(2024) Science and education, 4, 31-50. Odessa.
Larysa Butuzova,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences,
Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology,
Speech Therapy and Inclusive Education,
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University,
40, Velyka Berdychivska, Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2112-5211
Anna Braikovska,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Clinical psychologist, Psychological studio VQ Partner,
Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-6049-8258
Kseniia Timofieieva,
Master of Social Work, Psychologist,
Psychological studio VQ Partner, Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0009-2157-7750
The article describes the results of the adaptation of the JPAQ psychodiagnostic methodology into Ukrainian. The Ukrainian version of the JPAQ (V. Joince, I. Stewart, 1986) has a practical sense of application both in psychodiagnostics and longitudinal studies of psychological well-being. Methods and sample. The JPAQ questionnaire was translated from English into Ukrainian by three bilinguals: 1) a professional translator, a psychologist (transactional analysis practitioner), 2) a professional (certified) translator, and 3) a bilingual psychotherapist, a supervisor in transactional analysis (CTA, PTCTA) (UK). The sample consisted of 344 respondents of the main study aged 16 to 66 years (M=27.97, SD=11.62), mostly students and young working adults. The construct validity of the questionnaire was tested separately on a sample of 157 students aged 16 to 33 (M=17.49, SD=1.99). The survey was conducted through the Google Forms online service. The retest took place 14-20 days after the test using a specially designed survey program that provided respondents with survey results in the form of a chart. To test the construct validity, 157 students were asked to additionally take the five-factor personality questionnaire by R. McCrae and P. Costa (the Big Five). The data were analyzed using the «IBM SPSS Statistics 21» statistical data processing package; methods used: descriptive statistics, analysis of internal and retest reliability: construct, content, and discriminant validity; discriminability of scales (Ferguson's criterion); correlation analysis (Spearman's coefficient); exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Reliability and discriminant validity were investigated on the basis of the Cronbach's model with the calculation of the alpha coefficient of consistency. Results. The internal consistency (reliability) of the Ukrainian version of the test was analyzed using Cronbach's α coefficient for each scale. For all scales, the value of the α-Cronbach's coefficient exceeds 0.80, which is an acceptable level for psychological research (>0.7). The results of the study demonstrated high consistency among all scales of the questionnaire, which indicates the successful adaptation of the test into Ukrainian. The Ukrainian version of the JPAQ (OOAD) showed high retest reliability and stability of results over time (Spearman's coefficient values between the results of the first and second tests (with an interval of two weeks) ranged from 0.81 to 0.88). The questionnaire also demonstrated discriminant validity (all scales had a value of δ>0.85 according to Ferguson's delta criterion). The Five-Factor Personality Inventory was used to determine the construct validity of the OOAD questionnaire. The correlation analysis using Spearman's coefficient (p<0.01) revealed actual connections between adaptation strategies and personality traits, which confirmed the construct validity of the Ukrainian version of the questionnaire. Factor analysis confirmed that the Ukrainian version of the OOAD questionnaire corresponds to the theoretical model of W. Joynes' JPAQ. In view of the above, the Ukrainian version of the JPAQ (OOAD) can be effectively used to assess personal adaptations in the Ukrainian context without significant risks of error.
questionnaire adaptation, personality adaptation, survival adaptation, executive (approving) adaptation, «Brilliant-Skeptic», «Responsible-Workaholic», «Playful-Oppositionist», «Creative-Dreamer», «Charming-Manipulator», «Overreacting-Enthusiast», JPAQ, OOAD, transactional analysis, psychodiagnostic technique, psychometric reliability, validity, discriminant validity
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