Olena Miroshnychenko, Oleksandr Voznyuk. Dynamics of indicators of adaptation to life in the Antarctica among polar explorers of different age groups

(2022) Science and education, 2, 81-89. Odessa.

Olena Miroshnychenko,
Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of Professional and Pedagogical, Special Education,
Andragogy and Management,
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University,
40, Velika Berdychivska str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Oleksandr Voznyuk,
Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor,
Professor at the Department of English with Teaching Methods in Preschool and Primary Education
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University,
40, Velika Berdychivska str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The scientific developments of domestic and foreign researchers dealing with the problem of adaptation to life in extreme conditions are analysed. The relevance of the article stems from the fact that Ukraine is one of the 29 countries in the world that has a permanent scientific station in Antarctica. Since 1995, Ukraine has had the opportunity to conduct longitudinal research under the State Targeted Scientific and Technical Research Program in Antarctica. The main issue of the direction of medical and physiological research, within which our scientific work takes place, is the psychological training of Ukrainian winterers who stay for a long time (12–13 months) at the Antarctic station. The concept of psychological adaptation to life in extreme conditions is specified; the types of accentuations of Ukrainian winterers are determined; methodological tools of psychological research are presented. The main accentuations that are characteristic of winterers of different age groups are highlighted, and the peculiarities of personality behaviour with different types of accentuations are outlined. The analysis of the research on the role of winterers’ accentuation in the process of adaptation to extreme living conditions being conducted during 10 years has showed that the main types of accentuation in the winterers are as follows: hyperthymic, emotional, stuck and demonstrative. These accentuations of character mainly contribute to the successful psychological adaptation of winterers to life in Antarctica. The types of accentuations (conformity, dysthymia, anxiety, instability, schizoid orientation), which may interfere with psychological adaptation, has a small percentage of representation in the winterers, or are not represented at all. The results of the study have proved that the psychological adaptation of Ukrainian winterers to extreme conditions has a complex hierarchical structure and is formed on the basis of individual qualities and the influence of appropriate natural, interpersonal and professional conditions. Such results enable defining new criteria for psychophysiological and psychological monitoring and forecasting concerning personality adaptation to extreme living conditions.


adaptation, groups of personalities by types of accentuations, extreme living conditions.




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Vitaly Goncharov, Dmitro Bondarenko, Sergey Dementev, Olena Varetska, Yuliia Maksymenko. Studying the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and children’s mental health

(2022) Science and education, 2, 74-80. Odessa.

Vitaly Goncharov,
Acting General Director

Dmitro Bondarenko,
Deputy General Director

Sergey Dementev,
Deputy General Director,
State Institution “Odesa Regional Center of Control and Prevention of Diseases of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”,
Assistant of the Department of General and Clinical Epidemiology and Biosafety,
Odesa National Medical University

Olena Varetska,
Head of the Department of Epidemiological Surveillance (Observation) and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases

Yuliia Maksymenko,
Doctor of the Department of Epidemiological Surveillance (Observation)
and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases,
State Institution “Odesa Regional Center of Control and Prevention of Diseases of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”,
Ivana and Yury Lip str., 5a
Assistant of the Department of General and Clinical Epidemiology and Biosafety,
Odesa National Medical University,
Valikhovsky lane, 2, Odesa, Ukraine



According to the latest UNICEF data, at least one in seven children in the world has been affected by quarantines, the COVID-19 pandemic has generated great concern about the mental health of an entire generation of children and young people, as well as their parents and caregivers. The aim of the study was to study the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of mental health of the child population. The study used statistical reporting data from the Municipal Institution “Odesa Regional Information and Analytical Center for Medical Statistics” of the Odesa Regional Council for the last 12 years (2009–2020). The analysis of statistical data was carried out taking into account the administrative distribution of the territory of the Odesa region before the 2020 decentralization reform (6 cities and 26 districts). Processing and analysis of materials was carried out using epidemiological sanitary-statistical methods. Thus, based on the study, we can say that the problem of mental and behavioral disorders among the population of the region exists and is gradually growing. In rural areas of the region, mental and behavioral disorders are more common among the adult population, and, conversely, less among children. In addition, the study showed that the rate of increase in mental health deterioration among urban children is significantly higher than among rural children. The COVID-19 pandemic has not caused a significant acceleration in the rate of increase in the prevalence of mental and behavioral disorders among the population of the region compared to previous years. While among the child population of the region, on the contrary, during the pandemic, there was an improvement in mental health. For individual administrative territories of the region, the situation is ambiguous. This issue requires further in-depth study.


pandemic, COVID-19, children, mental and behavioral disorders.




