Viktoriia Sakharova. Implementation of pedagogical conditions of foreign students’ professional and pedagogical culture formation in the process of professional training

(2016) Science and education, 1, 82-86. Odessa.

Viktoriia Sakharova,
lecturer, Department of Germanic Philology and Methods of Foreign Languages Teaching,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
34, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the stages, content of research and experimental work on the implementation of pedagogical conditions of foreign students’ professional and pedagogical culture formation in the process of professional training (attracting foreign students to the creation of a multicultural environment; orientation of the educational process at developing abilities and interpersonal skills of communication; organization of foreign students’ creative activities by means of interactive teaching methods). There have been presented stages of constructing the model of foreign students’ professional and pedagogical culture formation in the process of professional training which included a phased (directive, practical, creative stages) implementation with introduction of pedagogical conditions and complex influence on the formation of the examined foreign students’ professional and pedagogical culture constituents. The structure of a developed special course aimed at the foreign students’ professional-pedagogical culture formation in the process of professional training is revealed. It has been concluded that the introduction of pedagogical conditions contributes to increasing of the efficiency of foreign students’ professional and pedagogical culture formation in the process of professional training.  


pedagogical conditions, professional and pedagogical culture of foreign students, interactive teaching methods.




1.Bondarevskaya, E. V. (1999). Pedagogicheskaya kultura kak obschestvennaya i lichnaya tsennost [Pedagogical culture as public and personal value]. Pedagogika – Pedagogy, 3, 37-43 [in Russian].
2.Ivanova, T. V. (1995). Profesiina kultura maibutniogo vchytelya [Future teacher’s professional culture]. Pedagogika i psykhologiya – Pedagogy and psychology, 2, 86-93 [in Ukrainian].
3.Nazarova, O. L. (2003). Novyie informatsionnyie tehnologii v upravlenii kachestvom obrazovatelnogo protsessa v kolledzhe [New information technologies in management of educational process quality in college]. Informatika i obrazovanie – Computer sciences and education, 11, 79-84 [in Russian].
4.Postalyuk, N. Yu. (1989). Tvorcheskiy stil deyatelnosti: pedagogicheskiy aspekt [Creative style of activity: pedagogical aspect]. Kazan: Kazanskiy un-t [in Russian].

Anzhelika Tatarnikova. Formation of Future Art-Management Specialists-Musicians’ Professional Competence: Organizational and Pedagogical Bases

(2016) Science and education, 1, 87-92. Odessa.

Anzhelika Tatarnikova,
post-graduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
Odesa Mechnikov National University,
Lecturer of Odessa College of Arts and Culture named after K. F. Dankevich,
Frantsuzkyi Boulevard, 24/26, Odesa, Ukraine 



Basing on the review of the creative achievements of foreign and Ukrainian scientists considering the issue of contents modernization and diversification of professional music education forms, the organizational and pedagogical characteristics of the process of future Arts Management specialists-musicians’ professional competence development have been revealed in the article. The importance of the vocational training of music students, namely future Arts Managers, is also regarded in the paper. Future specialists must obtain the leading technologies of Arts Managements, i.e. promotion of Arts product, concert administration, information support of Arts product and performer’s creative work, Internet promotional campaigns, operating a blog in social networks, collaboration with sponsors (fundraising, patronage, and charity), etc. Based on the leading principles of the competency-based and student-centered approaches, the pattern of professional competence development of music students in Arts Management has been designed. Special attention is paid to the description of the specific features of functioning of each of its structure units. It has been also proved that the development of the professional competence of music students in Arts Management while obtaining their degree in Arts will be more efficient if the following pedagogical conditions are implemented into the education process: enriching the contents of Arts education with the theoretical issues of Arts Management; maintaining the individual research activities of students aimed at gaining the innovative technologies of Arts Management; motivating students in their participation in different projects based on the artistic and creative activities; providing pedagogical support of individual professional self-development of students as Arts Managers in the field of Music Arts. It has been revealed that the means of the concentrated-on-student approach, like the principles of humanization, individualization, personalization, occupational mobility, diversification of artistic education, adequacy to its contents, forms and methods of contemporary targets and functions of musician-specialist as an Arts Manager, the combination of pedagogical facilitation and the development of initiatives and leadership of the members of the social and cultural environment, the problematicity and situatedness of education, its close relation to the Arts Management practice, contribute to the practical realization of the indicated pedagogical conditions. 


professional competence in Arts Management; competency-based approach; concentrated-on-student approach.




