(2024) Science and education, 2, 54-63. Odessa.
Olena Kosyanova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Associate Professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
The State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky»,
26, Staroportofrankivska, Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9532-9981
The article examines the peculiarities of experiencing a youth crisis in the extreme conditions of a full-scale invasion in the period 2023–2024. The subjective experience of experiencing a youth crisis is shown; the peculiarities of deep, existential experiences in the young man's consciousness were revealed; significant components of mental organization were revealed; the factors influencing the manifestations of youth crisis are described. The analysis of the theoretical concepts of the youth period of a person's life path noted (Artyukhina, 2014; Donets, 2015; Kyrpenko, 2014; Kolomiets, 2017; Lepeshko, 2016; Stepova, 2018; Sheyko, 2013) that this age, transitional from childhood to adulthood, is significant in creating significant life guidelines. Full realization of one's potential is impossible without active participation, that is, without expressing one's subjectivity. Taking the youth crisis as an example of a subjective approach, the study led to the determination of the experience of crisis conditions in the research group, which are associated with in the sphere of the economy (0.523**), residence (0.460**), study (0.530**), seven (0.509**), war (0.443**) as the leading spheres. Post-test interviews confirmed that young men are most worried about situations related to military events (concern for the safety of themselves and their loved ones, fear of losing loved ones and acquaintances in the war, occupation of residential areas, etc.), the economy (concern about wealth in the family , changes in the economic situation, pricing, etc.), training (whether they will be able to continue, whether there will be light and enough time to perform the work in a timely manner, etc.). Methodological and empirical analysis of the study of the youth crisis showed that it mainly occurs in the age group of 20–21. The difficulty of researching this period is explained by the fact that mental phenomena are affected by extreme situations. The conducted correlation analysis proves the relationship between the global security indicator (extremity) and the crisis profile of the individual (0.615**), as well as: pessimistic reaction (0.718**), negative balance reaction (0.673**), demobilization reaction (0.790**), opposition reaction (0.611**), disorganization reaction (0.562**). Features of the connection between the global security of life showed a direct correlation dependence on the sphere of health (0.487**), war (0.465**) and personal life (0.615**).
crises of youth, experiencing crisis states in various spheres of life, global security (extremity), crisis profile of the individual.

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