(2024) Science and education, 3, 60-64. Odessa.

Anna Cékusz,
Master’s student,
Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education,
6, Kossuth Sq., Berehove, Ukraine,

Ilona Huszti,
Doctor of Philosophy in Language Pedagogy,
Associate Professor at the Department of Philology,
Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education,
6, Kossuth Sq., Berehove, Ukraine,



This study examines tertiary teachers’ attitudes towards distance education at two leading higher educational institutions in Transcarpathia, focusing on the shift prompted by the rise of online learning, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research aims to identify commonalities and differences in perceptions among teachers, and exploring factors that shape these attitudes. Utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods, the study systematically analyses teachers’ demographic data, experiences, and perceptions, offering a comprehensive understanding of how they engage with and adapt to online education. The research involved a diverse group of teachers of various disciplines, who participated in an online survey conducted during the 2023/2024 academic year. The survey was designed bilingually in Hungarian and Ukrainian to ensure inclusivity and effective communication. Quantitative analysis identified patterns and correlations, while qualitative analysis provided deeper insights into the nuanced experiences and challenges faced by teachers during online education. Findings reveal that while most teachers felt prepared for online teaching, concerns about academic integrity, mental health, and digital assessment were prevalent. Despite these challenges, teachers acknowledged the flexibility and accessibility of online education but expressed a preference for traditional teaching methods. A notable trend observed was that younger teachers were more receptive to online education compared to their older counterparts, who were more apprehensive about the transition. The study concludes that while distance learning offers significant benefits (e.g. flexibility, accessibility, a variety of digital tools, etc.), it also presents challenges (e.g. technical problems, lack of social interaction, workload and burnout, etc.) that must be addressed to enhance its effectiveness. The findings of this study can help shape educational policies and strategies to create more effective and inclusive learning environments in the changing world of education.


challenges, distance learning, mental health, motivating students, online education, pandemic, student engagement, teacher attitudes, teacher support, Transcarpathia.



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