1. Komandyshko, E. F. (2009). Art-menedzhment: spetsifika, problemy, perspektivy razvitiia [Artmanagement: specificity, problems and prospects of development]. Moscow: IKhO RAO [in Russian].
2. Lіdstoun, Dzh. (2007). Suchasni metodyky formuvannia navchalnykh prohram z menedzhmentu kultury i mystetstv [Modern methods of reforming curricula to cultural management and arts]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian]
3. Novikova, G. N. (2006). Tekhnologii artmenedzhmenta [Technologies of Art Management]. Moscow: Izdatelskii Dom MGUKI [in Russian].
4. Bezgіn, O., Bernadska, G., Datsko, O., Kocharian, І. S., Uspenska, O. (2008). Problemy mystetskoi osvity: Typolohichni kryterii ta naukovometodychna rozrobka [Problems arts education: typological criteria, scientific and methodical development]. Kyiv: SPD Holosui [in Ukrainian].
5. Rіch, Dzh. Dennіs. (2005). Rozvytok osvity z artmenedzhmentu v krainakh z perekhidnoiu ekonomikoiu [The development of art management education in countries with economy in transition]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
6. Poplavskyi, M. (1996). Menedzher kultury [Cultural Manager]. Kyiv: MP «Lesia» [in Ukrainian].
7. Chasnik, O. (2010). Navchalni prohramy z artmenedzhmentu v universytetakh SShA [Educational programs of art management in the United States]. Kharkiv: Visnyk KhDAK [in Ukrainian].
8. Shitova, O. A. (2007). Didakticheskie osobennosti izucheniia art-menedzhmenta studentami muzykalnykh spetcializatsii v vuzakh kultury i iskusstv[Didactic features of studying arts management by students of musical specializations in higher educational institutions of culture and arts]. Candidate’s thesis. Moscow [in Russian].
9. Yankovska, L. A. (2005). Pidhotovka menedzhera: osnovni rysy i vymohy [Training a manager: basic features and requirements]. Lviv: Vіsnik NU [in Ukrainian].
10. Assosiation of Arts Administration Educators. Retrieved from: http: // [in English].
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Anna Hilman. Empirical Study of Students’ Sanogenic Thinking

(2016) Science and education, 1, 92-97. Odessa.

Anna Hilman,
lecturer, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
National University “Ostroh Academy”,
2, Seminarskaia Str., Ostroh, Ukraine 



The article deals with the issue of sanogenic thinking diagnostics in students. Changes in the modern society, intense scientific and technological progress result in the increase of nervous tension which frequently leads to mental and nervous disorders in young people. The style of thinking in the process of perceiving, assessing and experiencing difficult life situations sometimes affects human health, promotes or hinders the success and different kinds of relationships. The peculiarities of students’ sanogenic thinking manifestation have been revealed. The experiment involving 175 students aged from 17 to 24 was conducted during 2014-2016. The experiment has shown that the students’ dominant type of thinking is pathogenic thinking, which speaks for students’ negative emotions (fear, rage, sadness) causing tension,


sanogenic thinking, pathogenic thinking, reflection, rigidity, stress tolerance, mental tolerance to stresses, level of life satisfaction, psychosomatic complaints, volitional self-regulation, personality type, motivation, type of emotional reaction, anxiety, life-sense orientations, psychological well-being, students.  




1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaia, K. A. (1991). Stratehyia zhyzny [Life strategy]. Moscow: Mysl [in Russian].
2. Hilman, A. Yu. (2014). Sanohenne myslennia yak chynnyk protydii emotsiinoho stresu v navchalnii diialnosti studenta [Sanogenic thinking as a factor of resistance of stresses in the educational process]. Naukovi zapysky. Seriia «Psykholohiia i pedahohika» – Scientific works. Series “Psychology and Pedagogy”, 30, 43-50.Ostroh: Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia» [in Ukrainian].
3. Krainova, Yu. N. (2010). Sanogennoe myshlenie protiv negativnykh perezhyvaniy [Sanogenic thinking against negative emotions]. Psykhologiya zdoroviya i lichnostnoho rosta – Psychology of health and personal growth, 4, 58-74 [in Russian].
4. Morozyuk, S. N. (2006). Sanogennyi stil myshleniya. Upravlenye emotsyiamy. «Obida». Modulno-kodovoe uchebnoe posobie v mobilnoy sisteme obuchenyia KYP-M k tsyklu kursov po beskonflyktnoi adaptatsyy y samorazvytyiu lychnosty [Sanogenic style of thinking. Controlling emotions. Offense. Module textbook in mobile system of teaching KYPM for non-conflict adaptation and self-development of personality]. Moscow [in Russian].
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7. Tytarenko, T. M. (2007). Zhyttievi zavdannia osobystosti yak sotsialno-psykholohichnyi chynnyk modeliuvannia maibutnoho [Life tasks of a personality as a psychosocial factor of future modelling]. Naukovi studii iz sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykhol.: zb. statei – Scientific studios on social and political psychology: collection of articles, 16(9), 304-311. Kyiv: Milenium [in Ukrainian].
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Iryna Rozhko. Scientific Approaches to Primary School Students’ Musical Memory Development

(2016) Science and education, 1, 97-102. Odessa.

