(2023) Science and education, 4, 54-62. Odessa.
Viktor Plokhikh,
Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Professor at the Department of General Psychology,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
6, Svobody sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine
Olena Chipilenko,
Master Student,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
6, Svobody sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine
Forced migrants struggle for survival and deal with the uncertainty of the near future. Given the number of stressful impacts they have, their future life vision is significantly affected. The purpose of this study is to determine the peculiarities of time perspective organization for forced migrants whose mental health and stress resistance are experiencing critical circumstances of life. The subjects of the study were 46 forced migrants of both young and mature ages. Empirical research was conducted using the Google Forms online service. Used Methods: ‘Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory’ (F. Zimbardo); ‘Positive Mental Health Scale’ (PMH-scale; J. Lukat et al.); ‘Riff Scales of Psychological Well-Being’ (K. Riff); Freiburg Personality Inventory (FPI, Form B); ‘Teilor’s Manifest Anxiety Scale’ (J. Taylor). Results. The results show that mentally healthier forced migrants are generally more prosperous compared to others (U = 140.00; p = .006), but only on certain grounds (life goals: U = 145.50; p=.009; self-acceptance: U = 166.00; p=.031). In the time perspective of mentally healthier forced migrants, compared to others, there was a forward-looking future perspective revealed (U = 133.00; p = .004) as well as a positive past (U = 164.00; p=.027). Anxiety in a subgroup of subjects with lower levels of mental health was at a high level and significantly higher compared to others (U = 153.00; p=.015). Conclusions. It was determined that a sufficiently high level of mental health of forced migrants in the organization of the time perspective was manifested as a balanced and consistent current state. That causes a systematic connection between experience in the past and potentially anticipated future. It has been proved that forced migrants, if there were signs of distress development, along with a lowering level of mental health and well-being, a significant increase in anxiety level and depression increase, as well as neuroticism and aggression, have a distinctive focus on negative past and limitations in regards of future definition in their time perspective organization. It has been found out that the important resource for coping with stress for forced migrants is friendship.
mental health, mental well-being, time perspective, anxiety, stress, forced migrants.
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