Nataliia Ashikhmina. Essence and Component Structure of Future Music Teachers’ Specialty Culture

(2016) Science and education, 1, 42-47. Odessa.

Nataliia Ashikhmina,
PhD (Candidate of pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Music and Instrumental Training,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of the formation of university students-future Music teachers’ specialty culture in the process of studying at pedagogical universities. A theoretical review of scientific literature concerning this issue has been carried out. Special attention has been paid to the similarity and differences between the phenomena “professional culture” and “specialty culture”. It has been stated that the concept of professional culture is wider in itself. It characterizes the systems of professional ideas, professionally-axiological orientation and personal qualities, general ways of cognition and implementation of the technologies of professional activities. Specialty culture is considered by most scientists as a complex education of a personality, which reflects the level of the development of special knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities and is a personal professional basis for the successful performance of future professional duties. The author emphasizes the bonds between culture and special preparedness of future Music teachers, because culture is peculiar to music pedagogical activity and is considered as the characteristics of its quality. That is why the understanding of culture as a method of organizing special, including music, education can be a determinative methodological means for studying specific culture. The main structural subsystems of a future Music teachers’ specialty culture have been distinguished and they are the following: motivation and axiological, knowledge, artistic and interpretational, personally-emotional, creative, organizational and communicative, regulative. The structural components of future Music teachers are considered to be the following: motivation and axiological, cognitive and technological, reflexive and creative. The motivation and axiological component characterizes the manifestation of future Music teachers’ interest in special training, striving for obtaining special competences in Music, understanding the significance of studying and self-development, etc. The cognitive and technological component provides the acquisition of special knowledge and skills as well as abilities of adequate using the obtained special experience in practice. The reflexive and creative component characterizes the level of manifestation of music pedagogical orientation of special training, maturity of students’ creative thinking and capabilities for the analysis of special artistic and pedagogical activity.


culture, specialty, professional culture, specialty culture, special training, future Music teacher.  




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