(2024) Science and education, 4, 8-12. Odessa.
Iryna Knyazheva,
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Head of the Department of Pedagogy,
The state institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8395-6902
Improving the quality of higher pedagogical education is an urgent need and social demand of society, as emphasized in the Concept of Development of Pedagogical Education, the Strategy for the Development of Higher Education of Ukraine for 2022–2032, and the Standards and Recommendations for Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education in the European Space. These regulatory documents emphasize the importance of rethinking and updating traditional approaches to the forms and methods of organizing the educational process in higher education institutions. One of the key forms that is undergoing transformations in the context of modern educational needs and tasks is the lecture. For centuries, it has remained the main means of directly transmitting information from the teacher to the higher education student, serving as a key educational tool in the educational process. It has been proven that the technological and methodological aspects of constructing a lecture class are a central topic for reforming the higher education system. Attention to interactivity, digitalization, structure, a personal approach, and dialogicity ensures an increase in the quality of learning, in accordance with the requirements of modern society and standards of educational activity. The purpose of the article is to highlight the technological and methodological aspects and features of the design and application of lecture classes in the process of professional training of future teachers in the conditions of study at a pedagogical university. The article describes the main functions of a modern lecture, identifies the reasons for the urgent need to revise the functions and modernize the technological and methodological support of a lecture in a modern higher education institution, and identifies the directions of such modernization. The technological and methodological tools for designing and constructing modern lecture classes, which meet the current requirements of an innovative educational environment, are presented in detail. In particular, the principles of structuring lecture material, integrating modern technologies, and introducing interactive and personally oriented methods into the educational process are considered.
future teachers, professional training, higher education institution, lecture, functions, methods, technologies, educational process, technological and methodological aspects, design algorithm, innovative educational environment, technological and methodological tools
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