(2024) Science and education, 1, 68-74. Odessa.
Olga Sannikova,
Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Professor of General and Differential Psychology Department,
Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine,
State institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical
University named after K. D. Ushynsky»,
Fontanska road, 4, Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3961-2103,
Researcher ID: I-5139-2018
Relevance of the problem. The paper is devoted to an important problem of modern psychological science – emotional health as an indicator of psychological health and the peculiarities of its determination. The purpose of the article: to analyze the main approaches to the psychological determination of a person's emotional health. The author presents the results of the theoretical study of emotional health as the actual state of psychological balance between the individual and the environment in various life situations, as well as the stable tendency of the individual (resource) to experience emotional (subjective) well-being, to the feeling of stable constructive self-development and functioning. The psychological meaning of the concept of emotional health is discussed, which is revealed in the literature through the feeling of subjective, psychological well-being, through the experience of satisfaction with the quality of life, the feeling of happiness, which is realized through the subjective and objective success of the individual in the life course. Method: systematic analysis of determination processes. Classical provisions of the system analysis of deterministic processes are presented, which testify to the multiplicity and nonlinearity of the relationships of determinants, each of which in a certain way affects the structure, manifestations, and dynamics of emotional health. The impact of current, changing, transitory emotional states and a persistent tendency to experience emotions of a certain modality (emotionality as a personality property) on manifestations of emotional health is considered. It is shown that the usefulness of emotionality for the preservation of emotional and mental health depends not so much on the sign of the dominant emotions and their modality, but on their content, values, motivation, i.e., on personal orientation (the content-personal level of the continuous-hierarchical structure of the personality). The meaning of the concept of “congruency” is revealed as an important determinant of emotional health, as a personality property that ensures the degree of correspondence-inconsistency of the content of internal emotional experiences (awareness, understanding) to their external verbal or non-verbal manifestation; the degree of correspondence of the internal emotional and regulatory potential of the individual to the results of control over emotions and their regulation; the degree of correspondence of the individual’s subjective experience of psychological well-being (mental comfort) to the objective success of life activities, etc. The degree of usefulness of congruency for the therapeutic process depends not so much on forms and levels, but on its orientation and content. It was noted that individual manifestations of congruency are determined by a qualitativequantitative combination of its components. Results. A theoretical comparison of the content of emotional health and congruency-incongruency indicators was carried out, which allowed us to assume the possibility of a deterministic role of congruency in relation to the components of emotional health. This assumption requires an empirical study of the leading characteristics of emotional health (indicators of subjective well-being, vitality, etc.) in respect to congruency.
psychological health, mental health, emotional health, criteria, determination, emotions, emotionality, congruency, incongruency, structure, personality.

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