Tetiana Dedilova, Inna Tokar. Modern Trends of Implementing Gender Approach into the System of Higher Education in Ukraine

(2016) Science and education, 1, 107-114. Odessa.

Tetiana Dedilova,
PhD (Candidate of Economic Sciences),
associate professor, Department of Business Economics,
Inna Tokar,
assistant, Department of Business Economics,
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (HNADU),
25, Petrovsky Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



Modern trends of the formation of the unified European educational space, caused by the objective requirements of the international labor market development, demand more and more efforts in reforming the higher education system in Ukraine. One of such directions is the formation of a favorable environment for positive changes regarding the reduction of gender disparities in education by overcoming gender stereotypes. The education as one of the most important social institutions would be able to integrate a gender perspective into the educational process, and thereby this will ensure the formation of social European gender culture in Ukraine. The aim of the article is to consider the theoretical foundations of the gender approach into higher education from the point of view of the complexity and diversity of its substantive content, and to provide the characteristics of the domestic system of education considering gender stereotypes that are applied to this system. The realization of this aim is based on the analysis and theoretical generalization of the general scientific methods of research. The applied research of the study is based on the results of the statistical methods use. The current stage of the development of higher education in Ukraine requires deep rethinking and arrangement of relevant priorities in favor of applying the gender approach compared with the sex-role approach. The research results have shown that in addition to the explicit curriculum, there is so-called hidden curriculum, which strengthens the sex-role approach in education. The negative trends concerning the established norms and rules, which have been formed over the years in higher education under the influence of gender stereotypes, do not meet the modern requirements of the development of the European educational space. The destruction of the old educational system in favor of the creation of modern Ukrainian universities with the specified educational services requires the implementation of gender-oriented education technologies and management education system as a whole.


higher education system, gender, university, stereotype, woman, man.




1.Protasova, N. H. (Eds.). (2011). Realizatsiia hendernoi polityky v upravlinni osvitoiu [The implementation of gender policies in management education]. Zaporizhzhia: Drukarskyi svit [in Ukrainian].
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3.Herasymova, I. (2011). Do pytannia vidminnosti hendernoho y statevorolovoho pidkhodiv v osviti [On the issue of gender and sex-differences approach in education]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats UDPU (pedahohichni nauky) – Collection of scientific works of USPU (teaching) (Vols. 1), 49-57 [in Ukrainian].
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8.Kohut, I. Chym vidrizniaiutsia zhinky i choloviky: pro hendernu (ne)rivnist u vyshchii osviti [What is the difference between men and women: the gender (in)equality in higher education]. Retrieved from: http://gender.at.ua/publ/4-1-0-255 [in Ukrainian].
9.Biriukova, M. Hubina, S. (2011). Henderna osvita pedahohiv: poperedni rezultaty provedennia kaskadnykh treninhiv u Kharkivskomu rehioni [Gender education of teachers: preliminary results of cascade training in Kharkiv region]. Proceedings of the Conference «Henderna osvita – resurs rozvytku parytetnoi demokratii» – «Gender education – a resource of parity democracy development». (pp. 58-64). Ternopil: TNPU [in Ukrainian].

Bella Holyk. Quality of the Educational Environment of Future Designers’ Professional Training

(2016) Science and education, 1, 115-120. Odessa.

Bella Holyk,
post-graduate student,
Department of Cultural Studies and Methods Of Teaching Cultural Subjects,
Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V. G. Korolenko,
2, Ostrohradskoho Str., Poltava, Ukraine



The article deals with the structure of the educational levels of high-quality professional training of future designers. The phenomenon of the educational quality at all its levels has been defined. There has been also scientifically substantiated the concept of design education that serves as the subject of cultural, aesthetic and creative research, as well as the professional becoming of professionals in this field. It has been noted that the educational environment of future designers’ professional training presents the consistent system formation of their professional orientation and development. The constituent of the levels of future designers’ professional development is their vocational guidance, which is reflected in the following aspects: the ability to manifest a taste for a certain kind of activity, take responsibility for the consequences of one’s own choice, to develop diligence, working capacity, orientation at own capabilities and affections. The training process of students emphasizes the concept “person-design-environment” which leads to the main areas of activity: forming consciousness, developing skills, applying theory in practice. As for higher school, the structure of professional basis of assessing consequences of professional activities is building there. Besides it is oriented at the development of personal creative skills, providing mobility and competitiveness. Postgraduate education is focused on the ability to perform professional duties, to get an appointment according to one’s qualification level, selfdevelopment and self-assessment of professional competence and personal development. It is the implementation of the system of multileveled professional training of future designers which will effectively assist its quality improvement. The educational environment will depend on the educational institution which successfully combines staff, region, economic development, and traditions. The activity of a teacher and a student at all educational levels will provide the education quality improvement and professional skills acquisition. 


education, design, quality, design-education, specialist, vocational guidance, higher educational institution, professional training, educational levels, professional competence, postgraduate education.




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Viktoriia Marchenko. Formation of Modern Teacher’s Professional Image

(2016) Science and education, 1, 120-125. Odessa.