Iryna Rozhko,
post-graduate student, Department of Methods of Music Education, Vocals and Choral Conducting,
Sumy State A.S. Makarenko Pedagogical University,
music teacher of Higher Municipal Educational Institution of
Sumy Regional Counsil «Lebedinsky A.S. Makarenko Pedagogical College»,
73, Lenina Str., Lebedin, Ukraine. 



The role of cognitive processes in the implementation of the musical activities of pupils is a topical issue of theory and methods of contemporary music education. The perception, thinking, imagination, attention, and memory of primary school students, their psychological experience, emotional, motivational, and other spheres of life has its own significant features different from the corresponding aspects of adults’ psyche. Primary school age is considered to be the most favourable for the musical memory development by a variety of psycho-physiological and educational factors. The functioning of musical memory, the specifics of mnemonic processes (memory, storage, playback, remembering, forgetting) are special for different age groups of pupils and for various acts in Music lessons. The analysis and comparison of existing approaches to the definition of the characteristics of primary school students’ memory have been presented in the article. The essence of the concepts of «mechanical nature of memory», «logical memory», «spontaneous memorization» have been described there. The author emphasizes the importance of conscious memorization of musical material, compares the performance of voluntary and involuntary memory, dependant from the organization of mnemonic activity. The author proves the feasibility of the development of the spontaneous type of music material memorization. The practical significance of the study is the generalization of the advanced pedagogical experience in the issue of musical memory development. Memory is one of the central and basic mental functions in early childhood. The problem of the development of memory is important in contemporary music education. The further researches will be focused on the analysis of the pedagogical conditions of the musical memory development in primary school students, and also on the examination of emotions and motivation of personality in mnemonic system of primary school students. 


musical memory, psychological development, mnemonic activity, mechanical nature of memory, logical memory, spontaneous memorization.




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8.Kulagina, Y. Yu., Kolyutskiy, V. N. (2001). Vozrastnaya psykhologiya; Polnyi zhiznennyi tsykl razvitiya cheloveka [Age-related psychology; The complete life cycle of human development]. Moscow:TTs «Sfera» [in Russian].
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11. Samoldina, K. A. (1974). Rol motoriki v muzykalnom razvitii i vospitanii mladshykh shkolnikov [The role of motility in the musical development and education of junior schoolchildren]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Moscow: NYY soderzh. y metod. obuch. APN SSSR [in Russian].
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Maksym Іmeridze. Implementation of the Experimental Model of Future Teachers’ Media Education Competence Formation

(2016) Science and education, 1, 102-106. Odessa.

Maksym Іmeridze,
post-graduate student, Department of pedagogy,
South Ukrainian Natіonal Pedagogical Unіversity named after K. D. Ushinsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The article presents the experimental model of future teachers’ media education competence formation. Teachers use media technologies when preparing for lessons, studying the experience of their colleagues, self-educating, exploring the content of other authors’ works, organizing work of pupils in online laboratories; carrying out online academic performance ratings, encouraging pupils to perform creative tasks which provide information search in the Internet, creation of own blogs and websites, participation in telecommunication projects, network competitions and so forth. The promotion of a fundamental idea able to develop media competence is considered to be a necessary condition of modelling. Knowledge and abilities are the effective device of thinking if they are organized in the system of interconnected concepts in students’ consciousness. Therefore, the high level of knowledge acquisition means students’ ability to freely apply this knowledge under various conditions. It has been determined that the media-educational competence of teachers of social studies and humanities is a complex professional construct providing their understanding of sociocultural, economic and political peculiarities of media functioning, reflecting their desire and ability to be bearers of mediacultural standards in educational media space, play and produce new elements of media culture in the modern society. The review of scientific sources allows to justify the model of Media-competence as part of the educational process, aimed at developing social media culture, preparing a person for safe and effective interaction with modern media, including traditional (print, radio, cinema, television) and innovative (computer-mediated communication, Internet, mobile telephony) forms with the development of information and communication technologies; understanding the types of media and their impact on people and the society.


media, media education, mediacompetence, computer approach, preventive, educational technology, educational technology, mass-media.




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