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Larisa Kharchenko, Oleksandr Plyska, Mykhailo Grusha, Igor Shkrobanets. State of contrаst sensitivity in hypermetropia in school-age children of new Ukrainian school

(2022) Science and education, 2, 69-74. Odessa.

Larisa Kharchenko,
PhD student of the Department of Biology,
MP Drahomanov National Pedagogical University,
9, Pirogova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine

Oleksandr Plyska
Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor,
MP Drahomanov National Pedagogical University,
9, Pirogova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine

Mykhailo Grusha
Candidate of Biological Science, associate professor,
Bogomolets National Medical University,
13, B. Shevchenko Str., Kyiv, Ukraine

Igor Shkrobanets
Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor,
National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,
12, Herzen Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The purpose of the study to establish the possibility of using contrast sensitivity (СS) in the diagnosis of refractive disorders of the visual system, namely in the diagnosis of hypermetropia in students of different age groups. Object and methods. The age-related periodization of human development adopted at the VIIth conference with the problems of agerelated morphology, physiology and biochemistry (1965) is used. As the load on the visual apparatus begins to increase from about 4 years, our study included persons belonging to the following age groups: first childhood (girls and boys aged 4-7 years), second childhood (girls aged 8-11 years and boys aged 8-12 years), adolescence (girls aged 12-15 years and boys aged 13-16 years) and youth age (girls aged 17-20 years and boys aged 17-21 years). Considering the studied contingent (children, adolescents and adolescents attending secondary school), the distribution in the studied age groups was as follows: girls aged 6-7 years made up the D1 age group, boys aged 6-7 years – the X1 group, girls aged 8-11 years – group D2, boys aged 8-12 years – group X2, girls aged 12-15 years – group D3, boys aged 13-16 years – group X3, girls aged 16-17 years – group D4, boys aged 17 – Yu group. In each of the 8 age groups, we conducted a study of the state of refraction and contrast sensitivity. Total in the study was conducted with the participation of 744 students, of which 393 are female and 351 are male. The study participants were divided into age groups as follows: group D1 – 66 girls, group D2 – 141 girls, group D3 – 126 girls, group D4 – 60 girls, group X1 – 51 boys, group X2 – 155 boys, group X3 – 91 boy , group Yu – 54 heroes. In this paper, each of the subjects was determined by visual acuity using Golovin-Sivtsev tables, contrast sensitivity (CS) using a table contrasting optotypes. These indices were determined for each eye separately. Given that there is no significant difference between the data samples obtained in the study of the right and left eye, the numerical characteristics in the work are presented solely by the results of studies of the right eye. In groups of female students and the male subjects with hypermetropia were numerically predominant in those who were first diagnosed with refractive error using the CS method, which was confirmed by the determination of visual acuity. The results obtained suggest that it is possible to use a method of determining the CS status using a table of contrasting optotypes for early preclinical diagnosis of refractive disorders in school-age children of new Ukrainian school.


contrast sensitivity, visual analyzer, hypermetropia, disorders of refraction.




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Yevhen Mykhaliuk, Yehor Horokhovskyi, Anatolii Bosenko. A retrospective review of the definition of “infinite tone” under the conditions of functional tests in sports medicine

(2022) Science and education, 2, 61-68. Odessa.

Yevhen Mykhaliuk,
Doctor of Medicine, Professor,
Head of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine, Physical Education and Health,
Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
26, Mayakovsky ave., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3607-7619

Yehor Horokhovskyi,
Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Associate Professor at the Department of Physiology, Immunology, and Biochemistry
with a Course of Civil Defense and Medicine,
Zaporizhzhia National University,
66, Zhukovsky str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4555-9110

Anatolii Bosenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Professor at the Department of Biology and Health Protection,
The State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical
University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska str., Odesa, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3472-0412



