(2023) Science and education, 4, 17-22. Odessa.

Olena Murashchenko,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Zaporizhia Classical Lyceum of the Zaporizhia City Council of the Zaporizhia region,
23, Leonid Zhabotinsky str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5887-1752



The article examines the current state of development of Ukrainian society and identifies the needs for innovative approaches in the educational process of younger schoolchildren. The purpose of the article is to study the essence and structure of innovative pedagogical activity of future primary school teachers in view of its successful implementation in the educational process of primary school. The research is based on the methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison and generalization of the presented material. The main emphasis is aimed at studying the definition of the concepts «activity», «innovative activity», «innovative pedagogical activity» in scientific publications. The article examines in detail the role of the informational component in the structure of innovative pedagogical activity of primary school teachers and emphasizes the importance of preparing future primary school teachers for innovative activities in higher education institutions. The role of information activity, which includes several interrelated processes, namely, the search and obtaining of professionally significant information, its analysis and classification, the use of the obtained materials in pedagogical and innovative activities, and the creation of new information, is highlighted. As a result of the conducted research, the innovative pedagogical activity of future primary school teachers is considered as a unique type of pedagogical activity, the main goal of which is to create optimal conditions for ensuring high quality professional education, development of key competencies and cross-cutting skills in younger schoolchildren, as well as updating pedagogical theory and practice. The highlighted aspects of the research can serve as a basis for further work in this direction, contributing to the development of a modern system of training highly qualified primary school teachers.


activity, innovative activity, innovative pedagogical activity, future primary school teachers, younger schoolchildren.



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