-degree student majoring in Physical Culture,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Physical recreation activities of a Physical Culture teacher involve implementation of physical recreation, sports, health￾saving, recreational and rehabilitation methods into the educational process, which contribute to strengthening, repairing and developing of school students’ health, increase of the level of physical fitness and are focused on the formation of physical recreation environment. The following components of training have been determined: motivational, content, technological, reflexive; physical recreation criteria: axiological, cognitive, organisational and activity, assessment and monitoring, physical and behavioural; levels of maturity: high, sufficient, basic, primary. The training process involves the following pedagogical conditions: formation of motivation to perform physical recreation activities; interdisciplinary bonds of physical recreational education and humanities, disciplines of social and economic sphere; implementation of interactive teaching methods into the educational process; involving students in physical recreation activities. The developed model of preparing future Physical Education teachers for physical recreation activities provided gradual implementation of the above mentioned pedagogical conditions. At the cognitive-formative stage students acquired knowledge about modern teaching methods and techniques concerning education of movements culture, health culture, personal and group hygiene, about the main concepts of physical culture and sports. At the reproductive and activity stage students mastered applied skills of physical recreation activities. The creative professional stage involved creative development of project, plans, sets of physical exercises, physical recreation teaching technologies. At the reflexive and assessment stage the acquired knowledge and developed skills of physical recrea￾tion activities by students during teaching practice, staying at recreational camps, during conduction extracurricular physical recreation events were put into action. As a result of the experiment the level of future Physical Education teachers' prepared￾ness for physical recreation activities has increased. At the final stage of the pedagogical experiment the obtained data were verified with the help of λ-criterion of Kolmohorov-Smyrnov. It has been found that the obtained results are statistically sig￾nificant; they confirm the purposefulness of the implementation of the developed experimental model and pedagogical condi￾tions of preparing future Physical Culture teachers for physical recreation activities into the educational process of a higher educational institution. 


physical recreation activities, physical recreation environment, physical recreation events, structure of training, educational process, experimental model, pedagogical conditions




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