The analysis of retrospective and modern scientific works shows ambiguity of approaches to a phenomenon of “infinite tone”, and also the factors and conditions contributing to its occurrence in the process of functional diagnostics. This fact stipulates contradictions in an assessment of the corresponding functional state of the person in medical practice, in particular in sports medicine, and consequently, the relevance of the problem. The aim of the work is a retrospective analysis of the scientific literature devoted to the study of the phenomenon of “infinite tone” in functional diagnostics. Theoretical (analysis of scientific and scientific-methodological literature on the issue of research), empirical (medical and pedagogical experimental study of functional abilities of persons of different gender, age, level of physical fitness and sports specialization) and analytical (statistical analysis with the calculation of M, σ, m, CV, Student’s t-test) methods were used in the work. The scientific literature on the phenomenon of “infinite tone”, which is revealed in athletes after physical load, is analyzed in chronological order. The mechanisms of “infinite tone” occurrence, as well as the origin of dystonic type of blood circulation with “infinite tone” phenomenon, are reviewed. A total of 3,914 cycle ergometry studies were performed, in which 2,520 male (64,38%) and 1,394 female (35,62%) athletes with sports qualifications from secondclass athlete to honored masters in various sports (standard and situational, cyclic and acyclic) were examined. Classical measurements of physical working capacity on a bicycle ergometer were conducted with measurement of heart rate and blood pressure in the sitting position on the bicycle ergometer before physical load, after the first load, after the second load, and at the 5th minute of the recovery process. It was found that “infinite tone” was audible in 57,46% of athletes after the second physical load on the cycle ergometer, including 74,03% of men and 25,97%, women (p=0,00001). This indicates a probable prevalence of “infinite tone” in male athletes, and accordingly, requires consideration in functional diagnostics. The attempt to reveal mechanisms of the specified phenomenon and individual features of its manifestation is undertaken. Prospects for further research are seen in the study of the influence of age, gender, sport and sports qualification on the manifestations of infinite tone after dosed and extreme physical loads.


infinite tone, athletes, men, women, submaximal PWC170 test, blood pressure.




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Svitlana Chinikhina, Liubov Naydonova, Nataliia Umerenkova. Implementation of suicide protocols in educational institutions: requests of educators

(2022) Science and education, 2, 54-61. Odessa.

Svitlana Chinikhina
Ph. D. in Psychology,
Deputy Director in Scientific-Methodical Work,
Institute for Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0813-6741

Liubov Naydonova
Dr. Sc. in Psychology,
Corresponding Member of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
Deputy Director in Scientific Work,
Institute for Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1222-295X

Nataliia Umerenkova
Ph. D. in Psychology,
Research Associate of the Laboratory of Psychology of Mass Communication and Media Education,
Institute for Social and Political Psychology,
NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3084-2834



Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15-19-year-olds, and due to the development of media technologies, suicidal risks are also increasing for younger children. The number of suicides decreased during wartime, but in the post-war period, there was a high probability of an increase in suicides among all ages, gender, and social groups of the population. Currently, there is convincing empirical evidence that suicide (as well as its attempt or articulated suicidal intentions) of one person is associated with a subsequent increase in the risk of suicidality in his immediate environment. Creating effective suicide prevention mechanisms in the general secondary education system is an urgent task for Ukraine's post-war recovery. The purpose of the article is to analyze current requests from representatives of the educational sphere regarding the implementation of protocols for tertiary prevention (postvention) of suicides or their attempts in an educational institution. The results of an anonymous survey of employees of the psychological service of the education system of Ukraine conducted in March 2021 (n=132), including 130 women and two men aged 22 to 65, are presented. We have identified two types of hypotheses regarding the impact of reports of child suicide on other children. Respondents who share the "preventive" hypothesis have more proactive instructions regarding their actions in the event of suicide or suicide attempts in an educational institution, are ready to use a broader institutional context of measures and involve specialists from various services and institutions for help. The "inductive" hypothesis corresponds to a narrower vision of postevent measures (help should be sought only from fellow psychologists) or even a denial of the possibility of receiving or providing any practical help. The necessity of algorithmizing protocols of tertiary prevention (postvention) of suicides in the institution and psychological support of crisis interaction of all involved specialists among themselves, with representatives of the affected team, and with external counterparties of influence (community, media, education management bodies) is substantiated.


tertiary prevention, postvention, suicide, school, community, crisis interaction.




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