(2024) Science and education, 2, 41-46. Odessa.
Kateryna Suiatynova,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor at the Pre-school and Special Education Department,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University,
54, pr. Universytetskyi, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0263-4800
The article examines the issue of relevance of education of children and youth in the digital space due to a number of important factors that make this area a priority for society. First, the growing role of the digital space in the formation of a personality cannot be overestimated. Today's children and youth are surrounded by digital technologies from an early age, which profoundly affect their learning, communication, leisure and worldview. Their lives are increasingly spent online, so building digital skills, media literacy and critical thinking in them is not just important, but a vital task. Secondly, socioeconomic and technological changes that are rapidly taking place in Ukraine challenge traditional methods of education. traditional forms and means of education, which involve the use of only paper media, can no longer meet the educational needs of children of primary grades and preschool age. Thirdly, Russia's military aggression against Ukraine significantly affected the lives of children and youth, adding new challenges and threats. Their access to information, communication and education has become partially limited, requiring additional efforts by adults to ensure their safety and psychological comfort in the online environment. The formation of digital competence is a joint responsibility of adults and children. Thanks to the active participation of adults, children can acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to safely and responsibly use digital technologies for their own development and successful life in modern society.
digital space, digital competence, educational process, information and communication technologies, information society, partnership interaction, pedagogical interaction, preschool age, elementary school.

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