Viktoriia Marchenko,
post-graduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the peculiarities of teacher’s image and its role in his/her occupation. The author states that image behaviour influences the efficiency of the educational process. The future teacher’s image is considered as a selfpresentation symbol reflecting a range of social behaviour stereotypes oriented at saving and reproducing social structures. The teacher’s image is considered as an important aspect of his/her professionalism and certain means of pedagogical influence on school students. The modern teacher’s image according to the author’s opinion is a result of the professional formation of a teacher’s personality. Teacher’s appearance has the specific role, because he/she deals not only with the society, but with school children, who consider a teacher to be an inspirational person. That is why teacher’s appearance always must be perfect. The work on the image formation can be represented as the following pattern: identifying group conditions, distinguishing strengths and weaknesses of a personality, forming a character (increasing positive aspects), transforming necessary personality traits in verbal, visual and procedural forms. The image elements become important symbols of an individual, their significance is not limited by the appearance. They become an integral part of the nature and human individuality; form the attitude of other people towards him/her. The way a person will be perceived by other people depends of his/her image. The image elements are not only visual characters, but also the way of thinking, actions, behaviour, the communication and oratorical skills. Correctly selected tone, voice timbre, the grace of movements determine and form the character which school students and colleagues perceive. Positive teacher’s image depends on his/her inner essence: values, positions, beliefs, which are manifested in his/her appearance. A person with the positive image is characterized by self-dignity, self-respect, responsibility, need for selfrealization, etc. Professional image is considered to be a complex psycho-pedagogical issue, that is why it requires the detailed study both as a personal phenomenon and a phenomenon of collective image formation.


image, image studies, modern teacher, professional pedagogical image, positive image.  




1. Gonobolin, F. N. (1975). O nekotorykh psikhicheskikh kachestvakh lichnosti uchitelia [about some mental qualities of a teacher’s personality]. Voprosy k psikhologii – Issues of psychology, 1, 101-110 [in Russian].
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3. Isenko, S. S. (2007). Imidzh i kommunikativnaia kultura ekspertov v sfere obrazovaniia [Image and communicative culture of experts in the field of education]. Narodnoe obrazovanie – Public education, 8, 115-125 [in Russian].
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Nataliia Chernenko. Characteristics of Future Education Managers’ Readiness for Risk Management at Educational Institutions

(2016) Science and education, 1, 126-130. Odessa.

Nataliia Chernenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical sciences), associate professor,
Department of Administration of Educational Institutions and Civil Service,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
71, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article is focused on the structure of future education managers’ readiness for risk management at educational institutions; the review of its diagnostics is represented, and its levels are characterized. It has been revealed that future education managers’ readiness for risk management at educational institutions consists of psychological, cognitive, and organizational and functional components. There have been determined the following indicators of the psychological component: future education managers’ awareness of the importance of risk management at educational institutions, motivational orientation at risk management, future education managers’ propensity to risk, orientation at changes, tolerance to uncertainty, assertiveness. The cognitive component was evaluated according to the following indicators: knowledge of conceptual statements of risk management at educational institutions, the command of methods of risk handling at educational institutions according to the processes of risk management, knowing the ways of preventing and overcoming risks at educational institutions; the capacity for intellectual logical structuring and adaptive thinking. There were the following indicators of the organizational and functional component: the ability to apply methods of risk identification and to classify the discovered risks at the educational institution; the ability to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of risks; the ability to determine the most critical risks; the ability to plan a response to risk; the ability to perform the monitoring of risk assessment and to prepare propositions and recommendations according to the results of the monitoring. The following criteria for the evaluation of future education managers’ readiness for risk management at educational institutions have been offered: activatedness, awareness/unawareness of knowledge, flexibility/rigidity of abilities; its levels have been characterized (sufficient, intermediate, low). It has been proven mathematically that the difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of the maturity of future education managers’ readiness for risk management at educational institutions is not statistically significant as long as at the beginning of the formative experiment, the above mentioned groups did not differ significantly from each other according to the level of readiness for risk management. A number of diagnostic activities have made it possible to discover the insufficient level of the maturity of future education managers’ readiness for risk management at education institutions; the results obtained have shown low levels of the maturity of the investigated abilities and skills, which demonstrates the necessity for paying more attention to their further formation.


risk, readiness, levels, future education managers.




1. Eliseev, O. P. (2003). Praktikum po psihologii lichnosti [Workshop on personality psychology]. Saint Petersburg: Piter [in Russian].
2. Korneschuk, V. V. (2010). Matematicheskie metody issledovaniia pedagogicheskih fenomenov [Mathematical methods of researching pedagogical phenomena]. Odessa: VMV [in Russian].
3. Minko, A. A. (2004). Statisticheskii analiz v MS Excel [The statistical analysis in MS Excel]. Moscow: Izdatelskii dom «Viliams» [in Russian].

Wei Qixuan. Expert Assessment in Education Managers’ Professional Activities

(2016) Science and education, 1, 130-133. Odessa.

Wei Qixuan,
post-graduate student, Department of Administration of Educational Institutions and Civil Service,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
71, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article reveals the essence of the concepts of “expert review”, “pedagogical review”, and “expert assessment”. The importance of expert assessment in education managers’ management activities has been theoretically substantiated; its characteristics have been described. Besides, it has been justified that these activities are presented by two components: pedagogical and management, which differ from each other by their functions. Expert review is considered as a technique of assessing the results of a certain kind of activity in the educational system, with the help of which managers make conclusions about their quality. The review of scientific literature allows to note that expert assessment is a dynamic process, which is constantly developing and modifying; its characteristic features are the integration of educational expertise according to different assessment technologies and the development of methods of expert assessment of educational processes and the increasing of the importance of educational institutions’ self-assessment. Expert assessment is regarded as the process of obtaining expert assessments, conclusions and recommendations about the state and prospects of educational institutions’ development on the basis of their self-assessments using the developed technology of assessment, state standards and providing the participation of competent experts. The issue of the expert review is a component of educational managers’ professional activities, which is extremely important for their training, because the efficiency of education reforms depends on the quality of expert review. Every director of an educational institution must be an expert in the sphere of education, have the necessary competences, analytical skills and practical experience in the field of expert review of pedagogical subjects, events and phenomena, which results in the formation of expert conclusions aiming at making manager decisions.


expert review, pedagogical review, expert assessment, education managers.




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