Oleksandr Sannikov, Laura Zhorniak SELF-ANALYSIS AND DECISION-MAKING

(2024) Science and education, 4, 62-70. Odessa.

Oleksandr Sannikov,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,
The state institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
named after K. D. Ushynsky»,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6743-0182

Laura Zhorniak,
Bachelor of Specialty «053 Psychology»,
The state institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
named after K. D. Ushynsky»,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0006-8526-2705



The results of a theoretical and empirical study of self-cognition of one’s own spiritual world, self-analysis, i.e. reflexivity, which is considered as a property of a professional’s personality, are presented. The intensive growth of applied studies of reflective processes, the separation of the psychology of reflection into an independent direction of applied psychology makes it urgent to study the patterns of its manifestation in the situation of choice, in decision-making, in various types of professional activity. The purpose of the article is to determine the role and place of self-cognition, reflexivity in decision-making, as well as to determine the regular interrelationships of reflexivity and personal properties of decision-making. An analysis of existing approaches to the understanding of «reflexivity» has been carried out, its functional capabilities as a supporting mechanism of professionalization of the individual, conditions of the situation under which reflexivity is deployed in professional self-realization have been shown. Reflexivity is considered as a personal property that manifests itself in the ability to be aware of and adequately evaluate oneself and the external world in order to act effectively in a changing environment. Reflexivity is the ability of a person to analyze themselves, to identify the motives of their actions and decisions, to evaluate their actions and events in the past, in the present and in the future (their emotional states, changes in personality traits and character, successful or unsuccessful results of the implementation of decisions and activities). In the theoretical analysis, the role of reflexivity in the life of an individual, the peculiarities of its manifestation in the acceptance of solutions, the stylistic peculiarity of reflexivity in situations of choice and implementation of actions in professional activity are considered. Reflexivity control function in the space of self-realization resources of the professional personality has been empirically confirmed. The results of the analysis of the studied characteristics are given on such widely used psychodiagnostic methods as the assessment of the level of reflexivity, the decision-making questionnaire, multidimensional scales of decisiveness, personal decision-making factors. With the help of correlation analysis, statistically significant relationships of reflexivity with decisiveness scales and decision-making properties of the individual have been determined. Statistically significant relationships that were found showed a higher level of relationships of reflexivity, indicators of foresight and diligence. Qualitative analysis using the method of profiles made it possible to study the psychological features of a professional’s decisiveness in individuals who differ in the level of reflexivity.


self-cognition, reflexivity, individual’s decisiveness, decision-making, choice, professional



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