(2024) Science and education, 1, 63-67. Odessa.
Anatolii Massanov,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,
The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska, Str., Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1002-4941
The article analyses the problem of investigating psychological barriers of personality, which occupies a central place in addressing a range of issues related to personality formation and its professional and personal development. The results of analysing psychological barriers allow us to explain many phenomena of human mental life. However, at the present stage, the question of the nature of psychological barriers of personality requires further clarification both theoretically and practically. In particular, there is no definitive understanding of which mental phenomenon can be attributed to psychological barriers of personality. The aim of our research is to delineate the theoretical content of psychological barriers and their specificity in comparison with other mental phenomena that influence the course of individual activity. To achieve this goal and accomplish the set tasks, the following methods were employed: literature analysis, synthesis and generalization, logical analysis, conceptual analysis. The theoretical analysis of the research problem confirmed that psychological barriers predominantly manifest in connection with four aspects of the individual’s mental life: the presence of negative character traits, dispositions, and attitudes hindering corresponding activities; an unfavourable mental state of the subject for certain activities; behaviour and thinking stereotypes that become inappropriate in a new situation; limitations of a moral and ideological nature. According to the research findings, the following was identified: psychological barriers represent a mental state that obstructs individuals from carrying out desired actions or activities; the formation of psychological barriers is based on the interaction of motivational, emotional, cognitive, and volitional regulators of behaviour; personality traits cannot become psychological barriers, but they can influence their emergence; an individual’s susceptibility to developing psychological barriers depends on characteristics such as increased anxiety, presence of various complexes, as well as personality traits like indecisiveness, lack of confidence, shyness, low self-esteem, and others.
psychological barriers, personality, mental states, emotions, motivation, will, anxiety, self-esteem, psychological resilience.
1. Massanov, A.V. (2010). Psykholohichni bariery v profesiinomu samovyznachenni osobystosti: monohrafiia [Psychological barriers in professional self-identification of a person: a monograph]. Odesa: Vydavets M. P. Cherkasov, 371 р. [in Ukrainian].